Truth thread

Saw this post recently.
Does anyone have more info/sources/evidence on this?

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They haven't made a movie about it because Jews were the perpetrators of the Holodomor.

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what evidence do you need? holomodor existed, that is a fact

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No, it's because jews intentionally play down and try to discredit all genocides that might make the holocaust look less significant. They only allowed rwanda to be known because it helped their globalosm diversity propaganda

holdohoax never happend believing stop world banker propaganda

Is there a possibility the Holocaust propaganda used recycled pictures of Holomodor?

What?! That would be downright subversive!
Better check it out.

Both the Soviet’s and the Germans murdered millions they both did far more damage to their country then good.

Quads witnessed, also truth spoken

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Free .pdf copies of Solzhenitsyn's 200 Years Together are available here:

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Thats a picture of Soviet POWs in Mauthausen
Nice try хoхoл

Not a denier but I can't ignore quads. Will look into it.

Official Nazi documents say that Hitler wanted to deport the jews to Madagascar (=french colony) after France was conquered. Later, he wanted to move them East as there was progess made on the Eastern advance.

Anyway, how come Churchill is celebrated a hero, when he was the one pushing for this war?

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Yes you are correct he wanted to deport them but after the Germans threw the war, he realised if he was going to get rid of the Jews he had to act fast hence the ‘final soulution’

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Nice try for what? I'm open to any sort of evidence.

And as for Churchill a lot of people don’t consider him a hero, he’s considered a war monger by many and he was definitely an imperialist who only cared about the British empire. But we won so we get to write history, sorry bro.

I've always find it very odd that Russians would intentionally starve millions of people so similar to them. Thanks to Yas Forums I now know the truth. Thank you so much.

>Anyway, how come Churchill is celebrated a hero, when he was the one pushing for this war?
Jewish media.

Fair answer.

Winners propaganda always claims morals were low in the Wehrmacht in terms of war crimes etc., other sources and contemporary witnesses state exactly the opposite (e.g. being shot in front of the company for a reported rape case and stuff like that)

How much of their bullshit did you eat?

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Jews won. Rothschilds have been the real British Royal Family for 200 years.

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Yes 100% happens lol
But i think you knew that.
>Jews would never fake photos to perpetuate their holohoax lies....
They literally accuse their enemies of what they are guilty of.

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No. There's no way the allies would have knowingly pinned Bolshevik atrocities on the Germans. That would be unheard of. What are you some kind of conspiracy theorist antiseeeemmmite??

It's a myth in a sense it being forced. Everyone starved in that time, but only ukrainians made up their own holocaust out of it and diasporas just love to play it as victim card. And if they are ukrainian jews its just super combo they can blame everyone of holocaust and when encountering russian who didn't have shit to do with holocaust they start their oy vey, but did you remember holodomor, goy.

If you do some digging, you will find that one of the bigger motivations behind the starvation approach was that it was simply far more efficient than executions one at a time, which had preceded the Holmomodor by several months.
The entire goal was the complete eradication of the Christian, rural population of the anti Bolshevik Ukranians.

>we won
The commies won ww2 user

Based. Thanks for the pics.

Bullshit kike, now gtfo

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Holodomor is an anti-semitic alt-right nazi hoax. No-one outside of pol is falling for it. You will never diminish the holocaust. We own you.

epic quads for real

Secret knowledge has escaped your grasp. The light has found it for all to see. Evil is doomed.

good one. keked

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Worked for a guy, a White Russian, whose father was government employee in Tsarist Russia.
Experienced some remarkable events on the frontlines against the Germans in WW1.

Emigrated to US post-Bolshevik Revolution.
Returned to his native Ukraine region after WW2 and found ... mile after mile after MILE of utter desolation where scores of thriving villges once were in his childhood.
Surviving residents emphatically told him that recent (WW2) conflict did NOT cause the depopulation as everybody had already been starved to death in the early 30s.

We write history and your people give us blood and money and spit on their ancestors. You write on pol and nobody anywhere believe anything about a holodomor hoax, and if they ever even began to it would be revealed a bunch of you were behind it.

We won. Kys

>how come Churchill is celebrated a hero, when he was the one pushing for this war?
Because jews control the media.
Churchill athough looking rich and living rich was actually completely broke, everything he had was on loan from the Rothschild family. They placed churchill in charge of UK and then told him if he did not go to war with Germany they would expose his pedophila and call all his debts. If he did however attack Germany all his debts would be cleared.

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My fuck did I just read?

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jews needed 6 million jews to die before they could return to israel. it is biblical prophecy. pic.

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>The entire goal was the complete eradication of the Christian, rural population
So it's the very same goal the jews still have today...
And they wonder why they're hated so?

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the truth always remains for those who seek it.

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spotted the jew sitting atop the russian people

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They were just dying from typhus.

Show me the doors.


>jews needed 6 million jews to die before they could return to israel. it is biblical prophecy. pic.
Actually it's 6 million to vanish before their messiah will come to them.
best part about this prophecy is that their messiah will not come based on a lie, so 6 million still need to die.

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The russians could not have cremated that many people.

Where are the boddies? Show me the ashes.

Related, the amount of jews in USA went up by the same amount of jews that are said to have been slaughtered by the Germans.
Almost as if they ran to USA to escape the war....

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Holodomore coaster.

thanks for your posts... thread turned out nicely.
I know the vid of Barbara Lerner... disturbing.

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>The russians could not have cremated that many people.
They didn't.
There is a railroad (I forget whats its called) 600 miles long and it is littered with mass graves.
I'll need to find the images related to refresh my memory or another user may be kind enough to chime in on it.

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They were not poisoned, it was just delousing.


Bro, WW2 mass graves are not allowed to be opened in order to not disturb the peace of the dead.
Many history revisionists actually tried to get permission, no chance.

No it did not, they are about to be given their new cloths and meals after the capitalists stole them.

Official ussr documents shnw that the holodomore never happened.

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Ukrainians won, there have been many of them in the russian government.

"It was real, in my mind."

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Treblinka's massive graves that purportedly held half a million dead jews (before being exhumed and cremated on gigantic funeral pyres using fat old jewish women as kindling) are barred from excavation for this very reason. And Poland goes along with it because they make money off jew tourism

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You use that meme flag and don't even know what the holodomor is. I honestly hope you get hit by a bus.

They could not have burried that many bodies with the shovels they had.

that doesn't even make sense. If the war was lost, he was dead meat, so he needed 'need' to do anything fast except either parlay or flee.

*didn't need

Well isn't that convenient you ukrainy.

How gullible you need to be to believe in the nazi or bolshevik gas-trucks horror tale. You don't waste time. A bullet, an axe, things are over. Lurk moar, Yas Forums is full of war images.

Have you seen that drama about Trotsky on Netlfix? Trotsky is a jewish monster and that film does not try to hide it.

Holodomores mass graves cannot be opened because of fat ukrainian prostitues used as kindling were found and the ewks make money from tourism.

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So you admit the holodomore never happened.

But it's true, bitch

Yah, that’s a lie.. they were being held in luxury type holding camps while logistics were worked out for sending them to Palestine. They were reimbursed for any property they had to leave in Germany, all you faggots do is lie and deceive.