Say something nice to each other. This economic collapse if going to end up flooding the europoors with niggers and arabs like never before. The people of the US and Mexico should set aside our differences and come together both as Christians and as Allies to defeat the CHINK and SANDNIGGER menace.

So be nice to one another for a change.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>both as Christians
You fuck right off with this excuse to kill ourselves for these subhumans.

you realize the muslims and chinks want us all dead right? We have a better chance for success as allies. If it doesnt work then so be it but it's worth a fucking shot faggot.

Fuck off jew you're the only menace that needs defeated

Yeah but they are not an ally they are a leach that wants you dead as well.
Grow up

>jew calling me a jew.
go back to your atf office or whatever shit tier government job you work "cybersecurity" for.

Not all of them. The only leaches are their politicians and the narcos. Remove those and most of the populace would welcome not being run by corrupt police and drug lords.

Fuck off

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The next few years are going to highlight the need for resources. Resource wars are coming whether we like it or not. Mexico being a 2nd world country would be better off allying with the US against the chinks and muslims. Having them on our side means more manpower and resources. I'm willing to set aside the differences if they are also willing to meet us halfway. So long as the pledge to fight against islamic vermin and chinks.

Mexicans are based as fuck. If they rid their country of the cartels we should share a strong alliance and restore order to the western world

return our clay or face the machete, gringo

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No, you don't get to come here, wave the mexican flag, work to send capital back to mexico, don't bother to learn English not because it's hard but out of spite and expect anyone to not think you're a fucking leach.
This is some delusional thinking.
They don't want to be Americans and don't give a damn about you.
If they want to be allies then it's on them to show it because it's been a one way road for far too long.

To hell with mexico and mexicans.

>Say something nice to each other
Well when I went to mexico, there was a ton of good candy and sweets. Really cheap too!

No wonder you're retarded. You're suffering from lead poisoning.

I forgot to take my memeflag off

Give back the lands you stole, Anglo invader.
After that you can be our Latino bros :3

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friendship my ass, you only want to play nice now to get our free healthcare. fuck off gringo, we're full!!!

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Rudos, rudos, rudos!

fuck you dumb ass wet back
>free chicken soup and vics is not a medical treatment

Stay the fuck out

please tell me the names of the best sweets in mexico, eating the same junk all the time is kinda boring


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t. spic.

shouldn't you be out mowing my lawn? Check for weeds as well.

What??? Another lawn mower??? Go help Pedro with the weeds.

We are CATHOLIC retard (the traditional way)

>beaners and whites

Count me out of that alliance, not interested in working with muds.

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Oh fuck off spic.

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Beaners are less desirable to have within your nation than niggers.

a lot of rich white folks go to mexico and get their teeth done over there, it's much more cheaper and they are good at it, don't underestimate them user

You lost claim to it fair and square in a war

get over it faggot mexico is big enough

I don't want white people dead, who the fuck told you that?

There's a lot of Christians in some parts of Mexico though.
But we definitely need Mexico and Canada if we're gonna make it out of Corona.

Fuck off you walmart brand Spaniard.

As compared to how many slickbacks crossing over the border for American healthcare? Their emulation of western culture, medicine, and practical resources has led them to a moderate success. Ultimately, they will never reach the levels of sustainable wealth the white man can generate, because you're not white.

There's a reason why muds of all species flock to white people, and not the other way around. Even with good intentions, your people become parasites to us, because we aren't able to lower the standards of a laissez faire market to your own weakness. That, and combined with the white mans natural empathy, we only end up hurting ourselves.

Maybe we can work together, but you can't live with us. At the end of the day, you'll be living in our shadow, and you'll demand to live with us, and leech off our brilliance.

Not interested.

Very much this. The rest of what you frijoleros lost, you sold to us in return for protecting your asses from the indios. You know, the ones that like scalping; not too far off the mark from what I've seen in those cartel vids.

>we definitely need Mexico and Canada

I don't mind if all Mexicans go to Canada and expell the "Asians" there. We can even fuse our countries afterwards

Either you're a jew or you have no problem with them...

eat shit taconigger

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Apparently you are cool working with "Asians" though...

You're just terrified that the Hispanic Empire will rise again... the first time, your subhuman people had to work with the jews, dutch, and british to D&C

If all US jobs outsourced to China had been outsourced to Mexico instead, there would be peace on this continent.


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both countries suck

prophecies are above all law of man, they are god-given, and the land you are squatting on has been promised to us on a prophecy, and it can never be lost and its its not ours to lose, but only Tezcatlipoca's to give to his sons

Also, they're probably in talks with China the Red Menace
>The demand for Spanish language tuition in China has “increased 30 fold” over the past 15 years but it is not being met with sufficient teachers and educational support according to Lu Jingsheng, the Chinese government’s National Coordinator for Spanish.
They don't want their bugbabies to learn engrish anymore, so they're picking the next largest demographic that isn't India.

More and more people are waking up from the (((black legend))) your people crafted

not gonna lie, 98% of people here would side with china in case of a china vs usa ww3

>still butthurt
take your meds my guy

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Fuck off Zheng, this is a México US thread not a chinadan stop making this about you when it isn’t

Your digits and Red dawn confirms it. Know what sucks the most? I've studied Spanish on and off for such a long fucking time, then by the time I was conversational enough, all I heard was anti-white racism. The mayanos and mestizos even talked shit on their own kind, long as their skin was white enough. Sad.

Your fat cousin who is more honest than you are

I like chilaquiles

Jesus would have whipped you right out of the temple you dirty subversive kike.

I will post a heavy stuff in some days.

I hate Mexico.

Northern mexico needs to invaded and annexed. The locals, along with all their beaner cousins in the states, should be deported to the rest of mexico. THEN we should carpet bomb the ever living fuck out of that parasitical nation until they beg for mercy. Then we make them build a wall greater than the great wall of china with their labor, and then pay us reparations for all the suffering theyve caused us real Americans. Mexico is such a nigger infested shithole FUCK

Said the idiot who couldn't keep his country christian.

Wy don't you go mutilate dicks like your jew overlords command?

We work well together go to any job site on the West Coast and you'll see a harmonious group of Whites and Mexicans getting shit done and eating at the same taco truck.

you beaners can have california and all their gay shit

It figures that the guy with a non existent dick is obsessed with cocks.

It's really hard to get rid of them, but yeah, we don't like them neither
Why do you want all the land infested by niggers and chicanos?
Don't you realize your problem are the chicanos and sudacas and that we hate them too? How the fuck I'm leeching you if I'm working here?
>Mexico is more obese contry in the world
let me guide you, my friend. If you come to mexico you can ask "dulce de guayaba, dulces de cajeta, cocada, dulce de membrillo, alegrías, palanquetas," In Guadalajara you can go to "mercado corona" and ask for the sweets
We hate chinks, we would never ally with a chinese province
Just if you nuke it first.Rather have a radioactive waste than niggers, chicanos and commies

>autistically replying to every post ever made
social distancing is getting to you fifis i see

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