I don't know why they expected that wouldn't happen. It's not like you show symptoms the whole time you have it.
Kayden Kelly
>Former Vice President Joe Biden said Sunday on ABC's "This Week" the recently delayed Democratic Convention will have to happen, but conceded that it may need to be held virtually if the novel coronavirus continues to pose a public health threat by mid-August. all I wanted this year was to see bernouts get the absolute shit kicked out of them by the police at the convention and now that may not even happen fuck this gay earth
>Kushner said a thing >so we wasted time on it rather than explain why it's not a good idea sounds like the usual passive resistance "sorry boss but you ASKED ME to do this thing I knew was stupid" stuff you get from the rank and file
Lincoln Nguyen
>Orange Man PLEASE take responsibility for DNC/Cuomo/Newsome/etc. shutdowns :((( >Orange Man PLEASE be finished done btfo over cancelled ruined doomed cucked this time for sure for real for serious I wouldn't even call it shilling at this point
and on Palm Sunday no less, very rude
Jace Diaz
If Max Boot weren't posted here he would get no attention at all.
James Young
>soviet communist jew That's a lot of redundant typing.
I've been waiting 20 years for a punished Bernie redemption arc but it's never going to happen. He's going to cuck and support Michelle Obama or Andrew Cuomo for president when Biden drops out.
Hudson Ramirez
just post the in-store prices and there will be an end to the horror
In 1998 Israeli Jews were caught developing ethnic bioweapons
The “ethno-bomb” program is based at Israel’s Nes Tziyona research facility. Scientists are trying to use viruses and bacteria to alter DNA inside living cells and attack only those cells bearing Arabic genes.
>Chuck thinks anything will be remembered during chink flu season
Cooper Perry
The saddest part in this, is that Donald Trump was torn between keeping business running to please his backers and stopping the public from dying. The right president would never have been torn and would have put the lives of his people first.
Usually when mass media firings happens the editors are the first to go Plus editing doesn’t really matter so much as sheer volume of bad orange man articles that need to be pushed out
Oliver Johnson
perhaps it’s just an eldritch amalgamated abomination.
every now and then they can't help but let the mask slip
Oliver Parker
>to please his backers What backers?
Luke Phillips
Just because the "Defender of the Faith" addressed her call to "People of All Faiths and No Faith" doesn't mean that Londinistan is still our enemy, user. We have a very special relationship with the Caliphate of Britain.
Demons. That is what they do. Like flies on shit, Good attracts demons. The more intense their attacks are, the better we are doing.
Carter Campbell
This is complete and total hearsay, but I had dinner with my older sister tonight. Somehow, her boyfriend has ended up on a listserv with a lot of people who claim to be in intelligence positions in the government. In the past they have leaked accurate information onto the listerv a few weeks before it hit the press, so at least some of what they say is legit. Here's a rough summary of what she passed on to me:
1. Trump is going down from Coronavirus, not in years or months, but in weeks. The evidence against him and some others in the administration, in terms of withholding aid from blue states, is irrefutable now, they're just trying to figure out how to do it in such a way that they can't pardon themselves first. 2. Azar has given up on angling for immunity from prosecution, but is cooperating with the investigation in order to try and minimize his jail time. He's singing like a canary. 3. Jerome Adams is going to jail. 4. Kushner is going to jail absent a Trump pardon. 5. Deborah Birx probably isn't guilty of anything, but there are incredibly damaging things she's said on tape which will force her to resign. 6. There was already a divorce agreement between Melania and Donald prior to the election. But when Donald unexpectedly won, he basically forced her to stay on in the marriage - in part because if they divorce she will be able to testify against him. 7. Oddly enough, Mike Pence is completely clean. 8. While Anthony Fauci won't testify about this publicly, he will tell the Senate privately that both Trump and Kushner attempted to bribe him.
I can say with 100% certainty not all of these are true, but I wouldn't be surprised if over half of them are.
>"Dr." >peacocks from national broadcasts to social media to literal children's programming >every speech is "WELL AKSHUALLY, MR. BLUMPF..." the pastanigger should be strung up