I have all the answers to all your questions, let's have a civic discussion.
I will start. Why do you hate this trans girl? Because she's different?
Is she shaking your heteronormative world view?
I have all the answers to all your questions, let's have a civic discussion.
I will start. Why do you hate this trans girl? Because she's different?
Is she shaking your heteronormative world view?
Other urls found in this thread:
Tranny cunny is still cunny to me
Yo is that the scary transgender person the media warned me about??
She stop being human the moment her mother brainwashed her and obligated her do that
Heteros are normal. You faggots pushing your faggotry on children deserve worse than the rope.
Saged, faggot
I don't hate that human, why should I?
The Idea of Gender is just overrated. What counts on the larger scale is reproduction and 'trans'-people, like celibates or eunuchs are just statistacally insignificant for that. So I really don't care.
Now my question: Why is this news? Transsexuality is as old als humanity and because it is so rare, it was handled with in some ways.
You're literally doing the devil's work, and will burn in hell if you don't repent - and God will be just for sending you there. The time for discussion has long passed.
I don't hate her, I hate her groomer parents.
>your heteronormative world view
You mean going against nature? Surely, nothing bad will come from that.
Trannies don't scare me nor do I feel a need to do anything about them as most of them will eventually commit suicide in some fashion. Be it by taking their life or never having children.
its mother is the scary person the media told me not to worry about. literal child abuse.
>Why do you hate this trans girl?
Nobody hates a child, we hate YOU for trying to simultaneously weaponize them to advance your goofy agenda, while using them as human shields to prevent criticism of your perversion.
Asylums for all trannys
die in a ditch
disgusting pervert
Did your parents force you to become heterosexual?
Think about it for a second, big guy.
>Boy claims to be a girl after being brainwashed by parents
>>Is she shaking your heteronormative world view?
the mere existence of someone lying about gender doesn't change my view on gender
the existence of Someone like Rachel Dolezal claiming to be claliming to be black while really being white doesn;t shalke my knowledge that races are real either. And since lefties eevrywhere view rachel as a liar and not as a legitimate transracial, apparently her existence doesn't shake lefty beliefs about race either.
When did the media warn anyone against trannies? they push that shit. Your image is fucking stupid and you should feel bad. Faggot.
The minute you play God with your gender, you are no longer human. That being said, you should have no more rights than an animal.
Rape and Muder are also part of nature. I'm sure your political views aligns with those too.
Daily reminder that rights belong to individuals, not groups.
God is not real. Next.
look, I identify as a man, because I am smart. I hate the fact i am a man, in a perfect world, i wouldn't be. but it's not. trannys are weird. they look weird, they are annoying to be around, and they make the world a worse place. do the responsible thing and stay cloaseted.
also those parents are god aweful people for even letter the child know about sexuality before they had a chance to learn about it on their own.
Trannies are mentally ill and so are you. neck yourself fag
Used to have no problems with trannies but people like you made me change my mind with your fucking parades and left political movements, go fucking end your life.
You are of course entitled to your opinion, as warped as it may be.
We spend Millions on ramps for cripples,and Make believe jobs for Retards, Why not do something for Trannies,,as long they do Not get in my lifestyle I am FINE
Doesn't occur among healthy people.
Same. These are only perpetuated by the mentally ill.
Trannies are more likely to be serial killers and child rapists, so the evidence speaks for itself.
i like how op doesnt respond to this because it isnt provocitive
>let's have a civic discussion.
fuck you
>Why do you hate this trans girl? Because she's different?
i do not hate him, i hate normalizing degenerate shit
The media isn't warning. The media is normalizing this perversion at every opportunity.
okay groomer
I would change that image to say "molested as a child" because almost if not all fags were
Imagine being so jewish your come here and post that.
Also all trannies are pedos, even the children.
not op, but how are trannys pedos?
Then everybody's opinion is objectively meaningless, especially yours.
On one hand I don't want the state to tell people how to raise their children. But on the other hand trying to make your kid change sex seems like abuse to me. At least hitting your kid, they can heal from a bruise. But making kids take hormones and convincing a boy they are a girl seems like it would damage them for life
Would you have the balls to misgender this girl on purpose?
Go ahead, call her a "he". Dickhead. So fucking brave.
Why do you think that ?
Did he not come to save you when you were molested as child ?
If it has a dick, it's a guy.
If so, HE should be put to death, in front of his parents for allowing this.
>trans'-people, like celibates or eunuchs are just statistacally insignificant
Good point, Hans
We are no longer having discussions FAGGOT it's war
Media never said you were scary, cunt.
jesus fucking christ i sware op is a normal person just trying to spread awareness about this problem about parents mentally fucking their child.
>Because she's different?
