Why are Anglo Saxons so retarded not to realize their Queen is literally Jewish?

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meme flag

Not an argument.

She is a traitor and servant to Israel. The Jews shafted the two kings before her with reigns 15yr each. prettymuch the gatekeeper of all terror and pedophilia (basically Judaism)

Why are bongs so retarded not to understand this. DNA is everything, Northern Europeans are supposed to have better facial recognition to remove invaders. Literally in their DNA.

why do shitlards have to be as dumb as you and be in such masses?

What is dumb about what I said?

..She is of german decent, awks

No she isn't, she is Jewish.

>Northern Europeans are supposed to have better facial recognition to remove invaders. >Literally in their DNA.

It's fucking true, Europeans can recognize non-Europeans because they literally have better facial recognition and pattern recognition. This is a survival adaptation.

show your flag, just for fun

Stop talking about my queen, scum.

Ok bolshevik

Your Jewish queen.

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Dark eyes, dark hair, bulging eyes, rat face...she has arab DNA.


British people are mostly Celtic, not nords

The anglo's threw away their empire to
*Checks notes*

Establish Israel.

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The jews had so much grip in UK that they could declare Palestine theirs as early as 1926 under the applause of the british parliament.

Its old tradition in Bong land

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Shit thread as always.

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>Queen is literally Jewish
What's your proof ?

How has she been any better for you than her FELLOW bolsheviks?

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She looks like Hilary Clinton’s grandma.

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Literally just look at the rat face

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double checked and double true
how anyone can't see this shit after learning is beyond me
maybe people aren't taught it for a raisin

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Build for BBC

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Notice that in France and Russia, the kings have been masscred by (((freemasons))) and (((bolsheviks))) but it didn't happen in England, I wonder why.

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It would take literally ONE word from her to mobilize the Brits to clean up their country

Just one word
Yet she stays silent as her country rots and her people replaced

I was never a fan of monarchism but damn

Oh yeah, that's science.
She looks like a typical euromutt to me.

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The royals are Freemason Jew servants, like Boris they might have some Jew in them.

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Covering up for a certain Prince?

She ain’t jewish.
She is a reptilian over-lord

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Shut up shill. She’s a lizard.

"Goy, fetch my tea."

This jewesses are so greedy they hang on to power more than half a century

Lmao so this is the what the jews lay claim to. If the Queen is Jewish she's most assuredly a completely different species to the rest of your kind.

so, Jewish then

Where's yours?

I love these smoothbrain posts. A dumb 3rd worlder living in a false identity as a Slav for a millennium. Has to reduce world to “evil=jews” to cope. Warms my Ashki heart. You are probably terrified of me, think I can teleport and shit

doesn't look jewish.

So the reptoids come from Saturn? and Zion is a deathstar?

What retardation is this? No, people aren't born with jew detection. It's a learned trait you moron.

Liar, there is no ethnic background from further than Hungary in the last 200 generations of the Royal family and Jews were banned from Britain until the 1650s.

60% Germanic average.

Judeochristian kings not even once

Get in the oven kike. No, not every evil can be attributed to jews, but a large percentage can.

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She is related to Allah

How do you identify them? Americans have a sixth sense for this: sophisticated jewdars from seeing them everywhere.
I'm not good enough and often they elude me

>Jews were banned from Britain until the 1650s.
Based Longshanks

looks more like

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