Why are Koreans and Japanese such chads compared to the shitty bat eating virus spreading Chinese?
Why are Koreans and Japanese such chads compared to the shitty bat eating virus spreading Chinese?
Free market capitalism with a tinge of national socialism during the building phase
based but also aren't chinese mutts
Because they have culture that was not raped by communism. They are clean, hard working and love nature (at least the japs). And they learn that from their school and families.
The chinese have a perverted relationship with their country and their values. Everything they do has to be in accordence with WInnie the Flu. Doesn't matter if the end result is shit stained rivers and mountains of trash.
'uncultured' isn't just an insult. Chinese are literally uncultured, it was beaten out of them during the great leap forward
>Chinese mutts
Japs are literal mainlans chink/austronesian halfbreeds and their entire culture is derivative of Tang Dynasty era China. Korea is an even more soulless, bastardized version but at least they are purebred
The CCP actively incentivizes insectoid behavior, because a soulless populous suspicious of their neighbors and family is easy to control. If a man collapses in the street and you try to help, you get stuck with the hospital bills, and a murder charge if he dies. As a result, chinks don't believe in helping each other. Chinks also value cheating and lying as valuable skills; a good cheater is considered successful, rather than despicable. On top of it all, Chinese folk wisdom dictates that torturing animals before or while consuming them somehow makes the meat healthier, further cementing a lack of basic empathy in the chinks.
BCG vaccine
>The preliminary study posted on medRxiv, a site for unpublished medical research, finds a correlation between countries that require citizens to get the bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine and those showing fewer number of confirmed cases and deaths from Covid-19. Though only a correlation, clinicians in at least six countries are running trials that involve giving frontline health workers and elderly people the BCG vaccine to see whether it can indeed provide some level of protection against the new coronavirus.
what a fucking lad
Because the sick men of Asia are actually the sick men of Asia. Stereotypes exist for a reason.
There's as much difference between Japanese and Chinese as exists between French and Germans.
They're the same race and share very similar characteristics common to that race.
Because we saved them both from communism.
samsung is totally chad compared to the virgin huawei
>Koreans and Japanese such chads
I can understand japanese, like yakuza, samurais, kamikaze. But what about koreans? Everything i can remember about them is how they popularized gentle feminine boy style with their kpop bands.
China got brazilified too much by (((coomunists))).
Also japan has Chad genes from that ethnicity I forgot the name.
user.... don't get fooled by those plastic surgery
Korean literally the nigger of asia
>muh rape reparation
>muh comfort women
>muh japanese mustache
>muh that cartoon character look like war criminal
Can someone post the info graphic of the Chinese history?
I can't think of bigger rape babies
Communism is just the cherry on top
Because they are an off-group of the original Alien-seeded "Aryans" who migrated from Iran to China, and subsequently to Korea and Japan following mongol incursion. However, the Frank or "Free" people of Troy, also from the original Alien-seeded humans who came from Iran, then Greece to North Africa would return to Europe and to the French/Germanic region where they would go on to be one of the more dominant cultural forces in the later ages.
It's mostly true tho
Isn't your country literally running on sharias?
George Takei is relentlessly based
>shitty bat eating virus spreading Chinese?
Sorry Glownigger, but the US Army had been testing using bats to deliver viruses for decades.
The Pentagon Bio-weapons
Why the Pentagon collects and studies bats
Besides the military experiments at the Lugar Center in Georgia, Battelle has already produced bioterrorism agents at the Biosafety Level 4 NBACC Top Secret Laboratory at Fort Detrick in the US. A NBACC presentation lists 16 research priorities for the lab. Amongst them to characterize classical, emerging and genetically engineered pathogens for their BTA (biological threat agent) potential; assess the nature of nontraditional, novel and non-endemic induction of disease from potential BTA and to expand aerosol-challenge testing capacity for non-human primates.
The US Army regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of Biological Weapons.
Bats are allegedly the reservoir hosts to the Ebola Virus , Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and other deadly diseases.
The Pentagon: How to kill 625,000 people for just $0.29 cost per death
A US Army report in 1981 compared two scenarios – 16 simultaneous attacks on a city by A. Aegupti mosquitoes, infected with Yellow Fever, and Tularemia aerosol attack, and assesses their effectiveness in cost and casualties.
Korean males are the most effeminate men on the planet.
That's not ainu, that's a nigger. Ainu were from siberia.
yup koreans are chads compared to your shitty country. you're the literal brown chinks + muslims, all at once lmao
Ainu Jomon
Koreans and Chinks are the same trash packaged differently.
Japs are the only real U DA MAN MVP
Takei should've never been portrayed as the emperor, he's too much of a faggot. Try to prove me wrong, you'll only prove me right.
god damn you are retarded. even normies know it started in china
soo based
Because Chinkoids are simply an abomination upon the world.
Nobody philosophizes over why cancer exists and sucks, they just blast it with radiation, cut out the diseased tissue, and throw it in a biohazard bin...
...same should be done with chinkoids.
nips aren't honorary - they are only a bit more westernized than the chinks and had continous periods of culutural isolation which made them more clear-cut - that said they have huge problems with emasculation and working morals that aren't sane but strictly dogmatic withough any use - and don't get me wrong I actually enjoy nip culture quite a bit as fore k-pop - I don't care
Nope, this country run by pagan javanese
All those islamic shit is just cover
you're delusional, muslim chink. you wish you were living in a first world country
Turns out those bastardized half-breeds preserve culture way better than communist china
Communism destroyed all Chinese culture.
>no sneck on bat
>no snack on bet
something like that
(((who))) could have brought this ism to the chinks?
>first world country
Listen, afro-spainards
If you have nigger in your country
You are no different than somali
the Ainu look more white and they are more related to Dravidian indians than Australasians
The Japanese aren't Chads, they're just a little less cucked than whites but apart from that there's a lot of degeneracy there too.
Koreans have a huge inferiority complex towards whites and japs, it's cringy.
China is developing, I think they'll be the most powerful country in 15 to 20 years. Their problem is that communism destroyed thousands of years of civilization, so as other anons have said they're uncultured. De-cultured would be a better definition though.
China is far more westernized than Japan.
>the darkest-skinned Asians calling the lightest-skinned Asians "niggers"
chinks, zipperheads, gooks, sideways pussy, slanteye, and all noodle niggers in general should all die in a fire
found the chink
still better than your shithole, waaay better. i'd kill myself if i looked like a mix of paki, chink and muslim at the same time. now go skin an armadillo for dinner, chink nigger
>armadillo for dinner
they aren't that bad in a stew with some rabbit it's skinning them is a bitch.
>being a nigger is better
>t. Kim
Just google comfort women statue
Or that time when korean loose their shit because american ambassador have jap mustache
But you were literally raped by communism. Did you just red pill yourself.
If Koreans are niggers then Indonesians are literal apes.
>american education
It's seamonkey
Get in the time, boomer
lack of arguments like the low IQ muslim chink you are
btw must be sad to use the comfort women meme as the only argument to relief your inferiority complex, because imagine being a nigger and a chink muslim at the same. gooks are gooks but they are more civilized than you. get over it.
>afro-spainard defending korean nigger
Oh yeah, i don't believe in god and fuck china
just seamonkey here, afro-spainard-kun
in the case of the japanese it's more neanderthal genes, this also applies to the ruling class of chinese
chimp people are shitbrains
because the kikes ruined china