Naked Statues in Nazi Germany

How is this not gay/degenerate?
This isn't a bait/slide thread I'm genuinely trying to understand. I've heard before that its not sexual and serves to show an ideal form of the male or female body, but if that's the case why not just censor the genitals or remove them comeplety?

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because not everyone fantasizes about sucking cock when they see a flaccid dick on a statue, faggot.

If it were ideal then the top would be a based black man with a 12” donkey dong.

I didn't even notice that the statues had penises. Maybe you're just a faggot OP.

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Yeah, I'm the gay one for not wanting dicks to be seen in public

Is it a problem to include the dicks? It frankly seems like such a minor detail to focus on that it makes little difference either way. It could simply be that the sculptor wanted to show a complete male body and not just the obvious parts.

Freudian bullshit made everything revolve around faggotry and degeneracy. As a result people today are trained from a young age to be ashamed of the natural beauty of man - as it is implied to be homoerotic.


Do you feel the same way about Michelangelo's David and other Renaissance statues?

Attached: 'David'_by_Michelangelo_Fir_JBU002.jpg (800x1200, 87.49K)

The obsession with seeing degeneracy everywhere is, in essence, a completely unproductive purity spiraling.
We have clear goal: to ensure survival of white race. Try thinking more about that and less about seeing sexual stuff everywhere.

>that hand-holding
I mean you really picked the gayest possible example, didn't you?

>I didn't even notice that the statues had penises.
Can you try a little harder to make your lie more convincing?
>We know you're a faggot.

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nothing gay about miring

>How is this not gay/degenerate?
>This isn't a bait/slide thread
Yes it is.

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>as it is implied to be homoerotic.
Isn't it?

Hate to break it to you but you are a massive faggot.

>serves to show an ideal form of the male or female body, but if that's the case why not just censor the genitals or remove them
Your ideal woman has no genitals?

Grow up user.

Attached: Photo postcard, Arno Breker, issued by: Film-Foto-Verlag, No. 31.jpg (711x1000, 87.55K)

They're a good reminder of what your penis is supposed to look like, kinda like how it's a reminder of how men should look

Attached: Photo postcard, Arno Breker, issued by: Film-Foto-Verlag, No. 35.jpg (701x1000, 97.25K)

Attached: Photo postcard, Arno Breker, issued by: Film-Foto-Verlag, No. 21.jpg (721x1000, 97.84K)

Attached: arno breker vergeltung postcard 2016.jpg (338x486, 22.65K)

Your ideal women statue has no tits and no cunt or hips. Got it.

Attached: Photo postcard, Arno Breker, issued by: Film-Foto-Verlag, No. 28.jpg (721x1000, 116.71K)

It's on you if you're so oversexualized you get horny at the sight of any nude body. Nudity isn't inherently sexual unless you're a perverted jew

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Attached: Photo postcard, Arno Breker, issued by: Film-Foto-Verlag, No. 40.jpg (709x1000, 123.55K)

Yeah but these are two men holding hands, naked


user if the first and inescapable
feeling you get when seeing a wiener is that it must be gay doesn't that say the most about you? What a time to be alive

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Attached: Nuremberg, 1938, party rally, artist drawn card, signed by: Richard Klein, issued by: Photo Hoffmann, No. 38-20.jpg (710x1000, 162.41K)

This puritan fear of nakedness is a bit retarded.
Why is nakedness always sexual for you?
Are you 13? Or sexually repressed sandniggers?

Northern europeans are not ashamed of nudity, which is likely a middle eastern cultural import

Romans weren't, either.

Chronic masturbaters.
They hypersexualize everything.

Because nudity is not inherently sexual or homosexual. you choose to make it that.
Case and point, literally nothing wrong/gay about being naked in a locker room.

Harken back to the famous saying, "Its only weird if you make it weird."

Attached: Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson (1767-1824) Le combat.jpg (1284x943, 1.24M)


No, you are just brainwashed.

it's only gay if there is penetration, for example rubbing dicks together is totally fine.

Thats just a drawing show an actual statue and prove this is true

the same

Because christkikes

>ideal forms = gay
Ok, Jew.

actually he is right, is didn't too until i saw your post

Didn't nudism gain popularity in NS Germany?

