Fired Navy Carrier Captain Has Tested Positive for COVID-19: Report
Didn't this seditious cunt literally email "Everyone he knew" about the situation on his ship?
No, he did inform his superiors, but they rejected his plea to retreat to Guam and let his crew disembark to quarantine. Which is why he wrote that letter, which was eventually leaked.
The fault lies entirely with his superiors.
He wasn't looking to help his crew, he was trying to save his own ass.
bootlicking faggot
And now the locals get fucked with coronavirus.
Yeah pretty sure his crew understands him better than your sorry as does. They most definitely supported him whether you do or not. Soldiers are loyal like that to the commanders that support them not to commanders who are only out for themselves.
If America still votes for Trump after this, we are officially a shithole and we deserve to be laughed at. Fucking hell this isnt even a joke anymore.
captains get cycled out often and the ship needs to be in service
he made us look weak
navy cant float on a boat with a cough
Ching Chong
g l o w i n g
Right, it had nothing to do with the crew full of niggers and spics that also were looking to save their own ass either. Get fucked, nigger.
Indeed. The fuckup was going public with it. On the boat the virus is contained. They broke rank because they were scared of the sniffles.
>Joe Biden
Yeah ok we vote biden then all will be fixed. You demrat libface donkey slinger
>Soldiers are loyal
No they aren't. If they were they wouldn't have shown disloyalty to their country.
It is readily apparent that Captain Crozier shills are the latest plot by the CCP to draw attention away from its OWN failures and attempts to silence whistleblowers. DO NOT FALL FOR IT.
>Captain Crozier
They should have got off the boat in China. Grorious reader could protect them.
show your flag, Chiam.
Also, they're sailors, or semen even, not soldiers.
Nose if big.
An Admiral was in the room nextdoor to him and he never once mentioned to his superior anything before breaking the chain of command.
This fucking coward traitor piece of shit should be fucking hanged.
>disloyalty to their country
whats even left to be loyal to?
Absolutely this. Niggers spics and coalburners, today's Navy.
Who appointed him as captain?
>This fucking coward traitor piece of shit should be fucking hanged.
Oy gevault!
This guy gets it. The Navy is full of spics and niggers looking for gibs and fags and low T betas that want to travel the world on Uncle Sam's dime. It's an abomination. It is literally every single person who wanted the benefits/gibs of serving without having to experience actual combat or any sort of real danger. I am actually not surprised at all by how this went down.
What did he even do? Wrote a letter saying they have the crona on the ship? What am I missing from the story?
What did he do? He broadcast to the world that they were basically sitting ducks, ripe for being boarded by a hostile entity. He's fucking retarded and he actually put his sailors at greater risk than they would have been if people did not know about the virus on the ship.
I see. Where was the carrier located during this?
Yeah bruh, everyone knows that Somalia is one incapacitated crew away from boarding an aircraft carrier. You’re fucking delusional.
In times of these, you should listen to the boomers.
Go ahead faggot. Hang him. Or are you just typing out your ass again?
we've been laughing at you before trump though lmao
The military is going to turn on Trump
>Disembark to quarantine
Moving infected from one area to another is the opposite of a quarantine. He deserved to get shitcanned
It’s understandable why he was removed. Sending that email to too many people was a mistake and proved he couldn’t handle the pressure. His failing was caring too much for the men under him. It’s a bad situation all around. The people in this thread calling him seditious are cowards who don’t deserve to kiss this man’s feet.
just the marxist commie faggots that weasled their in
why is military gonna turn on trump when they didnt turn on king nigger?
Pacific near Guam.
The other ship also has infections.
Good. Maybe that attention whoring traitor will realize he made a mistake now that he's sick and without medical insurance.
>nobody would have found out
Sure the Russians and Chinese with 24/7 satellite surveillance of that ship, tens of thousands of people working on data, electronic surveillance and human sources. Couldn’t have figured it our anyway. There are 6000 people on board in close proximity this statistically there will be an outbreak.
At least the sub crews are psychologically vetted before being deployed.
Announcing to your enemies your weakened state is absolutely NOT acceptable in the military. Period.
