If you don't have any income you will not get trumpbux, it lets you file but saves your info then denies your claim

tldr; neet bux BTFO

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It just won’t let you e-file, you have to print the form if you do it this way. What you can do however is use their other form to submit your direct deposit info, at the bottom of this page:

If you don't pay taxes why should taxes pay you?

Damn looks like you parasites gotta work now

Because I can stimulate the economy too


for what?

what jobs?

I have zero income, haven't filed taxes in years, and I'm a dependent and I got accepted

Attached: mah TrumpBux.png (1183x591, 43.41K)

Just claim a couple grand or whatever in cash you retard or put your neetbux as income

Nice phishing scam faggot

Work for it you stupid fuck what the fuck is with lazy ass young people needing handouts?

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I call bs, they didn't take mine

The fuck is your business anyway? stfu

>they didn't take mine

did you already file taxes in 18 or 19?

Do you have a bank account? If so, put in that you made $1 of interest. Technically not a lie and it works.
Worked for me.

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If you didn't pay taxes, then that $1200 is NOT your money. That's our money.

Where do you apply?

everybody else gets free money, millions to businesses and shit - why not give something to citizens?

>being this retarded
Somebody doesn't know how math works

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>did you already file taxes in 18 or 19?
I haven't filed taxes in years

wagies dont deserve the money, you fucking retards keep going out and infecting other people. the only thing you deserve is a 6 month trip to a fucking fema camp so you stop spreading the virus. the only people who deserve to be awarded with money are the people staying in their fucking homes and not going out to suck nigger dicks and buy mr gold shekles dumb bullshit

>The fuck is your business anyway? stfu
I'll be sure to send thoughts and prayers while I'm spending my check

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Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-05 Get Your 2020 Stimulus Check As Soon As Possible TurboTax®.png (981x456, 27.61K)

They took mine. Doesn't mean i'll get a refund though.

Anyone have the link for this or how to do it

>wagies dont deserve the money, you fucking retards keep going out and infecting other people. the only thing you deserve is a 6 month trip to a fucking fema camp so you stop spreading the virus. the only people who deserve to be awarded with money are the people staying in their fucking homes and not going out to suck nigger dicks and buy mr gold shekles dumb bullshit

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If you already filed taxes it is automatic, I don’t have to apply for shit. The IRS just said also that people on social security it will be automatic too, they didn’t dare piss off senior boomers.

Unemployment Insurance kind of similar needing minimum quarterly amounts made and it goes back 2 years here, each state does vary.


How do I get in on this?


>wagies dont deserve the money
cry about it

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It says I'm only getting 500. Wtf I thought it was 1200 trumpbux?

>have still been getting paid the past couple of weeks
>fat tax return on the way
>trumpbux on the way
NEETs can cope & seethe all they like but once their trumpbux have all been spent on chinese sex dolls they will hang themselves en masse

Lololololol even the DACA illegals are getting 1200 fucking neets can’t even into money.

wait, what is this bullshit now?
I thought if you payed taxes last year, you simply wait for a check in the mail or something.
did something change?

show flag shlomo

>why don't my government care bout me?


Its most likely because your boomer parents claimed you so they can get more money

>bankrupt thousands of small businesses while simultaneously giving trillions to large corps
>here's 1200 to keep you afloat goy

the west has fallen

Fake and gay

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It didn’t, it is either direct deposit or a check in the mail. What did you request when you filed last years taxes?

These are stupid fucking NEETS trying to file now made up income or next to nothing thinking they are going to get it.

>This post kills the neet
I wouldn't be surprised if they arent already

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>What did you request when you filed last years taxes?

>stimulus submission

I thought the IRS was telling people not to contact them

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Just as a warning for my fellow autists. TT supremely fucked up this year and a ton of people are still waiting on their original returns due to their fuckup, not to mention they still want to send people bills for the filing fees. Be careful trusting this company to properly file your forms.

If you paid taxes and filed the 2018 return then depending on your wages if under 99k you will be getting a 1200$ check
NEET parasites don’t file taxes so they won’t be getting a dime and if they did they need to show a source of income otherwise the IRS will reject it

ok groomer

That’s the PPP

The only thing you can stimulate is my anus with your tongue, nigger

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>show flag shlomo
Your meds bro, take em

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turbotax is not the IRS.

