What do you think will happen?

Attached: 2020.png (1694x1246, 377.23K)

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Biden wins. He'll grab Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Florida.

This is my map +Nevada which Trump only lost by 20k to to Johnson. But yea, the rustbelt and Florida is gone for the Dems.

>Florida is gone for the Dems
>Majority non-white state
Florida is going the way of California, if not this election then next.

I mean Trump lost Nevada do to Johnson. Anyways, Biden has no path to 270 electoral votes. Dems are kicking the can down the road until 2024.

Attached: 2020.png (702x532, 64.39K)


>California red xD

This would be the most butthurt

>cali blue
>implying VA will stay blue after the dems almost made the state go Far Cry 5

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Hi shareblue!

>implying VA will stay blue after the dems almost made the state go Far Cry 5
VA ain't ever going red again. Once the big cities go blue that's it.

Pennsylvania(My state) and Florida are overwhelmingly some of the most Pro-Trump states in the nation. Wisconsin and PA aren't in paly for Biden. Only state that Biden has a slim (Maybe 20% chance in) is Michigan.

Attached: biden2020.png (862x623, 66.97K)

Blumpf landslide

>Hi shareblue!
Go back to the Donald you actual boomer.

>Pennsylvania(My state) and Florida are overwhelmingly some of the most Pro-Trump states in the nation.
Yet they only went Trump by a hair's breath of a margin. 2016 wasn't the resounding landslide everyone thinks it was. Florida has been getting progressively browner.


everyone will be like who is biden and trump will win

Illinois will be turned. Pritzker hasn't done shit except hold press conferences blaming other people and letting the mayor or Chicago dictate over the rest of the state. Chicago might be fucked and require a police state, but the rest of the state is fine. The state elected Rauner in 2014. I think we'll see that again in 2020 and 2022.

As long as Chicago is part of Illinois it will always be a blue state.

Trump wins comfortably. His approval rating has only gone up during the coronavirus issue, and Democrats are latching onto that for life trying to blame him for the virus itself existing or "not reacting soon enough" which doesn't resonate with the American people. If he acted early, everyone would have been pissed and accused him of being a fearmonger.

Joe Biden is a weak candidate and may be totally mentally deteriorated by the time the election comes. Campaigning on an "anyone but Trump" platform is guaranteed to lose. It's just as weak of a message as Hillary's was.

Not a landslide due to US demographics becoming increasingly non-white, but I'd say a comfortable 280 or 290 electoral vote victory.


If cali goes red and wins it for trump I'll shit my pants and post it.

That flip would cause an unimaginable amount of kvetching. Pulling the rug out from under them that late at night...

All Joe has to do is take Florida and Michigan and that's it for Trump. Arizona will also be blue. Joe easily wins. Trump has been a fucking failure in curbing the demographic replacement.

>elected Republic governor in 2014
Chicago is so pissed off at their mayor for being spoken down to like a Baptist grandmother. They won't turn republic, but they just won't turn up at all, which is what happened to Pat Quinn. It's not going to go well for democrats in Illinois.

If Biden takes Wisc and Michigan its 100% over for Trump.

I don't think he takes Wisconsin but he will take Michigan.
>It's not going to go well for democrats in Illinois.
He'll still win the state.

I really want the hopium you're smoking. AM radio boomers might think this way but most chicagofags think Pritzker is doing a good job and the gaynegress is a heckin' adorable grandmarino. They even praised her for holding press conferences in fucked up clothes that don't fit her at all lmao

lol Biden is not taking Arizona or Florida. Yes, Trump has failed curbing demographic replacement and he will probably accomplish nothing on that front. And yet America loves incumbents, even Trump, and this coronavirus thing has been a good thing for his favorability despite the economy tanking. Americans saw what he did with 4 years in the economy, and despite endless media efforts to push the narrative that Trump can't take credit for it but must take credit for the crash from coronavirus is just showing the Dems for the weak desperate party that they are.

The job growth alone and his handling of COVID will be enough for re-election. This isn't counting all of the skeletons that Joe has in his closet. They already threw everything they could at Trump last time. Joe's closet is ready to be exposed, and there's a lot.

You drumpfucks really do live in a dream world dont you?

