Guy I just found out my grandma, who lives in a retirement community in South Texas, has just been taken to the hospital and diagnosed with the coronavirus. She's in critical care right now and might not survive. Since she's in quarantine I may never see her again.

NONE OF THIS would've happened if you trolls weren't here spreading your lies and misinformation. CORONAVIRUS IS SERIOUS MY GRANDMA IS GOING TO DIE FROM IT YOU STUPID FUCKERS!!

I hope you all burn in hell

Attached: dt_140328_patient_ventilator_hospital_800x600.jpg (800x600, 97.79K)

Trump killed your grandma. She died for dow jones.

not before she does tho

Attached: Canada.jpg (638x490, 31.03K)

lucky bitch, i hate my broken body, i wish i was next, death will be welcomed

Government killed her. Let's be real - she had no opportunity for an exposure. She's a casualty of an engineered globalist disease made by splicing some HIV into SARS.

They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

The fire rises

She's a burden, good riddance

>my grandma posts on Yas Forums and she believes everything any retard on here has ever posted

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The regular flu would've fuck your grandma up too. Stop being a larping faggot and bless her off to the angel above or the fiery pits below. I don't know here but I'm sure she deserves to go somewhere in-between.

post gramma tits

Attached: cvg2.jpg (1080x1214, 549.8K)

Give her fish poison, it will bind with the Corona and be cancelled out via molecular disintegration.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I was designed by the top virologists in the Wuhan National Biosafety lab, and I've been involved in numerous infections on chingchongs, and I have over 70,000 confirmed kills. I am coated in a protein shell and I'm the top pandemic in the entire country of China. You are nothing to me but just another healthy person. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am infecting my secret network of chinks across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the sneeze, maggot. The sneeze that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be on any doorknob, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred coughs, and that's just with my spike glycoprotein. Not only am I highly contagious, but have a transmissible incubation period of two weeks and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit mucous all inside your lungs and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Sorry user, I work in a care home myself and we’ve lost 5 already to Covid-19.

Go fuck yourself shill, we have flu seasons every year and they don’t generally wipe out entire care homes.

your grandma died because you put her under the care of niggers
you or your parents killed your grandma

Eat shit and die, you hypocritical faggot.

>NONE OF THIS would've happened if you trolls weren't here spreading your lies and misinformation
how? we didn't create the virus. blame the chinese.

Attached: 1560116740670.gif (326x52, 131.68K)

>reddit spacing
>extreme dramatization
>emotional blabbering
Yep, shill detected.



How could you user, how could you?

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Right.....so the first thing you do is get online and demand an apology from Yas Forums ? kys.....shill faggot !

Send her a bat soup.

Yeah, but I bet she had it coming though.

Sorry for your predicament user. It's sad when literal retards deny the severity of a situation right in front of their eyes.

she would've died anyway, coronavirus or no
what is a year to an old person anyway

don't forget all the folks who needed extra time to cash out, first

Can I have part of the inheritance?

Faggot posts a pic titled "Patient ventilator hospital"....LMAO !!!


If you loved your grandma, you should't have let her be in a nursing home. Multigenerational family model is only right answer and in these trying times proves to be correct solution.

Attached: Multigen.png (614x208, 140.62K)

It wouldn’t be so bad if Chinese nationals weren’t intentionally spreading it

They are lying to you
CDC said to post all heart attacks as Corona Virus
they are going to kill her
NWO orders sorry Jason

Maybe you shouldn't have let your grandma live in a (((retirement community))).

Attached: FallingFromStairs.gif (250x250, 1.08M)


boomers are being removed?
>you wanted this

Attached: 1586095990939.gif (500x375, 188.17K)

wow Bill Clinton really let himself go

Fake news. Now you get the virus. Enjoy.

Source: dude, trust me

Boomer removed

she was fine but they're killing her, spoiler alert

Chances that she'd be dead in 6 months if Coronachan never came: 99%

FUCK BOOMERS! I find it ironic the Generation who put their parents into the first Retirement Homes are now demanding everyone STOP what you are doing, lose everything so they don't get sick. I fucking hated Boomers before, but now it's just a RAGE that gets build up every time I walk out of my house and see those fucking COWARDS wearing masks! GEN X HERE!

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Attached: bye_granny.jpg (600x837, 53.64K)

Well that's fucking fake. Everyone dying from this supposed virus are dying alone. Family members are not allowed by their side. Not even their spouses.

The Conservatory in The Woodlands? My grandpa lives there and we got him out before this shit

But the stocks would've crashed even sooner if we didn't let your grandma die. It was worth it.

Chinks killed her any many other fine Americans. If they hadn’t lied so much the whole thing could’ve been contained. Pol was warning people about this before the Chinese gov or just about anyone else

it's been circulating years before you stumbled across Yas Forums newfag


Hahaha bye bye granny, obviously she's paying the toll for burning the coal because you're a nigger

that is an old picture

I thought the bongs were famous for their dry humor? This is terrible bait, shame on you!

That's a fucking lie. Old people dont get sent to the hospital for that shit. They just die at the nursing home. My gf works at an nursing home here and they aren't allowed to send them to the hospital.

>I hope you all burn in hell
No YOU burn in hell faggot, it's 100% your fault. Yas Forums was warning you about the Corona virus since DECEMBER 2019 and you didn't listen. It's all your fault.

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meh, i lost over 15 family members to death, including my dog since trump has been potus..
i am sorry, but like you for me, i feel nothing.

>Virus gets released (probably also created) and covered up by Chinese Commies
>Blames an internet message board

Here you have it folks, this is the level of intelligence of you average liberal on full display.

I can't wait for the boogaloo so we can finally physically remove these types of people in minecraft.

Attached: 1581345959401.png (720x303, 95.92K)

If that is true then they are sheep. If doctors and nurses are fine so should immediate family. Gloves mask and gown should do it. Wash up afterwards.

>spreading your lies and misinformation

We didn't spread the germs though. Put the blame where it's due. Rolling for digits of recovery for your grandma.

Sounds fake and gay. Also
R E P O R T E D.


>Its a HOAX prove its real show someone!
>shows image
>LOL sucks for you / memes
retards on Yas Forums pretends they're righteous but they're just fucked up