Has someone claimed you as a dependent. I made nothing in 2018 and only about $108 in 2019 and mine was accepted.

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i'll be the one dabbing when you memeflag subhumans and golem lord jew dogs all die to the spicy cough because your jew wallet in the short term was more important than everyones lives and the economic long term.

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I haven't filed my 2019 taxes yet how do I sign up for trumpbux?

Oh, so this whole thing is neets trying to fake a source of income?

If you had no money before why would you need it now?

Also if you were claimed as a dependent you won’t be getting a dime either

If you filed this year or last year you should receive a check or direct deposit

Fuck you.
People who make squat for a living and get taxes deducted provide much of the revenue that is now being paid out.
Fuck. You.

Yup. These moron are willing to risk fucking with the IRS over 1200 dollars.

as soon as this is over i'm getting on as much gibs as i can to fuck you faggots over.

So what can they do if the IRS isn't taking submissions?

>I thought the IRS was telling people not to contact them

If only the IRS hired white thots. I've had to call a few times and only talk to unintelligible sheeboons.

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Some are trying but ultimately they’ll get the email that the claim was rejected and a lot of neets get claimed as dependents anyways and that automatically disqualifies them even if they made income doing some online Etsy shit


nonessential worker, user. I'm making more off unemployment right now than I do working and haven't had to leave the house in weeks. Keep crying.

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Again, that's not your money, it's taxpayers money. They are giving back a fraction of what they took from us.
Wagies also pay for your existence. Fuck you.

If you earn nothing, you lost nothing and you don't need help.

>I'm totally not mad

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yes. I haven't filed taxes in a decade

But isn't the point of this stimulus is to give people money to spend and support businesses while having the essentials they need to stay home?



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You will get it in the next 2 weeks or less, seems to being going out in batches.

>It comes out of tax pool surplus
Lmao the FED is just printing it. Let everyone dip into the brrrrr

This happens when you fuck up your return. You entered some digits incorrectly. Needs more autism.

This. Everyone needs to be careful and aware because parents do this bullshit all the time. My dad screwed me out of getting tax returns for years claiming me as a dependent when I was in college and the deadbeat piece of shit wasn't helping me at all. He wouldn't do a damn thing for me but pretend to the IRS that he was helping me out to get himself a bigger return.

Parents are shit. Beware.

wagie scum caused everyone existence to be shit by continuously voting for their job hours to increase and their pays to be cut, every one of you scum can die for all i give a shit. none of you are worth a fucking thing. I honestly hope everything does collapse because it will show how much of you fucking filth suck at everything including your shit wagie fucking joke job that wont be worth a fucking thing if mr goldblyat isn't there to pin your pittance on your chest every two weeks


I just wanted to get my 1,200 too and enjoy my trip on tendie island

>being this mad over 1200 dollars
Dude. Even in my shit grocery store job I make that in 2 weeks...

Nice try, fuckin freeloaders. Get a mother fucking job. Faggot fuckin anime neckbeard cock sucking pieces of shit. You little bastards always want something for nothing. Sell your fuckin bobble heads.

they were going to bail them out either way, the pittance check is just to appease the chimps capable of leading the others into a frenzy.

i dont care, your all fucking trash. your a fucking piece of shit food store worker, your fucking scum if you think you deserve anything. now go back to your shithole and get the cough you fucking faggot.

I’m on vacation tho

>wagie scum caused everyone existence to be shit by continuously voting for their job hours to increase and their pays to be cut, every one of you scum can die for all i give a shit. none of you are worth a fucking thing. I honestly hope everything does collapse because it will show how much of you fucking filth suck at everything including your shit wagie fucking joke job that wont be worth a fucking thing if mr goldblyat isn't there to pin your pittance on your chest every two weeks

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hopefully vacation from life soon.

>your a fucking piece of shit food store worker, your fucking scum if you think you deserve anything
pot calling the kettle a nigger

nice selfie you fucking neocon kike