NYC corona video

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Holy shit, guy on the left's a cyborg

The x rays ive seen look spotted like a Dalmatian...with normal pneumonia you suction a lot out of the lungs when the patient is on the vent...with the rona patients, I’m not getting a lot out by’s either too thick to come up or it’s fluid...we are hearing drs having success with keeping their patients dry with diuretics or dialysis...the hydroxyquinalone doesn’t seem to be helping much, maybe because they are getting it too late...
t. respiratory therapist

Have another bump. Yas Forums's painfully slow to the fact that corona attacks red blood cell's ability to deliver O2.

Yes...even the patients who don’t need a vent are needing a shit ton of oxygen and are hard to wean off the oxygen...and whenever they move their saturation drops like a’s crazy

Do you mean covid19 or any strain of corona

COVID19 is a disease, not a virus.

How do I prepare for this?

Funny thing is:

Myocarditis seems to be what's killing people the most with Corona.

An interesting read. I wonder if this'll turn out to be true:
>Covid-19 had us all fooled, but now we might have finally found its secret.

Thanks britanon, I would've been confused what we were talking about without your input

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I wonder if it isn't just organ failure due to general hypoxia
Highly suggest reading:

you literally just have to suppress inflammation for as long as needed. Take aspirin one day and paracetamol the other for 3 -4 weeks. Dont give me this retarded bullshit muh inflammation is good for you kek. It literally is what damages you.

this would actually make a ton of sense. also lend credibility to my theory this has already ran through certain areas. I have a friend who got an "unknown infection" several months ago and almost died. they never figured out what it was but they couldn't get her oxygen levels up. they had to induce a coma and she was in the hospital for weeks. she's still on oxygen. a couple months later I and almost everyone I know got the most horrific "flu" we've ever gotten. I'd wake up gasping for breathe and cough up fluid for 5 solid minutes before being able to go back to sleep. I blamed it on my heavy cigarette smoking at the time. God damn the story of this virus seems to change every 2 days.

I should also add the woman had a tremendous internet shopping/hoaring habit and would get a MINIMUM of 5 Wish packages every day. Not at all a stretch to think one of them could have been infected. We don't REALLY know when this shit started in China.

Aspirin is one of the worst things to take with COVID19

You do not want to be taking any NSAID, Aspirin is one.

yes the WHO suggested this can you explain to me why? It doesnt make any sense. Also, aspirin is actually the best thing you can take

NSAIDS such as aspirin and ibuprofen weaken your bodies ability to inflame which is important in controlling the virus. Who gives a flying fuck what the WHO can says they are literally a puppet of china.

Spend time at high elevations for a few weeks.

Ingest BBC hourly

Any other ways if no access to high altitudes

again, inflammation is what damages your organs and kills you, literally. Use common sense. I fuck what WHO says as well..

This guy gets it.

No you retard inflammation is an important defense mechanism you are actually fucking retarded, we take nsaids because inflammation is uncomfortable or painful.

this is patently false. Inflammation is an essential process in the repair of damaged tissues. Whether or not that inflammation becomes problematic is determined by the balance of nutritional cofactors required for repair and the stress causing the damage.

the WHO has not exactly been the paragon of accuracy or trustworthiness during this. remember who funds them.

Yeah I've come across a lot of suspicions that it's been around for a while. I figure we're still in for some real surprises before things really become clear

Any viral respiratory illness is being counted as the virus. My fiancee is an ICU/RN in Syracuse NY. Yesterday's 12 hour shift had one person to be tested and monitored. One fucking person in a major metropolitan area with a million people. Some superplague. You would think it was some kind pneumonic plague from this ridiculous response.

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well if this is the mainstream thinking no wonder your country is in absolute shit

You moron, inflammation is the bodies defense mechanism to destroy the virus.

I'm painfully slow to listen to fake experts on the internet. Fortunately I was an NBC specialist in the army and I saw this coming years ago. When the liars st as red panicking the public I already had two months supply of everything ( of course toilet paper 24 triple rolls) including 5 hazmat suits and a couple of boxes of latex gloves.

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So you need to train your body to be efficient with less oxygen

>My fiancee is an ICU/RN in Syracuse NY.
Well she does have a nice stubble, I'll give her that.

Can someone please explain how to read a lung Xray? What are healthy signs, what are unhealthy ones? Thank you.


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Black = air.

no, inflammation is overreaction and makes your body attack its own, literally, thats what inflammation is. Your body is fighting and cleaning everything all the time. You will defeat the virus without launching nukes on your own organs. But hey, do what you want... i know your flag, kek.

Thank you, good sir.

But at least they've destroyed what's left of the upstate economy. That seems worth one or two people per county

Syracuse user here too. This is a NYC problem.

>I have a friend who got an "unknown infection" several months ago and almost died. they never figured out what it was but they couldn't get her oxygen levels up. You dont say...

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ACE2 is found on the myocardium also.

Seems like it attacks multiple areas.

NYC doctors were saying people were recovering then having heart attacks 2 weeks ago, and a UK doctor on the news said myocarditis is killing the most, especially after they're recovering from the ARDS.

Y'all crackas just wish you had that superior melanin.

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Might want to tell the CDC that

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if that works peruvians won't feel a thing

Get an oxygen concentrator. Anyone who posts on Yas Forums will be blacklisted from hospitals.

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based leaf

Nigga you seen Michigan and Chicago? Y’all can’t handle this. 70% death rate, this is the Niggercost

>a leaf posting worthwhile and interesting information and being concise in his points
you'll be spared from the rake, elaf

Support your local politicians whose names end I stein or berg

is actemra effective there in ausland?

flint reporting in

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Try ivermectin.
It apparently clears 98% viral load in 48 hours. Yes it's in vitro study. But it's fda approved already and has fuckall side effects. Also being what it is it is highly bio available... Hence in vitro is likely a good indicator of possible +++

>fewer than 200,000 cases reported
gotta love google

Buy gold

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Literally where? Your country means nothing to anyone and it never will. Id be willing to bet that %95 of the people that actually live in first world countries couldnt tell me what country Prague is in let alone find your slavic pile of shit on a map.

Fat soluble vitamins, sleep, 30 minutes of sunshine, pray

So why did that lab in Wuhan come up with this?

Because they were developing a bioweapon.


I know you can't point where Prague or Brno are on the map either, but you are forgiven, since you aren't a first world country anyway.

Don't worry. The burgers will find your shithole country if and when they need to bomb it back to hell.

Fuck off kike

They know.
SARS-CoV-2 is the virus
COVID 19 is the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2

it doesn't even have to be a bioweapon.
>Natural mutation came from wet market
>>Artificial Mutation via Gain of Function Research, escaped from Wuhan lab by accident
>>>schitzo bioweapon theory, released on purpose for population control

wh..who's in the bag?

whats the difference?

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