9/11 - The dust settles on WTC7. Will Trump go all the way?

So you're probably worried about Coronavirus, recognising it's a 9/11 tier event. You are correct! But you might know a lot less about 9/11 and the confabulations you've experienced probably filled in lies for you. The same thing is happening with the Coronavirus Holocough event.

Now that it is widely accepted that WTC7 could not have turned into fine powder in 10 seconds because of a fire due to debris, it's time to crack open a long standing mystery for some.

(Source newsminer.com/test3/a-structural-reevaluation-of-the-collapse-of-world-trade-center-7-university-of-alaska-fairbanks/video_13c927c5-0db6-5823-98d9-fa8006b436e8.html)

Some time in March 2001, months before 9/11, several intelligence agencies warned the executive branch of the US government about "art students" from Israel in NYC. There were two "art" teams, E-Team and GELATIN (conducting "The B-Thing" project). One for each tower. The latter released their sick project as an art book a year before the events of 9/11. This thread will only discuss this art book.

Attached: eteam.jpg (600x456, 173.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Le Innocent Art Students

The art "students" were given several floors of the WTCs, to conduct an "art project" on the 91 floor (along with a few other floors) of the WTC. This required a week long construction access, which allowed them to bring in any material they wanted into the building. You can see from the photo, it obviously included rigging up explosives. Trump himself pointed out that explosions came from inside the building:


"I happen to think they had not only a plane but bombs that exploded almost simultaneously, because I can’t imagine anything being able to go through that wall. Most buildings are built where the steel is on the inside around the elevator shaft. This one was built from the outside, which is the strongest structure you can have, and it [came down] almost just like a can of soup."

What if I told you that all these events... were documented in that art book? And that the smoking gun was left there for the compartmentalised idiots of the world, all those years later?

That's right, 20 years later, we're going to dive into this shit and finally reveal the truth. If you're a reasonable person, this will give you chills up your spine of the same manner that reading the Zodiac killer's notes do. Remember, millions died because of this event and its consequences.

Attached: student03.jpg (484x583, 35.3K)

Deep Pression

The destruction of the three towers (WTC1, WTC2, WTC7) was for most people a surreal event that left everyone confused and anyone with a Physics degree (such as yours truly) profoundly disturbed at the lies that followed. The main structural support material of the towers consisted of 200,000 tonnes of steel in the exoskeleton. That's 200 million kg and 200 billion grams. This stuff turned into powder as the towers crumbled.

(Source theatlantic.com/national/archive/2015/09/where-the-twin-towers-ended-up/404884/)

Most people at this point will be confused "I thought it was the concrete!". This is in fact the first of many confabulations. You might see the tower turn to powder in the videos of it and naturally assume it must have been concrete only in the plume and yet the steel itself also turned into powder. The amount of energy it would take for structural steel to turn to powder within seconds is beyond any reasonable person's imagination so everyone just assumed that the steel just buckled instantly and vanished.

Ten years ago, someone was smart enough to ask this question and even the "9/11 Truthers" shied away from this fact, none would discuss the amount of energy required for the steel (not the concrete).


Attached: tremmel5.gif (408x584, 17.73K)

Rewinding back to "The B-Thing", it was an art book was released 20 years ago with the price of $700 of the WTC events, consisting of some photographs and really stupid looking sketches. Now no reasonable person would pay that much money for something that shitty sounding at the time. But inside it was the most important piece of information in the world, starting with the overall goal of the project. Let's call this page (as hinted by the title of the section) "deep pression".

Let's look at what they drew and read what the Israelis wrote alongside it:

It first shows the WTC by the hudson bay.
World Trade Center: "Very AMAZING Building outside"
"Very depressing building inside" (note the spelling)
We want to brake thru [peel the amazement] to the [amazing building] amazenet from inside

It then shows... the tower crumbing into dust
Deep pression inside (again, note the spelling)
amazement outside
"Architectural analysis sketch"
To amaze: to surprise or astonish greatly: fill with wonder: astound (old English amasian)

Finally, it shows the tower with the balcony there, labelled "to break thru the black belt into the amazing zone [Building site sight] The balcony as ice cream]". To the right "Fill the inside with the amazing sight".

On its own this can be attributed to coincidence. Tower crumbling? Maybe it's people falling out of it? Let's look at the next page to see what the hell is going on here.

Attached: wdttg-10.jpg (577x699, 75.72K)


This is the most important part of this art project and shows the WTC, above in the sky and deep under the ground. Let's start by reading it and then correlating it to one plausible means by which the towers could have been turned to dust in an instance.

On the top, the Israelis wrote "satellite phone talk with mama", "funnies on satellite TV".
Below is a "fluffy cloud", with "God" crossed out. Then there is an airplane labelled "boring airplane". Interestingly below this aeroplane, it's labelled "God". Then on the right "Last chance to open a parachute".

