Everyone is going crazy around me. just how bad is this going to get?

everyone is going crazy around me. just how bad is this going to get?

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10x worse conservatively. the chimpouts are about go nationwide and once again niggers will intentionally make an already bad situation much worse.

Should be over soon. All the curves are starting to flatten, or are approaching their apex.

Restrictions will be lifted gradually from start of May. Everything 100% back to normal June 1st.

I heard my neighbors fighting with each other all night but they were crazy before all this.
It was better than tv.

flag confirms bullshit statement

chimpouts begin in a few weeks

the chimpout will force all stores to close because they keep getting looted. they'll no longer bring in new trucks because niggers will just steal it. they'll try robbing banks en masse and force them to close.

then, mass starvation will come soon after, whites will flee to countryside to escape the nigger violence. niggers will starve in their concrete wasteland. then comes the cannibalism. they already eat each other in africa for fun. but once they've finally drained the city dry, you will see packs of 15+ niggers at once attempt to enter the countryside to rob and eat wypipo in their homes.

this is all going to happen 100% fact.

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You will never know one person to die from the virus....

Screencap this

does this graph look like its slowing down to you?

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Reminder that they aren't even reporting India, Africa and China properly yet.

Normalfags going crazy for having to partially live a few weeks as wizards, more news at 11

Chimpouts coming as "reaction" to faked "problem" of reclassifying normal pneumonia deaths as "corona" via controlled media panic, ineffective test kits, and actual bioweapon.

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i could believe this. but if corona deaths start greatly exceeding normal pneumonia deaths, this theory will be disproven.


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The food.. the food, meat walks by itself, meat puppies incoming, everything burns, all crazy, I'm just fine tho

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I dont know but you should ask them if they think the great diverse food is worth it.


that's not a nigger nose wtf?

FUCK she is my favorite brainwashed SJW.

It will only get bad if people keep worrying over it and chimping out. Extroverts on suicide watch though.

All I know is that I want Latina pussy. Specifically castiza


i would def simp for this girl.

how is august doing these days

You may be right about alot there but....pretty sure the law will turn to The Law. Have no social justice restrictions and just full blown Death Squad rioters or people trying to spread their steal.

I went to whole foods in Maryland and like 75% of the people in there were wearing fucking masks. There's no coronavirus here either.

heavily medicated like they all end up

Pneumonia is a symptom you retard lmao. Anything that fills the lungs with liquid, causes inflammation or excretion of pus from lung tissue IS pneumonia. It can be caused by bacteria, viruses, and even by inhaling toxic gases that are actually pretty common in industrial pollutants.

So yeah, many Covid-19 deaths will be attributed to viral pneumonia, and in the cases where the person has tested positive it is not out of the picture to associate this directly to the virus itself. God Americans are stupid rofl.

This, you should be hoarding gas to get away from the niggers, not TP.

is that frog?
>also its going to get much much worse

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Biggest faggot in thread.

maybe because they're being intelligent and wearing masks. I bet your mouthbreathing ass wasn't.

Don't be the problem. Be the solution.

>Reposting this shit because I’m lazy, fuck you, this graph is posted everywhere.
If I’m reading this graph correctly, there’s already a dip in cases by January and February, and back then we had shit for deaths for Corona. Even through like halfway of March it wasn’t as bad as it was the last three weeks and yet it’s still crashing. It really does seem as if there were just really low numbers for regular pneumonia. There are explanations for this though, between heightened paranoia over medical health and gradually improving cleaniliness practices, and now social distancing, diseases are overall spreading far less than before. Knowing the medical system maybe people are getting misdiagnosed, but to call this shit a hoax is absurd. We’ve had proof of this disease since January and China’s “mysteriously” lost millions upon millions. All of these hoax-posters appeared when the happening wasn’t happening fast enough like in the movies they prepped for all month.

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sounds like what john titor talked about.
>anywhere a starving (nigger) can't walk in 3 days is safe.

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You are a lying faggot. No one is doing anything.

interesting indeed. but John Titor also said we would have nuclear war by 2015 i think.

>YWN stuff a cookie in August's mouth

Nobody's going crazy.
The mad world's turning sane again.

This is fuckin epic lol

So then people and police will start gunning niggers down in the street? I fail to see the problem here.

>Everything 100% back to normal June 1st.
Ha good joke.

Stop posting this commie skank you faggot.

