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Atheism is Bolshevism
Yet you worship a kike. I love how easily irony is lost on you chriatfags
a kike that went against the kikes you stupid kike
even the most kiked religion is better than no religion at all. evolution clearly shows that the religious massively out compete the non-religious. believe in something for the sake of the white race. preferably not a kike on a stick but at least something
I'm never one to the defend the Jew of course but atheism itself might have sprout "naturally" giving the abhorrent manipulation of the message of the Christ. People just got bored of the lies of a powerlusted Church and the Jew obviously got advantage of that.
Nihilism, hedonism, solopsism and the thought that only money has value is what destroys family.
Atheism in its current form is far less able to resist these memetic hazzards than any religion.
I am working on a rational philosophy that disproves the aformentioned memetic hazzards.
No, not really. He went against just one group, and still it was mostly some priests, notneven the leaders of jewish people. And he was backed by part of it. Its as if you said that Hitler was against germans. Nonsense. Some followers him, some opposed him
it is based on nietzsche and takes the randian method to search for the valueholder. it then uses darwins theory of evolution to see family as a requirement for life and therefore for value.
living things have criteria to live, so these criteria have value to them. the functional status of these values proof these values as valueable.
as the question of value requires a sentience, only the values of sentient beings can be relevant, because no other viewpoints exist.
Family is therefore valueable in of itself.
The biggest supporters of kikes are super christfag Evangelists and Mormons, fucking retard
>those atheists and their degeneracy I can't believe it what are they doing
The ((((christian)))) cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Hitler was against the Germans. A communist and a Zionist
Those are all con artists and prey.
>No, not really.
The cope is coming from inside the thread.
jews were bad 2000 years ago but not the same kike tier we have to deal with today. Next time Jesus comes back he's he's going to take care of the jews via pic related...
>and still it was mostly some priests, notneven the leaders of jewish peopl
the pharisees were the leaders of thew jews you mouth breather. They're literally the ones who decided Jesus' fate.
>not believing in god is a Jewish ploy designed to destroy white families
>pope sucks nigger feet
>"it's okay to marry niggers as long as they both believe in Christ"
Muh evil church is such a meme. Literally secular institutions have done far worse.
t.b.h it doesn't matter if you're religious or not anymore because chances are you are still some form of degenerate if not exchange existing degeneracy for something else
You will fail. All secular philosophies have no practical real world value. You can write about morality all you want but fear of gods punishment keeps people in line.
I'm an atheist and I want to start a family.
Kys, christkike.
>jew flag
Stop fucking thinking about yourself. Atheist societies always fail and degenerate.
Oh look, another shit thread made by an evangelical. Got tired of spamming nofap threads?
Have you started writing?
NOoO I need to masturbate!
Shill for Christ brah
Why do you care so much about some sandnigger fairy tales?
>Atheist societies always fail and degenerate
Let me paraphrase that for you:
>Human societies always fail and degenerate
Look at medieval Europe - degeneracy was very commonplace, especially among the clergy. Everyone was just more dishonest about it. Look at the kiddy diddlers in your cucktholic churches.
Same degenerate shit in mudslime society.
I personally don't need an ancient book to constantly tell me not to kill, steal or cheat on my gf.
Are you such a degenerate that you do?
Literally leftists are overwhelmingly atheist. COPE.
You have no fucking idea what you’re saying. Nobody denies that Any race religion etc can do bad things. The problem is atheism is only accepted in societies that are already in their decadent stage. Also atheists by the conclusion of their own world view have no freewill. You can’t moralize your me when you are an automaton who has no choice because all his life is determined by physics chemistry and environment.
You're so fucking stupid, holy shit.
>atheism is only accepted in societies that are already in their decadent stage
Burning people alive because they don't believe your fairy tales (which you will never be able to prove) is peak culture, gotcha.
>Also atheists by the conclusion of their own world view have no freewill
That would be your kind. Everything you think and do is mandated by an ancient sandnigger book.
I have the morals and common sense passed down to me from my primate ancestors, the ones that allowed them to coexist and cooperate with each other.
I'm a true human who does good of his own free will, unlike you, who needs an entire organized cabal of rabid, violent, murderous death cultists in order to feel "good".
>Look at medieval Europe - degeneracy was very commonplace, especially among the clergy.
This is such an adorable cope, equal parts pathetic and completely made up.
There is absolutely no way to deny this unless you are completely delusional: modern societies that have rejected Christianity are 20x more degenerate.
I'm sorry but what religion institutionalized divorce and family courts? Christianity. What religion can't stop fucking out of wed lock? Christianity. What religion flat out refuses to take care of it's kids? Christianity. "Only God can judge me!" Christianity.