Moving down, we have the two towers. Of special note is "Gelatin's 20 minute balcony", which actually looks more like a hole in the building". On the right, there is a label, *at the bottom* of the building "most popular suicide height".

Now underground, things start to get even weirder. Right below the WTC is a box labelled "deepest thought Dr. Freud ever had". Right below it, hinting to its importance, is "hidden military action".

This sure seems to point to the underground thermonuclear demolition framework, with the zero box label and the "deep pression" before (deep pressure):

All this time, it was staring us in the face. It's pretty freaky to be honest. One last image from the picture book and I'm done for the day.

Attached: 911.gelatin4.jpg (700x980, 134.38K)

The hanged man.

Bonus section which I didn't think is as important as the rest of this.

The B-Thing is supposedly meant to be the "Balcony" thing. Constructing a small balcony in the WTC by removing one of the windows and then building a little ledge where a person could sit. A person with a camera. Someone who could, for example, take photos of supposedly falling people, or perhaps compose such an image. Is this where they filmed the "falling people" from an obvious building perspective? I don't know but I thought I'd include this for those who cared.

Attached: falling.gif (376x583, 15.52K)

>Now that it is widely accepted that WTC7 could not have turned into fine powder in 10 seconds because of a fire due to debris, it's time to crack open a long standing mystery for some.
By who?
I have errands to run and I will not respond. Cheers.

For completeness here is an explanation of the nuclear demolition scheme by not just an nuclear expert but an eye witness and a former suspect of the 9/11 events Dmitri...


Attached: uranium26_09.jpg (920x697, 170.98K)

>I have errands to run and I will not respond. Cheers.
Poor shill! Busy with your Q LARP posts and Coronavirus PSYOPs.

Seems likely they had intended a 3rd plane hit WTC7, like the one that went down in PA.

Once it was fully rigged with explosives, they had no choice but to blow the building, otherwise their explosives would have been found and the story would unravel.

Attached: wtc7.jpg (982x720, 38.96K)

I own The B-Thing and this drawing is not in the book.

The redpill about That book is how Gelatin left a phone number which leads back to the State Dept. and Council on Foreign Relations.

>Seems likely they had intended a 3rd plane hit WTC7, like the one that went down in PA.
I actually think the target was the Sears tower in Chicago, there was definitely meant to be four targets on 9/11.
The building was clearly not rigged with explosives, no conventional explosion can bring it down like you're seeing in that video mate.

You can see the bottom floor yourself, no indication of any extensive rigging, which would take MONTHS (if not a year) to do by hundreds of people:

People were working in WTC7 on that very day!

>I own The B-Thing and this drawing is not in the book.
Bullshit you do, post a time stamp with the book or you've exposed a very panicked shill for everyone on Yas Forums.
Don't bother deleting this thread. It's such a late hour (I'm not talking about time) now.

Yeah fuck you, you retarded Jewish shill faggot.

Attached: 98D36795-B976-4742-A058-B55E5B162279.jpg (4032x3024, 3.03M)

Here’s another one FAGGOT.

You’re a disingenuous lying fucking shill faggot, spreading lies about the book to hide the real redpill about the CFR phone number.

Attached: 5468FE0C-0184-4AC1-A620-4881E36B0884.jpg (1280x958, 509.56K)


I'm impressed that you've got the cover of it. What the fuck is with all the pages coming out of it?
I have multiple sources displaying the images I posted. Care to refute all of them?

Start with this:

Did you forget to take your risperidone today?

Gelatin used photo paper in the book and I put acid free archival paper in between them to stop the pages from sticking together.

Literally none of those drawings you posted are in the book. Though they do have some weird drawings in there.

post some or else

>"falling people" from an obvious building perspective

Where is this footage? Haven't seen this perspective.

No. You don't understand the esoteric aspect.

What was the name of building 7?

>fully rigged with explosives
how come no one heard them when they went off? How did they survive the fires for 8hours?

5 dancing israelis pointed the fingers at the Palestinians, who were somehow able to: evade detection at airports w/israelis providing "security", hinder all pilots in "4" planes from typing a 4 digit distress signal, orchestrated 46 "war time games of planes hitting WTC, sophisticated enough to turn on/off transponders at key locations, maneuver a "plane" to hit accounting area of Rumsfeld's "missing" trillions, dredge the harbor to facilitate transport of evidence to China, while the (((MSM))) was blaring within hours that it was Bin Laden.

Attached: 9.11Suter.png (731x607, 621.28K)

>Literally none of those drawings you posted are in the book. Though they do have some weird drawings in there.
PROVE IT YOU NIGGER, posting one page of the book says nothing. Multiple sources all over the internet, what's the chance you of all people would have the book and find this thread? This is very suspicious, there are were VERY few copies distributed.
Pic related

Attached: falling-man-911-twin-towers-richard-drew.jpg (2000x1600, 476.15K)

I'm familiar with The Hanged Man. Are you saying it was taken from the other WTC tower?