Attached: 2020.png (1050x670, 119.87K)

>lol Biden is not taking Arizona or Florida.
>Non-white majority in both those states.
>Joe's closet is ready to be exposed, and there's a lot.
The Left totally controls the media. None of Joe's skeletons are going to see the light of day. The internet has been completely pozzed and taken over. R/The_Donald is taken over. Joe's easily got this.

Red Land Slide.
Corona Virus greatly impact dense, unhygienic, gluttonous blue cities.

You're an idiot, dude. The left controls a lot of mainstream media, but they can't keep Joe's skeletons out of the public during a presidential run. It's not possible. Your argument would apply to Hillary Clinton too, and yet she got destroyed by negative media during her campaign, even with how much all of the networks pushed her.

Joe is going to be so easily buried by his misconduct with women that I'm wasting my time even talking to you. The guy is going to have a Weinstein-esque reckoning during his run.

>joe has voters
What a farce. Joe has twitter bots and 10 supporters.

probably the most likely outcome.
maybe minus NC or OH

That makes me kinda proud of Nevada even though it resulted in it becoming a blue state. The libertarian spirit of Nevada lives on.

>Your argument would apply to Hillary Clinton too, and yet she got destroyed by negative media during her campaign
Nah that's the lie people like to tell themselves. Hillary lost because she was so SOOO overconfident she didn't even campaign in essential states. States by the way went Trump by a hair's margin.
>The guy is going to have a Weinstein-esque reckoning during his run
Now it's you who are the idiot. Weinsteing was a calculated sacrifice to get the metoo thing going in an attempt to possibly take down Trump

Nixon level landslide.

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Has anyone here ever even met a Biden supporter?

I live in Boston, one of the most liberal cities in America and I’ve never met one Biden supporter. It’s all Trump vs Bernie here.

Hilary lost because she was vastly seen as a corrupt pile of shit.


Now this is something I can believe.

2016 was the last time you'll have elections. RIP in pieces JSA 1914-2020.

>Biden forgets own name
>Pelosi reeeee's about the need for postal votes
>Julian Assange extradited and testifies about Seth Rich
>Trump creates Treasury Dollars
>Corona Virus ends and the economy explodes upwards

That certainly hurt her too. Biden is not seen as a corrupt pile of shit. He's seen as the funny guy from the memes.

Are you retarded? Virginia is a solid blue state

>Julian Assange extradited and testifies about Seth Rich
Never happening. Assange is dead.

Texas too

Truth be told, as apolitical as I am, Biden pumping out George Bush-esque memes could be super hilarious. I really don't think the president holds that much stock to be honest. Let the man fall asleep at a SOTU.

Assange is in Belmarsh surrounded by a Close Protection team.
Never underestimate the importance of Farage visiting JA in the embassy. That face-to-face meeting was where Trump's plan was explained to Assange.

Attached: farage_assange.jpg (500x344, 27.3K)

Texas is in play 2024, but will be California blue in 2028. That's when the REAL shit hits the fan and cuckservatives are forced to realize that they'll never hold the presidency again.

liberals clinically delusional. shouldnt even be allowed to vote

historically incumbent presidents do BETTER than their first election.

trump absolutely DEMOLISHED, 300+ EC votes....
imagine what he'll do to biden. Remember this time in 2016, hillary had a ARMY of 200,000,000 women marching in the streets with pussy hats on, SWEARING they will destroy drumpf.

ask yourself
does biden have that energy?

Spoiler: he doesnt.

Sighh are you really that easily fooled Bong?

Only net tax payers should be allowed to vote

Changed my mind. I want Biden for the fucking memes.

Technocrats rule this country. CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, bankers and billionaires. Biden will be a walking laughing stock. This shit will be incredible

Checked and keked

only white men with above avg iq should be allowed to vote

And I'll take a video of myself eating it.

>Only net tax payers should be allowed to vote
>only white men with above avg iq should be allowed to vote
We said the exact same thing.

Trump landslide 2020 is happening

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Coronavirus just accelerated the continuing decline of whites by half a year. Texas may go blue in 2024 at the earliest, but definitely by 2028.

>California red
Can I have whatever it is you're smoking?

Biden won't even know where those places are by November.

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Yeah right

New popular vote policy, so it's possible desu.

I'm Joe Biden and I can has president

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There isn't a snow balls chance in hell Biden is winning Pennsylvania.

You should be ashamed for handing Hildawg your delegates just because so many of you chose to meme it up and wipe their asses at the ballot box instead of voting for one of the actual candidates