>reee cissy scum
I know this is likely a LARP but it always amuses me that faggots, trannys and women all love to attack straight men as a way to defend their bullshit and mental illness
It's projection. Actual pedophiles throw that accusation around like rice so it starts to lose its meaning. It's one of their tactics.
Mkst pedos happen to be right-wing. It goes along with their lack kf morals.
>Why is this news?
Because unlike all the years before our current time, this bullshit wasn't taught to children and forced in to all types of media as propaganda. There's a reason the amount of homos and trannys is rising in younger age groups
this is fucking child abuse. they should wait until they're 18 to make those decisions.
Poor oppressed straight white men, will someone ever stand up for them? Boo hoo.
I don't care what retards on the internet think user, your LARP doesn't upset me like you hope it does
all freaks and perverts get the rope
Traps are gay it's faggot
Whatever incel, Good thing you don't get to policy the body of those minors(as much as you'd like it, that's kind of creepy if you ask me). They have their own autonomy and can make their own decisions.
It's rare to see someone ad hominem a strawman that wasn't even the subject of discussion.
You're either a poorly coded bot or a retard.
But the media is promoting tranny kids everywhere
thats the argument here
they aren't even old enough to understand what they're doing. at least teenagers who learn about sexuality and gender on their own are old enough to have an identity with it. that is a child
children have to have had ideas pushed onto them to identify and believe in them. its a god damn child.
based toothpaste
Guess who made that sign and told the kid to hold it up
Please ! Please keep pushing your bullshit on people !
NAZI have been elected parts because of the trans bullshit during the 30's
>The number of Americans 18 to 34 who are comfortable interacting with LGBTQ people slipped from 53% in 2017 to 45% in 2018 – the only age group to show a decline, according to the annual Accelerating Acceptance report. And that is down from 63% in 2016.
You're doing a good job please push more and more !
Asking you respect their rights is... somehow promoting it?
Stop fucking worrying about these kids genitals, mind your fucking business. That's all they're asking.
I don't hate her, I don't think we should start chopping off body parts from kids because the parents want social points. I would rather treat a mental condition properly instead of indulging delusions until they join the 50% of trannys who an hero
>Is she shaking your heteronormative world view?
You're literally cutting the dicks off of gays to make them """""straight women""""", who's heteronormative?
Did your mom and daddy push cisgender ideas on you when you were little? Are you the by-product of their decisions?
List one "tranny right".
no, they didnt i learned about myself and came to a conclusion myself. thats how it should be. and is why this is wrong. support this is equivalent to supporting brainwashing
Such young children are hardly responsible.
Collocate the child to a foster family. Hang the bio parents.
Sorry, meant him
you forgot the faggot flags
As they should. Did your parents push not-stealing and not-murdering ideas on you as a child?
Parents teach their children what is right.
that is not a girl, faggot, that is a boy...
Who said we thought you were scary?
>their rights
Children do not have rights as they lack agency. Parents are responsible for their children and if the parent is deemed dangerous to the child the community has every best interest to get involved, for the prosperity of the child and society as a whole.
Dodging the point like the slime bag your are.
He pointing out the parent can and do force there kids to be transgender for attention.
If it was really so natural do you really think she would be strutting him around like a show dog? No. She wanted to be in the parade, she wanted people to look at her so desperately that she sacrificed her child to get it.
What makes you think that girl didn't have that same experience learning her transgender identity. Because Joe Rogan podcast told you so?
Do transgender people exist?
Were they never kids themselves?
>Munchhausen Syndrome
>Im the scary tranny
>the media warned you about
in what universe do these people live where they, even for a split fucking second, think the media is “warning” us about trannies? Because it certainly seems more like they’re actively shoving them down our throats and on a conquest to normalize them more and more every single day. Please tell me how these psychos keep a straight face while playing their victim cards, when they’re backed by and promoted on the most mainstream media and social media outlets and bully their way of thinking into normalcy, while anyone who speaks out against it risks public shaming. Literally fucking HOW do they still manage this? How are they victims of anything when the only place I see anyone criticizing them is on this white supremacy chink site.
I'd grab a beer with you.
>Why do you hate this trans girl? Because she's different
because they are delusional, degenerate subhumans who deserve nothing but death by firing squad
>Is she shaking your heteronormative world view?
Where the hell do you get these images jesus christ
They are simply to young to understand what it means, how big of a change in identity that is. they don't even know how exactly a child is made!
everyone was a kid, everyone had a chance to learn. children who were told they are trans or gay before they could learn about it and decide for themselves didn't. they didn't get to be a kid because it was taken away from them by psychotic parents
Imagine being one of these kids as an adult, realising your whole life was altered with hormone pills by a decision you made before you were even a teenager.
I think it would send me crazy.
Is this why you disgusting uncultured western pigs want "democracy" in our country? So you can push your gay culture to our country? Pushing western gay culture to the entire world is clearly the end game of the west.