How come the artists were able to get explosive material?
unable to refute any of op's claims

Attached: 1570187368562.gif (314x447, 591.06K)

From what I understand, it's possible to photograph a corner of the tower from the other tower. The sketches in the book hint a lot at people committing suicide or falling from the building. I'm not really sure about the imagery. I just thought I'd include it for completeness.

BUMP, doing gods work OP. This is the ONE thing that will collapse this monolithic conspiracy.

I'm reading memeflag

Prove there’s nothing in the book

epic ownage flamewar is on!

Attached: nice one.jpg (535x640, 39.79K)

Interesting thread.
Josh Harris, We Live in Public, early internet entrepreneur claims he is under surveillance by the FBI for his involvement in the "art project".

The B-thing may have been a Hoax after the Event

Some more info

Attached: Josh Harris.png (954x684, 94.75K)

>The B-thing may have been a Hoax
Not even (((Wikipedia))) claims this.
Part of the Israeli attack on the United States is making people think the US attacked itself, this makes perfect sense.

Do faggots still believe there were bombs in WTC 7? LMFAO

Attached: 13_0_134_1nine_eleven___13.jpg (1800x1170, 261.59K)

Attached: WTC7-damage-NIST-911-collapse-thermite-bombs-smoke.jpg (549x351, 67.9K)

I'm with you here my guy, and I appreciate the work you've put into this post...

But those sketches and strange captions are unbelievably suspicious to the point of utterly ridiculous.

I'm just wondering why a false flag operation would leave quite large and obvious breadcrumbs everywhere, or whether it's more likely that the Art students (who apparently were Austrian) threw in some edgey sketches and captiond after the fact for whatever reasons, publicity and infamy being 2 big ones.

Also before someone pipes up with the typical Yas Forums response, I'm not a shill, I'm interested In this topic

Attached: 6129569098_9a783dfd42_b.jpg (1024x685, 224.98K)

Typical jew response

Schizo retard

Yeah mate, it totally came down on its own footprint in 10 seconds at free fall speed because of a fire.

Attached: beijing-television-cultural-center-fire-e098de31-8a37-4927-8e0f-557f24871cd-resize-750.jpg (348x509, 25.78K)

>I'm with you here my guy, and I appreciate the work you've put into this post...
Thanks mate.
>But those sketches and strange captions are unbelievably suspicious to the point of utterly ridiculous.
I've been trying to find a PDF of it. Someone is in this thread with an apparent copy of it but refuses to show us what is inside.
He wasn't even responding to you, but thanks for exposing yourself.

It collapsed due to WTC 1's Antenna literally cutting the building in half you retard

>WTC 1's Antenna literally cutting the building in half
>Antenna with a huge aspect ratio would slice through a steel structure rather than break
>Also Antenna was found mostly intact at the bottom next to the molten mass of the building core
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA man that Antenna must have been made of unobtanium.


>Antenna was found mostly intact

Citation needed retard

Attached: GO_2ntkrfUk.jpg (1280x796, 224.59K)

Wait so you seriously believe an antenna cut through a building? You're that stupid? Stop wasting our time.
He ran away when people asked for proof.

>replies with the same jew response
You really showed me

You made the claim, back it up.

The fires along with WTC 1's Antenna slicing through the building caused WTC 7's collapse.

Cite the claim that the antenna was mostly intact.


hahahahahah this guy is smarter and more brave than you ever will be shills

I can't believe they retrieved the terrorist's passport just laying on the sidewalk. Talk about luck huh?

>You made the claim, back it up.
It was YOU who made the claim that a fucking Antenna can cut a building in half.
It was their lucky day.

The sloppiest of jobs, Mossad.

Attached: dancing_joo.jpg (348x272, 19.47K)

Nice obfuscation
>Also Antenna was found mostly intact at the bottom next to the molten mass of the building core

Cite this claim.

You literally said that, now shut the fuck up, you're literally too stupid to reply to at this point.

Attached: world-trade-center-tower-1-antenna-on-display-at-the-newseum-in-washington-BX5PP9.jpg (866x1390, 130.37K)

>mostly intact

You're actually a braindead schizo LMFAO

Attached: lP0U6.jpg (1600x1143, 194.15K)

Check the image you fucking room temperature IQ RETARD

smooth brain mouth breathing schizo

Doesn't matter. Goyim are mostly retarded.

9/11 is named after a Jewish holiday, but how many people here even know that?

Attached: WTC_on_fire9.jpg (640x480, 73.04K)

Attached: GJS-WTC27.jpg-20130909-112116.jpg (1054x976, 276.82K)