Politicians shouldn't meddle with internal personnel decisions. I think it was a mistake on the part of the navy to do what they did to him, but there's nothing that can be done about it at this point.
i served in the navy. i shot the big 30" guns during iraqi freedom. blew the libyans right outta their foxholes
Fuck off pussy. You never broadcast these things to your enemies. Imagine of the British had known just how terrible of shape the Continental Army was in at Valley Forge. We wouldn't even have a Unite States.
So he disobeyed orders, broke OPSEC, failed to contain a disease on a warship. Court martial time. Another sleeper DS stooge removed. Cleansing continues
Good, I hope he dies from COVID-19, the traitorous filth. He sent sensitive information about our fleet's battle-readiness to a fucking newspaper! He should be keel-hauled the length of that aircraft carrier. Trump is correct to support his firing. After all, they only docked in Vietnam because Rice Paddy Daddy wanted some fucking gook lady-boy to lick his asshole. Purge all these degenerates from the Navy.
I’m really starting to think the test kits can infect you....
Can someone give me the expedited synopsis of this Navy guy?
This. Simple really.
Why have opsec at all then right moshe? Fucking kill yourself you stupid fucking cunt.
Nah, it's more that pretty much everyone is getting infected. I think the death toll will be small and most won't even have anything more than a few days of feeling kind of sick and uncomfortable, but the one part of the doomsday predictions that isn't going to fall flat is the prediction this thing will infect nearly everyone eventually.
And this.
You still make them work for it. Delay it. Keep them guessing on the numbers or severity. Not fucking broadcast it right in front of them
And yet no other nation is seeing military cry to the press. Amazing.
Was there an appropriate way for the commander to sound the alarm? If he reached only one extra step up the chain of command, instead of spamming the letter, for example?
So traitors get treatment?
The ones from china do. They found the virus on a batch of them. Just an unfortunate coincidence I'm sure.
ARREST those crewmen! Hard labor! Fly in replacements. This will NOT be tolerated.
Looks like a resistance circle jerk? Am I missing something?
The navy is an embarrassment.
T. sadlad in the navy
This. Dude was a hero. Stop acting like your boomer boot licking father.
His boss and if that fails one step up. If that one failed, you basically have your god damned orders to sit there and shut up. And if all those sailors die to maintain security, so fucking be it. That's the job.
Oh noes I can't go over there they use gas! Oh noes I'm allergic to lead I can't do that! But they won't let me dilate!
Tough shit.
wow, so concerned for the virus and crew
lets all gather on deck to wave good by to the faggot who couldn't run a ship properly and spread the china virus.
such brave sailors
Thank you for the insight.
hes still in the navy and has tricare dumbfuck
You’ve posted this a couple of times, in the wrong place of course. Do those sailors look like they’re taking reasonable percaution about this? Spacing themselves?
Lol. You need a better angle.
Cringe and false
Leaking that an aircraft carrier is compromised to the media is exactly what you shouldn’t do. I hope the guy gets the firing squad.
What a pussy. Couldn't even handle the flu with a 0.5% fatality rate.
sorry but the modern navy would relieve sailors from active during a battle if it was dilation time.
need to protect transsexual sailor rights user.
Some people started getting sick on his ship and instead of going through proper internal channels to voice his concerns he sent out a pretentious letter that reads like one of those smug preachy political op-eds* on an unclassified email system to 30 recipients which ended up all over the news and revealed to US enemies everywhere that American naval ships were compromised by the virus.
>We are not at war. Sailors do not need to die. If we do not act now, we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset — our Sailors.
I didn’t say don’t protect what you can protect, but having a seizure over somebody telling the public something the enemies already know for the best of the soldiers is kind of ridiculous.
Maybe they just reduced their personal proximity and chose to protect their soldiers over military posturing and just chose to protect vital strategic deterrence?
>seize of the outbreak
A carrier is of limited strategic use against peer group adversaries anyway and there is not even war. They could just guessed by non existent US test capacity the chances of at least some people being infected and isolation/quarantine not being an option within weeks of normal or even reduced operations the carrier would have been severely crippled.
American servicemen are cattle to be used as pawns for foreign policy.
OK, Obama fired 197 Generals. Trump can fire a Navy Captain and you can suck it with 195 more to spare in Trump's favor.
I wonder how many pilots slept in their cockpits with their air on.