> As the first secretary of state, Dominic Raab is expected to chair the government’s Monday morning meeting. This could be promising. Kind of like Stephen Miller taking over the government.
Sebastian Morris
Biden is now saying the dem convention will likely be virtual.
these assholes will be why the virus sticks around for a long ass time.
Evan Green
Logan Hernandez
1k a day really isn't bad considering we are a nation of 350 million people and this is expected to peak in like 10 days. We will probably have less than 150,000 deaths which is a death rate of about 1/2500-1/4000 depending on the final number. Not exactly the plague huh.
>looking at expected european death rates of any cause during this time >UK is well above normal >italy left all expected numbers >northern ireland is DOWN it's confirmed what i already know the english-irish is the master race
>be Paki >Think you can get millions of N95s from China at a massively inflated price >Receive shipment >it's masks made out of women's underwear >China still wants their money
Does China know that Pakistan is a nuclear power and probably dumb enough to Allahu Akbar a Chinese city?
Bear in mind that the US has about six times the population of Italy or Spain, so multiply their numbers by six for a more fair comparison.
Camden Williams
600,000 die of cancer each year. Until Corona starts topping 1600 per day, cancer still kills faster, and we don't shut down the economy for cancer—in fact, we still sell cigarettes.
Jonathan Flores
Prob to check if he is negative.
Evan Brooks
And Pakistan is supposed to be one of Chinas best allies
Dylan Hughes
> ID: 9HOMO V > 9 homosexuals with the viris
William Bailey
That’s a tranny, right?
Kevin Robinson
nah he's definitely positive. article says he was hospitalized because he started showing symptoms after testing positive
at least white girls aren't gonna get raped...as much
Jonathan Lee
5.5 for italy, around 8.25 for spain
Ethan Barnes
Where IS that Brit doomposter who keeps talking about ADE and cytokine storms, anyway? He was on earlier, but disappeared shortly before the news broke about Boris being hospitalized. Was he Boris shitposting from isolation?
Wrong. He is still suffering from it for 10 days now.
Nicholas Davis
I don't believe Bloomberg was ever serious about being a candidate in the first place, he was only there to legally fund a blanket disinformation campaign against Trump on the DNC's behalf. Biden is a double-edged sword for the DNC, on the one half they need an establishment candidate to win but they also can't have him being investigated because it exposes all of the DNC's fuckery for the last 20 years in a big way. Biden running for president affords him enough cover to claim any investigation is simply a partisan political attack, the "mostly" liberal media is fully backing that agenda as well and most normies don't have enough downtime in their daily lives to seek out the truth for themselves. If coronavirus was a slightly-lethal bioweapon, it makes sense that they would use it now to stall the country and blanket normies with 24/7 fear-mongering to distract away from their own fuckery. What they didn't account for though, was that normies are getting bored now and have that downtime to research on their own, it's the best possible time to redpill people. Trump is using their worst against them as usual to give people a chance to wake up en masse.
Seriously this. What are the estimates? That it's two flu seasons worth of death instead of just one? I can't believe we are shutting everything down for this shit. 100 people die EVERY FUCKING DAY from auto accidents, many when it's not even their fault. It's the risk you take from choosing to get into a car. Can I please choose to take the risk of fucking leaving my house? Would that fucking be ok with our overlords?
Jack Kelly
KEK, the shills are flooding in for people to laugh at again
Gavin Perez
Jewish concept of beauty is Bess Myerson
Noah Harris
But will they be taking up a ventilator that could save someone who contributes to society?
William Stewart
look man, all banter aside i sympathize; you still need to understand it’s all but guaranteed the dnc is going to do a 2016 repeat and shaft him even harder. regardless if bernie is complicit or not, i don’t see different outcome without the dnc power structure burning.