Political Path Thread

Starting with mine

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I like these threads!

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>no matter what path, you always end up a tankie
stands true

I would swap the placement of The Patriot and The Boomer in the template.


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actually kinda based

Well I'm guessing my life has gone something like this

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Damn you got all the retarded ones.

Let's get this out onto a tray

Became a Christian around age 20

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Pretty much this. I just copied my parents which is why I started at conservative but then I started thinking

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1969, nigger you old.

>carefully drew around ephebophile

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Rate mine

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based bundle of sticks and faggotism

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What is the "The Cowboy"?

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Sharp turns huh

yes fuck the jewish progessive only transhumanism allowed

Around Libertarian and Nationalist

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What made you go from 'Tankie' to 'Alt-Right Troll' so quickly?

literal unironic boomer

the realization that being a rebell just because i was a parent hating faggot is retarded and thats how the left think started to hate søycalist community and found out why tradition exists

Went through the same shit.
Just give me a war to fight over.

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Yours makes absolutely no sense broasis


in other words i was a teen faggot and had to cope

Born to be right

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You guys move around too much

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>not experiencing puperty


I don't expect you to agree.. I actually expect nothing of you
still disappointed

It's kinda hard to explain.

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what were you originally

>I don't expect you to agree.. I actually expect nothing of you
was just mentioning
>still disappointed
i get your point but i want to live in a scifi world not the middle ages

You guy are weird

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Multiple Personality Disorder

Monarchy tends to evolve
I'm just awaiting its next incarnation
And going into the future.. the actual future - not new apple/fifa number every year with no longterm - both plans and political will to change
well.. that is not going to happen under popularity gossip fueled contest which is democracy
neither will nazbol, natsoc, gayspacecommie
no 40year plan and actual chances of its realisation
you need a son, to continue fathers work
come, join us, you know you want to

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>I'm just awaiting its next incarnation
>And going into the future.. the actual future
what does that mean redpill me

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Holy fuck i'd be the flipflopper allthough i dont really understand this meme

me neither

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The 'compass' is such dogshit. ignoring the only axis that matters - do you suck jew cock?

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Feudalism is the only answer.

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Nah you're just a topmidchad.

Pretty average progression for a channer

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whenever your wish is to explore space / stop global spa / ged rid of some sneaky reptilian race of 'fellow humans' - you will never be able to accomplish that during the 4year or 8year mandate
there will be some fuckup, people will get bored, someone will promise something new
even if you would put whole 8 years into changing things, it will get reversed by whomever lied the most during the next elections.. and all the progress will be erased
If you want some actual progress, big project to be completed you need lots of will, resources and.. time
Beside the cold war space race.. (which now is "not profitable") we moved nowhere in the last 100 years
Its just consoomerism now (even the medicine is now viewed more as quality of life thing and not the next frontier)
Future is being deliberately underpaid and understaffed for the purpose of getting cash from mindless "voters"
No future here
Just now
If nothing changes
Then.. you literally are here for forever

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My 12 year arc.

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