Atheists are more pro-family than than the fucking Christfags who are just pro-sex-however-they-can-get-it-especially-when-it-means-fucking-over-their-family.
He still called himself the King of the Kikes.
Muh burning people ahhhh. Jesus literally every society did brutal things at some point, and most of the people burned were degenerates who disrupted the social order. Also, Nigger, you literally have no free will. The atheist worldview literally makes free will impossible. You literally are a chunk of meat hallucinating you have consciousness whose entire being is controlled by genes and environment. Your daughter will end up a whore and your son will end up a faggot. Once you take the religious pressure off of a society people always devolve. It’s happened over and over and over time and time again. You’re literally to ignorant of history to be taking.
>Nihilism, hedonism, solopsism and the thought that only money has value is what destroys family.
You mean shit Christians indulge in because JAYSUZ WILL FORGIVEEEE THEM?
Being an atheist means having real-world based morality. Not "I do whatever the fuck I want and God tells me it's okay" morality of the Christ-kikes.
Nigger this is fucking sad. You’re delusional. Atheists are overwhelming leftist and are the most likely people to be against family norms like two parent households and traditional gender roles.even Muslims do that shit better then you. You’re so desperate to retain your secular identity that you can’t see the forest form the trees.
Nigger the Jews back the. We’re Hebrews. The Jews today are a different religion that started in 60 ad. Cmon read a book.
Yes, but in german.
The flowcharts i posted are in english and display a simplified version of the philosophy.
5/10, not enough labels
Bigger you obviously have no idea what’s in the Bible. We have multiple rules against sin. Atheist morality is literally might makes right and as long as I can get away with it. You’re so lost it’s sad.
>implying that chad got to thrash her pussy because god
Religious people have more offspring then atheists. Sad!
You have zero understanding of what you're criticizing.
How is it made up when the proud tradition of diddling kids remains among the modern clergy since since the good old days?
>The atheist worldview literally makes free will impossible
What is the source of your "free will"?
And yet your kind still sins all the time, but it's okay, because you can just talk to a guy through a screen door and all is forgiven.
You're too afraid to take responsibility for your own actions.
true but i dont see them being anything more than pathetic jew slaves
they dont do anything they're just another religious group among many now
Atheism SHOULD mean real world based morality, but it often does not, because the answer for a reason besides the old dogmatic "god" was only "because i will", which does not prescribe any moral.
my philosophy tries to fix that.
nihilism denies god but still searches for meaning beyond the point of reference of living beings.
if you take living beings as the only relevant point of reference for moral and the only benefitiary of moral, it becomes clearer. if no god exists, living beings are the only relevant point of refference, because no other point of reference does exist.
and a lot of the christians in sydney are chinks now without them the church would be much smaller
You do realize the difference between a society forgiving and god right? Humans are limited and will never forgive the guy who killed an entire a bus full of children. At least generally. God is a being of unlimited forgiveness and can forgive the worst atrocities because he’s that much more loving.
>discard Christianity
>get reverse-colonized
The Bible predicted this.
imagine being this delusional
>dude it doesn't matter if you kill and rape innocents just let jewsus in your heart and you'll go to heaven
The source of free will is the soul. You either believe humans are meat automatons or you believe their is a metaphysical mechanism that effects behavior to a certain extent.
The Jews are not the same as Hebrews. The Jews today are a Babylonian religion..
Is that a nog with white children?
Man, I'm starting to finally understand just how subhuman white people really are. think about it, Jews have such power over us that they have us in a battle over worshiping nothing vs worshiping a kike. Is there any are of life the kikes don't dominate? There's no doubt they are the master race in a cunning way.
What are you trying to say?
well i predicted it too and i was a hardcore atheist, i entertain a bit of agnosticism now
you dont need the bible you just need to not be a faggot
christianity bred a lot of morons that are oh so easy to brainwash
eugenics was required
i think the constant asynchronicity and constant circling of brain signals allows for a truely self aware system. The uncertainty of time and space that is inherent to all things in the universe allow for quantum scale retrocausality. this way the present brain influences itself from the past, changing the future.
this, together with random noise and the pattern system of the brain creates a truely free will.
metaphysical effects as emergent behaviors of the crude reality.
As far as the murderer is concerned, he's off the hook and can enter "heaven."
There is no such thing as a "soul". Once your brain stops - "you" stop. "You" are the processes inside your brain. How well your brain operates and how much intelligence and free will it gives you is decided by your genes at birth.
God can reform the most base of souls. A human on his own cannot. You or I may never be able to comprehend a love so vast the worst evil can be forgiven.
Look at Chinkland, full on atheist, absolutely worst people on the planet that unleashed a new pneumonia on the planet. Isnt atheism beautful
>b-but i'm so smaaart!
He said as he faded into history.