Height LIMIT for Soilders

I would place the height limit at 6'2. Tall soilders are bigger, which means they are a bigger targets. They require more food to survive, eating twice than that of an average soilders. They run slower and get injured more. The perfect height is 5'10 and the perfect weight is 170 pounds. WHAT are YOUR thoughts?

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Im a 6'4" 220 combat vet and I did just fine...my worry was some 5'7" manlet not being able to drag me off the battlefield if I got shot.

You sound like you're trying to cope

No, give them power armor and a bolt thrower

Are you talking about combat roles only? 90% of people in the military don’t run around with a gun. Mostly doing normal jobs in a uniform

You chinks just want want tall guys to die so you can finally get a white woman. How about we send you manlets to war

I love how everybody on pol is a 6’4 220 pound man

I'm 5'8" 265lbs. You're a lightweight pussy.

220 pounds is too Big top BE a Navy Seal. You are too fat to pass Buds. 6'4 for infantrymen who are placed at the front line is ok for me.

Post DD-214.

Built for BDU

Fat mutt detected

This is gonna be a quality thread.


I'm 6'4" 250lbs, youre a fat fuck.

I am literally 6'4" 220 pound man

>longer legs
>fit from the good training
>run slower

chose one. either your army has shit training and no resources or you specifically are a shitposter

Average height of white women in the US is 5'5.

My boy Marshall Plumlee

lmao you fat nigger

There are no whites in the US, only mutts.

Damn nigga you're a bowling ball

you're just proving OP's point. Why would the army want to risk personnel to drag away some heavy tall faggot that demanded a spot in the forces?

learn body kinematics. Just because a limb is longer doesn't mean it's going to be stronger. There's a reason tall people have MUCH higher chance of dislocations.

The bigger u are, the harder it is. Why do u THINK most marathon runners are 5'7 and 130 pounds?

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Until we develop intimidating armor that will maximize their effectiveness, sure.

The moment we develop power armor capable of pulverizing doorway then it's getting maxed out as a specialist troop.

Just think about the morale destructivity a 7"2 400+Lb juggernaut must have as he single handedly breaches and clears dens of terrorists/opposition troops. Watching as he literally rips your allies apart before crushing their still twitching limbs under the boots of his 600lb power armor.


I'm 6'3.5 and last time I weighed myself I was 228.

Running away from battle, and running into battle, are 2 completely different things.

nah bro you walking bean bag

in awe at the size of this lad

True, imagine how hard is for the average american soilders, 5'9, to carry a 6'4+ 220+ pound soilder for miles. They are just too fat.

I have read tall guy failed more at intense test in the army due to the need of more rest than others, is that true?
>t. Very tall guy

>Im a 6'4" 220 combat vet
>things that never happened

Absolute unit

he doesn't know what that is, user.

We don't fight with swords anymore, my son.

Whatever gets the gay jews in military hornier.

Twink detected

the longer you are, the longer and stronger are your muscles. why do you think most powerlifters are long? also, nba players are giants and they run inconsistently. height has had an advantage in was since day one

I'm 5' 8" and 150lbs.

t. DEP in Air Force

>not being able to drag me off the battlefield if I got shot.
i'd leave you buddy

>The perfect height is 5'10
cope harder manlet

Taller men are more brave confident and more likely to take necessary risk, small men are more likely atheist and are always going to put their lives ahead of anyone else and the company

peak male performance

>Im a 6'4" 220 combat vet

with over 300 confirmed kills?

I'm a 6'0" 235 lb man, I'm fat.

ALSO!!! WHAT physical advantage does a tall guy have over a short guy if we use guns and lowly clubs.? Hit a tall guy with a hammer at the back of his head and he will fall like a roach.

Im 6ft 9 and 330 pounds, dick is 20 inches

>the longer you are, the longer and stronger are your muscles.
Ok, now talk about joints. at least google it retard

>why do you think most powerlifters are long?
because powerlifting is a very controlled sport where the larger muscles of tall people can be subjected to high stress and reach their potential. The dynamic nature of combat is completely different

> nba players are giants and they run inconsistently.
True, but they are black. You are not.

All soilders are confident. A short soilder does not give a SHIT about his height.

OP? May I suggest putting a size limit on what you shove up your ass, you colossal faggot. Holy fuck we get some real retards in here but if you’re worried about targets paint a bullseye on your asshole and see if you can hit it with something chambered in .308.