Don't forget that there are 19 types of Coronavirus of which 19 types share pneumonia as a symptom, and that the tests can't discriminate between any of them.

toothpaste retard, it's named 19 for the year it was discovered

August who? could not google

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Well pneumonia is a symptom, not a disease. Whether the graph is implying that death by pneumonia is “death by pneumonia by (everything that may cause it” or “pneumonia not by Corona,” doesn’t suddenly make this a nothingburger. One implies that even with Coronavirus we somehow have less pneumonia deaths than ever before, and the other just demonstrates the effects of practicing disease-prevention and overall disease awareness.

But yes, toothpaste is a bit retardy on this one.

Seriously, they way people are whining it's like we're coming up on the anniversary of the lockdown FFS.

who is she

Everyone acts like the government locked us all down after the first Chinaman coofed, they didn't give a fuck until it nominally became a pandemic.

I love you

If you have good drugs, the only crazy happens on your dick

I've got family members who are going nuts. Crying, saying it's over, that they just cannot live like this and so on. It's disgusting. Like get a grip man.

none of your fucking business, newfag nigger. get out.

Her neck is so spindly and weak. I could tear her head off with my bare hands.

That’s the sharp dip downward, when everyone started getting locked in, or at least restricted to essential travel. It’s not a matter of lying, but of basic probability. If half the people required for a regular flu to spread are instead at home or at least cleaning twice as regularly, far less people will be affected, especially since the R factor of the flu is only around 1.5-2.0 at most. Now however, Coronavirus is taking its place, and it’d be interesting to watch if that graph takes an upward trend, if it’s a “pneumonia by any cause” graph.

The point is that the total number of pneumonia deaths is more or less within the normal range, when you include coronavirus deaths plus non-coronavirus pneumonia deaths. And that's without considering the fact that they're deciding to count literally every death *with* coronavirus as being caused by coronavirus, even if it has nothing at all to do with a respiratory infection

It hasn't even begun

It's going to be a long quarantine. Once people start to realize they are going to be kept locked down until July your going to see flip there shit as the government continues to move the goal post just to ease the tension.

it takes 1 minute on google to figure out you brainlet

This is one of the rare side effects


>everyone is going crazy around me
Said every schizo ever

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fugg bros how many years for R8p again?

normies can't handle neet life
it's pretty great, isn't it?

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She's only a commie because no strong white man has stepped up to the plate and dicked her down.

She's such a cute slav. A shame she ended up going to college and being a braindead Libtard.

this returned a result
uberfag that doesn't return anything
August West
this fag

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Based flying micromoose

that’s a man

They're barely testing in the US. I know positive workers who are now back to work, in the fucking hospital. If you want a test, it's a joke. Once you get it, it's five days to find out. Five days you must work. None of those precautions for employers are being followed.

I've seen this happen about 30 or 40 times so far. Like ten more everyday, just working with the virus or result pending.

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Interesting. I was wondering why Africa's numbers are so low.

And then one little slip up and a tiny % of the asymptotic population goes and spreads it around again and it’s part 2: corona boogaloo. Just at the spanish flu, wave two decimated everyone.

/ptg/ is a schizo stronghold

you make me sick

The situation in the US sounds like a dystopian nightmare, with your highly individualistic whites dismissing it as a meme flu simply because no one in their immediate family has caught it thus demonstrating their simplistic world view and on the other hand you have the overreaction of the big blue states and their use of the virus to impose their agenda, all the while the American people lose their jobs without the prospect of any ongoing Government relief.

>they're deciding to count literally every death *with* coronavirus as being caused by coronavirus
What percentage of those deaths would have realistically died without covid? 1%? 2%?

In most of those cases, you probably can't realistically determine the exact cause of death.

>Person has a weak heart
>Get covid
>Heart has to work twice as hard to get oxygen through the body
>Heart gives out from working overdrive
Do you put down that they died of covid or heart failure?

Stop looking at tits. Tits are temporary but the glory of Rome lasts forever.

>nine months from now
>all the preggos from couples on lockdown in hospital
>second wave hits
>cold temperatures
>most public systems still in bad shape
Well this should be interesting.

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Allegory for the state of union?

>August West
can't find anything

MASSIVELY underrated post

my condolences

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That's some Mandela effect animal.

>Interesting. I was wondering why Africa's numbers are so low.
>Visitors from other nations
>Wanting to hand out on a continent of niggers
I can keep going....

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Spot on.