Jew jokes about traditional Jewish sacrifice

Oy vey, I'm the victim. Too much blood goyim.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-05 (1) Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll on Twitter I love my husband bc he's sick like me https t co bczUfGrSJD T[...].png (598x825, 662.69K)

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Here's the schnose

Attached: jAHy4WXi_400x400.jpg (400x400, 17.11K)

it's funny for kikes but it's also illegal to speak about for goys :)

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-05 Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll on Twitter I love my husband bc he's sick like me https t co bczUfGrSJD Twitter.png (598x112, 12.11K)

fuck off anti-semitic shit

Cracked it on the head, pal.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-05 JNA5993 on Twitter BTCSuperCycle skjask Only after we finish drinking the delicious blood Yum yum yum[...].png (601x402, 25.88K)

Lol Shoo jew

Go home and kys nigger

Oy vey! Stop it goy!

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-05 (2) Yonadav Tzv on Twitter skjask May I still this for our Facebook Jewish meme group Twitter.png (598x283, 18.5K)

>still this
The Jewish iq is really a myth

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-05 Jonathan Elkhoury- جوناثان الخوري on Twitter skjask I’m ready for a donation Twitter.png (598x283, 16K)

what is the last picture supposed to be?

Some type of sweet/pastry

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-05 (((R ph AB))) on Twitter skjask Sharing it with my sisters We love those blood libel jokes Twitter.png (598x313, 18.78K)

Fucking cracked me right up! More dead catholics!

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-05 Luis Zaffirini on Twitter skjask Wow that caught me off guard, but one of the best laughs I've had al[...].png (598x262, 20.7K)

Fucking jews man

Considering how many encourage genital mutilation, children cutting off their genitalia, late term abortions, etc., and other horrific acts, the "blood libel" stories sound relatively plausible at least in limited circles. Anyone have evidence of it happening recently? There must be some hints. (Other than pizza gate)

They have firm grasps of things now, but you can find storys of young children found completley drained of blood.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-05 Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll on Twitter I love my husband bc he's sick like me https t co bczUfGrSJD Twitter(1).png (598x132, 12.82K)

Should make a few oven jokes to complement



add her to the twitter cards

Should've posted the link, sorry

fuck the hell out of Yas Forums retard kike faggot

How many jews can you fit into a station wagon?
3 in the back and one million in the ashtray

I mean wtf is this one? This has to be a joke.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-05 Jerusalemight 🇮🇱 on Twitter RockyJacobs8 skjask Take them all Whenever sickos are handing out their[...].png (598x343, 26.38K)

Attached: Wi38Z1KFXRQ.jpg (500x566, 128.51K)

What did the other two kikes say


Attached: 1583950500081.gif (374x354, 562.64K)

Careful around those ovens.

Look at synagogue locations. Nearly always near lots of missing kids, like they're epicenters for the missing.


Some based guy was talking about Joos and he saw some bloke with a small hat on and instantly gave hime a leaflet.

I thought it was catholics that drank christ blood

why dont you see they are fukken with you...why believe the bullshit everytime

There is report of Jews doing human sacrifice before Christianity, they sacrificed Greeks in the Jerusalem temple in the Hellenistic period, Greeks and Roman scholars from the ancient period had noticed that Jews have their own traditions where they belive that they will rule the world. should be replied on twitter for any blood libel joke made by a kike.

What did you mean by this ?

i dont reply to memeflag...fuck off or show your flag

Jews love the thing where they deny something they actually do and pretend it's a joke

Actual jew here. What up?

christian atheist muslim do this very well too...whats your point

AH, OK isralel

get out kike

It's matzo. It's around Passover now so memes are going around for it.

>Why this?
It's a joke about blood libel.

Attached: zehut.jpg (1080x1252, 51.77K)

it's so refreshing when jewish people take the initiative to inform the public of their deeds. good work shoshanna.

show your flag...what do you have to lose...shills hide


Someone should reply with the christian baby blood sacrifice painting that has been floating around.

It’s matzo bread, dumb goys. The Jews use the bake the blood into the matzo bread during Passover.

Feiglin world leader when?

you are prolly drinking baby blood and eating their flesh for all I know...stop hiding show yourself or else

This painting

Attached: A454411E-8F4A-4C66-93DB-AF2DC6C8C15E.jpg (681x1024, 102.07K)

baal was worship by both the gentiles and the jews equally...

When all the nations know that to Jerusalem all tongues confess, and all knees bend.

Attached: zht.jpg (1080x1486, 755.23K)

Of course they are, by glorifying the ritual slaughter of gentiles by their "people".
But of course demented people like you will try to claim that they're mocking the "myth" or some bullshit excuse like that.

no it's a jews that made it their god and killed their children in flames for molech

only jerusalem will be Christian the day this will happen

Someone already did

Ok goy

Attached: Moshe_Feiglin_(cropped).jpg (746x1024, 351.14K)

you betcha kike , you're about to expire and change religion

if you only believe jews kill babies drink their blood and eat their flesh as offering to false gods... something is very wrong with your understanding


Attached: 14241565125950.jpg (939x1024, 145.61K)

Of course they do, they even gloat about it on twitter!

>if you only believe jews kill babies drink their blood and eat their flesh as offering to false gods
only them yes

Fine fine, here I am.

Attached: EUw5olEU8AEsJ1n.jpg (1448x930, 153.95K)

it is strange how blood libel seems to have occurred all over medieval Europe in regions that didn't have any form of contact and in completely different eras around Easter time and the sacrificed body was found on Jewish property or the victim was last seen with a Jew. But it is only an antisemetic canard.


eat glass kike

Fuck me is Israel really offering up jobs this time of year?

Attached: EUr5RpuWAAEWQJb.jpg (618x741, 71.05K)

Thank you for all the support :^)x

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