6"5 235 here

Youre a burger in spirit and in shape.

God damn.

>be 6'7'
>want to join force
>cant because feet are too big
>cant issue boots
>MFW i have a letter from my government freeing me from possible future conscript because my feet are too big
Absolute clownworld.

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Post physique.

Halo is not, and never will be real.

I despise manlets. They are always asking me to get items off of the shelves at the grocery store.

Lanklet detected

>6 foot tall
>get hit by a bullet
>500% more liiely to get the whole leg dislocated from impact

fat bastard

Taller people’s head would poke out more from behind small barriers and foxholes. Argument dismissed. Arm a battalion of midgets with automatic weapons.

A 6'7'' Chad can carry his wounded companions off of a battlefield, wherein a 5'4'' manlet would crumble and die.

>be me
>190lbs of solid muscle
>watch Obama recruits come in
>many 6'5'' weight lifters that skip leg day
>they all thought the war was over back in 2010
>gon learn today
>Out run them all, can mma/wrestle better them all
>here them wheezing and I stare at them with my war face, unfazed by any physical activity
>they are the slowest biggest targets
>feel bad for them when I realize the only thing they got going for them has been there demise."
>eventually get out
>all the tall fucks that survived are either complete fat-asses or have gone to insane lengths to never skip leg day again
>I lost about 10lbs but look the same, did I lose muscle?
>forget where I was going with this greentext

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Greatest fighters of all time is 5'10 and 170 pounds. That is the perfect height for soilders.

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>they are blacks, you not
Dont forget the flag of who are you replying to, he is probably 1/5 black

Post DD-214 and physique.

do you understand what proportion of visitors are lurkers vs posters? it's something like 100:1. just like penor sizing or any other form of estatting, lurkers or people who would otherwise not post will post if their stats are above average.

average people have nothing to talk about on an anonymous imageboard, in case you haven't realized why outcasts and edgelords reside here

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Long legs are good for long walks.

The short legs make better soldiers because they're better at altitude, on mountain terrain.

Tall big dudes are good behind enemy lines... POGs. Easier to repair certain machines. Maybe have the inspect jets, make sure bombs are attached correctly on fighters, etc.

I could heem every amerifat ITT at once

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i think i could fit the little one in my pack and carry around a DTP (Deployable Tactical Pussy). good for morale

>They run slower
Objectively false, but all of your other points are valid.
I agree that all men sent to die should be manlets.

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The bigger the guy is, the more calories he needs for his long walks. WHAT Don't You understand that 5'9 soilders are more effective than 6'6 soilders?

>the diary of a manlet retard who couldnt barely pass the asvab

My brother is 6’7” and did 4 years in USMC. He didn’t have any issues that I know. He was lanky and awkward as fuck when he went in, but bulked up and more coordination when he got out of basic.

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still cant overcome a shot big man, a 5ft gorilla could shoot you

Get one of these and physical capabilities don’t matter anymore

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>be me
>organized yet unorganized
>bout to show Hans my rewards and shit
>open giant tote
>paper, paper everywhere
>want to impress Hans
>pull out one of many green award folders
>see the order for my purple heart
>look at my wound
>remember I don't have to pay properties taxes (don't dox me)
>keep looking then realize I don't want to impress Hans that much
>still not sure why I am greentexting yet here I am

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Post feet

Shortlet cope

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>139 GT
Most infantry are smart, unless you're tall, if you are a tall infantryman then you are dumb.

Unironically reported to the FBI for stolen valour.

Heh, reminds me of my conscript days.
>one squadmate is a 167cm manlet with size 47 feet
>other one's an absolute unit who wears a size 53 and the military has to get him fancy custom boots because standard issue ones only come in sizes 36 to 51

I heard the same from a ranger who's brother was a gb that the more stringent physical test knock out guys at the extremes of the spectrum. Ranger was super lank while his brother a chad.

Imagine the average soilder, 5'9, trying to carry YOUR 6'7 brother. Don't u see how it is Bad for the team?

Dude, adrenaline, I'd be so motivated to drag you off to a secure location in order to provide first aid to your butt. ;)

They're good for fixing shit. They don't need a ladder or a stool to reach certain parts on equipment.


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You want to give manlets power armor? Are you daft?

The best operators in the world are manlets, 5’10 is still too tall.

