Bill spewing his propaganda on Fox news now, shilling vaccines and tons of deaths. When will he stop?
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>When will he stop
Better question is - Why did he start?
Revenge for being a bullied little no-gf nerd all his life?
hes just trying to help.
Fuck this clown
>his camera has facial tracking software
Is Bill Gates a
( ) Scientist
( ) College Graduate
(x) A friend of Epstein
smug bastard. probably cackling behind the scenes "everything is going according to plan"
>shilling vaccines
Haven't you assholes caught the plague yet?
Hi I'm Gilbert Bates, but you can call me Gil. I'm the most likely candidate to become head of the WHO once that Degrasse Tyson looking guy resigns and kills himself in shame. Lockdown is almost over, and in a few weeks you'll have your handy new implant complete with social credit score, gps, 5g capability, and vaccinations that will activate little tiny glass crystals when they pierce human meat... Er... I mean human skin. With your mandatory cooperation, we can ensure this never happens again!!! Be patient, be safe, and hold tight, it practically takes an army to chip half a billion people ya know?! LOL.
Best Regards,
- Gil
Shut up Canada.
Imagine having a fear of the world ending due to a plague. Imagine trying to help and a bunch of retards online think your out to kill them for some reason.
Look at you insufferable bitch.
As soon as this asshole goes live on TV, taking a hypo in the arm for a vaccine trial, then mingling with the unwashed herds of humans to see if it works, I'll believe him.
Bill looks really fucking happy during all these interviews. All smiles.
That's because for him. Things are going according to plan.
Chris Wallace is such a little bitch. Tucker is the only one worth watching on Fox
>When will he stop?
I hope never. Vaccines have many benefits. When Bill comes to vaccinate and chip us I'm first in line!
Why is this faggot appearing on TV constantly now.
if you didn't bully bill so much this was never going to happen
Keked. This damn Bill will get us all!
Damage control/getting ahead of the narrative because a few people found out about ID2020 and that B&MGF is involved with it and Event 201.
What a kike, it's becoming obvious as he ages
Project harder Chang
>smug bastard. probably cackling behind the scenes "everything is going according to plan"
I sure hope so. Some deranged egomaniac made believable not so veiled threats against him some time ago. Was covardly hiding behind snekflag. I fear he has means to do it.
People can be so horrible...
Look at how he trembles and shrinks, like the weakling beta nerd he is. Makes me angry we let this pest own us. Fucking normies.
the commentators suck his dingding so hard, like he's paid for the interview ahead of time. it's a big infomercial.
anti-trust. that is all.
I'm not taking any autism, asthma and early death serum from Mr depopulation didn't even vaccinate his own kids gates.
i got so much dopamine from that, thank you!
Thanks for proving everyone who uses this meme is a glowfag.
>shitting on Bill Gates
He's like the most philanthropic rich person ever. He's doing it right. And he called all of this pandemic stuff. If we had listened to him we would have been a lot more prepared.
kill him
bill is a closet germophobe
>tell you what goy, i'll throw in a free copy of windows with every vaccination
if USA dont act now a millions and million of yankee uncle sam american will die. also everyone have to buy windows 10 is now a new law.
i saw this as fellow yankee cowbow who live in oklahoma
god you are a fucking reeetard cunt. do you even rockefeller?
This doesn't mean anything. Plenty of people were friends with Epstein doesn't mean they were pedos.
>Shaking and trembling from fucking whipped cream
This is the guy who wants to apply eugenics to you, but not to himself LOL
Imagine being such a brainlet, holy shit
Why is this guy everywhere these days? Is he running for president?
He literally warned us about a pandemic years ago.
He's behind this event.
Whenever he's talking about "lots and lots of death" he gets very happy.
>When will he stop?
Yo, I don't know.
>Bill spewing his propaganda on Fox news now, shilling vaccines and tons of deaths. When will he stop?