OP's mind is connected with pornography. Really sad.

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I just see a statue of the ideal form for men.

That's kinda homoerotic/gay
Would you hold you best friend's hand while both fully naked ?

But locker rooms aren't a public space

See /thread

>Would you hold you best friend's hand while both fully naked ?

Attached: yes.png (771x804, 183.38K)

Understanding the male anatomy is not gay.
Focusing on their penises when the point of the work is clearly a study on anatomical features is pretty fucking gay.

If this is your argument then why not also convert to a nudist society?
How can you use this as a defense while at the same time condemning nudism?
How are these different?

>artistic display of the body is gay
Only if you're a jew who can't help sexualizing everything.

El Chapo Guzman built all his safehouses according to a specific mold, he operated like a multinational. Obviously you guys lack any real sort of purpose in life so you devolve into mere aestheticism. Consider yourselves sodomites.

All architecture is vanity, i'm against churches of any sort until someone proves to me The Bible justifies them.

Heretical sodomy.

lol faggot

I don't know about that Georgia

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It is unnecessary and obnoxious sodomy.

I don't need giant statues of two naked men holding hands to understand the male anatomy, that's what the Wikipedia page on anatomy is for.

Because the world back then wasn't hyper sexualized as it is today.
That is the ideal human male body that everyone should strive to achieve.


Attached: Adolf Hitler (42).jpg (800x1056, 139.02K)

Most people don't have an ideal body.

In the garden of eden adam and eve were not dressed

Germans just don't associated nakedness with sexuality in the same way that North Americans do. A year ago I went to a spa with my gf, with swimming pools, saunas etc. Beyond a certain point clothes were forbidden. Two women just walked in starkers as my gf and I were in the sauna. No-one other than me found than unusual. My gf also showed me the Baader Meinhof Complex film a while ago. One of the first scene is a FKK nude beach. There were adults and children running around a beach playing naked. In the UK you'd get thrown in the can for having a movie with naked children. In Germany they just don't see it as sexualized.


Nothing wrong with nudism.
It's the sexualization of everything that's degenerate.
Being naked on a beach to get a tan - OK
Being naked in public to celebrate your sexuality - not OK

Correct me if I'm wrong, but was this statue not made before Wikipedia?
Before the age of the internet, artists would display skill and understanding through sculpting the human body.
Not to mention, hand-holding wasn't always a romantic thing. Holding hands could simply be a sign of friendship.
Honestly, I think you're projecting. Two men can be naked in a room without it being gay.

Apparently Hitler wanted the statues to have small dicks because this was an Aryan trait according to him, Jews were believed to have disproportionate dicks.

do you think any actual gays who don't penetrate exist? no, they all have buttsex, therefore non-penetrative stuff is totally not gay. endorsed by Greco-Roman civilization, that way both men are of equal status and both keep their dignity, none of them have to take the position of an inferior, a woman. this is how Theban warriors did it and they kicked everyone asses. Jews don't want you doing it, because it's so powerful, so they suppress and claim it's gay.

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>why not convert to a nudist society
Clothes have a practical and symbolic purposes - they protect from the elements, they serve as indicators of societal class and function. Second, these statues feature nudity for aesthetic reasons and as such can't be compared to nudism.

>obnoxious sodomy
You see it as sodomy because you can't help sexualizing the male body. Will you also complain about painting and statues of the naked female form?

Ignore him, he's a known Uruguayan retard in this board

Based. These faggots listened to rabbis, who told them that nudity is sin too much.


>ideal male form has no benis
What the hell have lefties and protcucks done to our race

Hi Hitler, here's a song for you (ignore all the Catholic nonsense about us having a soul)

Small dicks has been a thing in art for a long time. Throughout all of Western Europe, a small pp was actually a sign of masculinity. Hence why the statue of David, all of Da Vinci's drawings, and all of the naked renaissance paintings have tiny peckers.

liberal art kikery.

all statues should have phallus and nipples sanded off.

the architypical body does not need to be anatomically correct to instill a idealism.

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