Mike Vining
Simo Hayha
Roy Benavidez
Carlos Hathcock

All manlets

all manlets aside, why do you care?

NOT behind enemy lines. I mean at the base. Support staff.

Oh shit it wasn't Hans after all, it was (((Abdul))).

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Longer legs. Cover more ground faster

Lol, grasping straws I see

I'm roughly 6.2 and 218 lbs, former Navy. Best mile and a half: 7.42 with boots. Breath holding: 3.14. Few injuries despite deployment tempo. Yet there were also smaller, yet highly motivated men. It takes all types.

6'2" is a great height limit.
Dont let anyone in that is shorter than that.

For war, smaller might be better in most cases.
Look at virus and diseases.
Hard to defeat an enemy you don't even notice.

why would i bother to carry you?
theres only ahead

Tall guys usually end up as lmgs and munition tenders, or would you prefer a manlet to hump a lmg. Little guys are good for being tunnel rats and tankers. Not much else.

OP might be onto something. Very short people take up less space in a tank. Also, they might have an advantage in hand to hand combat.
What could be more glorious than 120 midgets with fixed bayonets screaming across no man's land, sticking every enemy they meet in the gut with an upward bayonet thrust?


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6’2 and 209 19d vet.
That was always my concerN during a tic. Is Mendoza who is 5’7 145 going to be able to drag me to safety if I get hit.

> Be me
> Too old for conscription by 2 years
> Would never fight for the Queen anyways
Feels good man.

>Breath holding: 3.14
that is low end.

Tall people are literally worse than women, treating their fellow bros like trash

Stocky 5'9 can carry a 7'00 man easier than a thin, tall 7'00 can carry a 5'9 man. If the 7'00 man is built like SHREK... then he can probably carry 2 guys.

Donkey legs. Low center of gravity.

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"Combat vet" stfu pog you never got into a single firefight in your entire life. I hope you hear fireworks one day triggering your ptsd and you end up killing your entire family and yourself

I’m 5”10 and deadlifted 500 at 155, I’m pretty sure I could drag your big ass out of trouble

>clowns are exempt from service

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DAMN bro you fat as a MUFFucka

>Very short people take up less space in a tank.
I started my military career out as a tank gunner. My tank commander was 1,95. Constantly having his knees pressed into my back was no fun.

You’re a twink. Fitting for the joke of a branch you chose.

If they actually enforced standards from say 30 years ago it would filter out to be close to these numbers. The taller, wider, shorter etc would be the top percentile at their size. Due to carrying a weaponry and a couple days food and water the numbers would probably creep up more, say 6' 190.
(Reference 10 years on Hotshot fire crew, most guys were 5'10" 170, we only had to carry 1 days supply plus chainsaw or hand tool. Guys that were much bigger had to carry too much water for all that muscle, bean poles did well though. Most manlettes didn't have long enough legs to keep up)

Nice non-response you filthy nigger

Most tall dudes in the military were typically cool.
Maybe I was just violent and they were scared.

Although I have noticed tall civilians try to be complete douchebags, they are so quick to call for help though when you confront them.

I'm a tall fat bastard, so what

good ole fightan memory

By today's standards your right. However, back in the day it was pretty good, actually good enough to provide a 'shallow water blackout' during training.

This is the only story I can believe so far, lines up with my experience. I love how everyone is seething hahahahaha

10 years wildland fire here, most guys were 5'10" 170. Too big lead to those guys carrying too much water and overall weight to body ratio. Manlettes didn't have the legs to keep up, always outliers though. Military carries more weight to average size probably is ideally 20% bigger, say 6' 190

>Although I have noticed tall civilians try to be complete douchebags, they are so quick to call for help though when you confront them.


no wonder tallfags travel in packs

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Shorter people weigh less than taller people (assuming proportions the same). So it would cost less to both transport and feed smaller soldiers. While they may not run as fast, you could use the extra savings to equip the midget battalion with vehicles allowing them to cover more ground than a running tall man.

5ft 11 to 6ft 2 is the perfect combat height

The not paying property taxes part was a pretty nice surprise once I found out about it.
>Tax free 40k paycheck for loif
>No property taxes
>Can still work if I want to
And the kicker:
>You basically have to murder someone to get pulled over with purple heart plates on your truck

Most of them are slower though. Unless it comes to rucking. In that case, holy fuck I envy them.