>TRUMP spewing his propaganda on Fox news now, shilling vaccines and tons of deaths. When will he stop?
what a bunch of fucking blowhards
imagine being such a brainlet, holy shit
oh looks couple of bill gates ass kissing shills
he was constantly babbling about pandemics for some time now
you mean planned it? wake up idiot. him and his billionaire but buddies were working with the chinese
>he called all of this pandemic stuff.
Gee I wonder how he did that?????
Billionaires' Dinner.
Under 1 Billion people is the goal.
He was startled you fucking moron. It was an unexpected thing it's not about the material that's in it but how it caught him by surprise, like when you're walking through a neighbourhood and a dog barks at you out of nowhere.
>Plenty of people were friends with Epstein doesn't mean they were pedos.
It basicaly does though.
He's a high-functioning autist who developed a special interest in pandemics.
pozzed faggot is panicking. He's going all out before he gets put away
Nothing suspicious about that,right?
No one gives a shit about Drumpf anymore you fucking retard. Go back.
nobody elected the phony philanthropist
what if I told you that urban black neighborhoods in say real estate markets like NY, New Orleans, Detroit are being fumigated with Covid sprays. The cities are first put on lockdown, neighborhoods with undesirables fumigated with Covid, they die like flies...voila most of the urban problem and antisemitic attacks against our Israeli cousins are eliminated. Can you imagine African Americans realizing that CNN, MSNBC, NYTIMES, WAPO are participating in viral genocide against the urban black population in detroit, new orleans NY and NJ etc and marching down to their HQs. you know what to do boys to get this trending on twitter.
>like when you're walking through a neighbourhood and a dog barks at you out of nowhere.
take your meds
mass transit.
And Eugenics -
“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”
― Bill Gates
Also I don't know who is paying you to spread these lies but the pie attack only left him shaking for a few seconds. He went ahead with the schedule
would smash his daughter tho
No toe cheese eater ever tried to chip me.
tell it to the rest of the board, lol nice attempted recovery
yeah as you type this on your windows machine. you really showed us
>wake up idiot
unless the article straight up tells the reader the doctors name, id take that with a big dose of salt
will Gates be Soros 2.0?
Nope. I'm just your average Yas Forums poster fed up with shills and memeflaggots like you
wasnt Bill gates in the news months b4 all this corona business talking about a pandameic? now hes in the news again talking about vaccines? something is real fishy about Gates.
>baxter dmitry
Just google "yournewswire", the source of the image, and judge for yourself.
lmao he looks exactly like the typical nerd you bully at the school and then becomes the school shooter
Event 201
imagine being impressed with microsoft.
Lmao like you aren't a crypto-/ptg/ poster trying to get people to defend the orange nigger.
youtube is red pilled on this fag, at least to a useful extent
There's nothing wrong with eugenics, I believe in eugenics myself.
Also if you know the context of that quote, he's not trying to kill anyone. He's trying to lower birthrates in developing countries by improving their living standards.
He was also in the news for being good buddies with Epstein
This quote reveals so much about the content of his character. Truly good person who is willing to even risk his own reputation just to do what is right. Huuuge shlong.
>pie attack left him shaking
This mf needs lead poisoning
Fuckk his reaction makes it even funnier
imagine believing this
> When will he stop?
The evil never stops!
just stop sending them food and supplies and let nature take its course.
Bill Gates is a eugenicists - or perhaps dysgenicist. Go look into his past regarding vaccinations in Africa.
listen to yourself man. look at what you have become
>anti-trust. that is all.
Amen. Sad that Trump hasn't done even one little thing to break up monopolies.
that guy on the right looks like someone who takes care of rich poeples problems
>ill make it look like a boat accident
following in his fathers footsteps
Meds, take them
Bill Gates is the reason why Africa's population skyrocketed. This is eugenics, is dysgenics. He's killing off the intelligent population to replace them with low IQ cattle who won't ask questions.
also true.
dont tell me what to do, dad
He's the #1 argument against allowing people to accumulate vast sums of wealth. All his meddling in Africa and around the world has set into motion the world's largest humanitarian disaster that'll be happening when all those nigs who endlessly reproduced beyond their means suddenly find that they never had the capability to sustain themselves.