Chinks will PAY BACK EVERYTHING they have taken from us!
Chinks will PAY BACK EVERYTHING they have taken from us!
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Good luck collecting. And enjoy your 5G spyware. We tried to warn you but Euros like to preen and make nice with the ones who seek only to enslave and destroy them
talking about paying back the money own....
well england, we're still waiting...
Its a massive under estimate. Add a zero to that and we might be in the right ballpark. Also take manuacturing from them and execute anybody who has shilled for them in the media - so thats all of them.
OR they can give us their entire country.
Yes, well after this is all over, we will send you your bill. Now shut up and wait by the fax machine.
You stole trillions worth of shit from the world. We will just take it off your tab.
After China, team with France to hit up the Rothschilds for repartions due to their role in the Napoleonic Wars.
Yeah, but English are superior so it's okay. Only Anglos are fit to rule. Along with a handful of honorary polacks.
You aren’t a country, fuck off pedo
>Only Anglos are fit to rule
BoJo is a yank
His government is full of poo in loos
And the royal family are krauts
Civilisation is worth far more than that. You can go back to your original shit hole you ungrateful immigrant scum.
our bill ? bro you own us more than 33B£
now be ready to drop your pants cause we gonna go RAW
This sounds like an idea on my fucking level.
After that we can also invade France and finally run it properly.
UN going against China, or doing anything useful ever? Good luck.
>you own us
I know we do. That's why you owe us all the tax dodges enables by EU legislation via Ireland and Luxembourg.
How did a coronavirus from a bat colony 1000 miles away in a Yunnan cave end up in Wuhan of all places?
Look how the Eurocrat thinks the EU will still exist in a few months.
My dear dear friend, we put an ice pick in your head, rather like that other chap got. Now, go to the vault and get out your gold silly little niggercrat.
And that is why they will all have to go.
did you even go to school ?
the eurocrats are already preping their knives to cut the crisis to a maximum, the UK owe them euro money and boy they gonna collect to ease the corona debt
I think we are knocking the deal on the head after this little fiasco. Or they install free of charge and we take over their spy network. Yes, I think I like that even better.
If you're hoping the EU is going to fall because of this, you'll be disappointed. If anything, we need the EU more than ever. I'd be more worried that the Chinese aggressively fuck the UK as is happening literally right now with Chinese confiscation of UK tech companies valuable IP.
I probably have more British genetics in me then you.
Also, China didn't need your help to build the superpower they are today, now look at you, bongs, alone, isolated to your tiny island, sucking off the tit of the royals, and their colonial past.
OK there.
Unironically jews
Deal with desert monkey before us deformed teeth
>the eurocrats
are going to be busy with all holes and both hands trying to stop the literal avalanche of countries leaving. After that we will talk, about how hard and how often we are going to fiscal you for our profit and pleasure. Might even pimp you out to Africa - youd enjoy that wouldnt dirty littal cuck
Researchers from the Wuhan BSL4 who specialized in bat coronaviruses went and collected them but didn't follow BSL4 procedures and it escaped. Patient Zero worked at the lab.
mate, we tried to warn you about islamic terrorism in 90s.
>we need the EU more than ever
I find it utterly delightful that remainers have managed to conjure up a further delusion of avoiding Brexit, from the juggernaut of pain coming at significant speed towards their little fantasy. Yes, most amusing. Now, I must attend to other more important issues than your humiliation.
Pay reparations for opium wars pig
>more British genetics in me than you
I admit our soldiers were no doubt irresistble to the natives at the time. My compliments.
when the euromarket will guarantee revenue when the crisis is over?
yeah you never even had a economy class did you ? didn't you already feel the first brexit ass blast when you lost all your meat market to the USA and barred yourselves from selling meat into the EU ?
now you can't even sell fish outside the UK and the EU market is closed during the crisis...
do you even see how fucked you actualy are ?
As if you have anything better to do you lying faggot.
Based fucking bongs actually doing what pussy ass mutts should have done weeks ago. Fuck waiting for the virus. Bring the blame to the chink and WHO niggers right fucking now.
You seem to lack perspicacity. The world is changing. Do you honestly think that your little attempt at something was going to make it? Sorry. You actually had a chance to live up to the talk, but you didnt. As for markets, like I said the world is changing. Things are not ever going back to how they were before.
China is on the human rights council now :^)
they won't pay a penny. dumb fuck Boris will just renegotiate their 5G deal with Huawei with chinas blessing and hail himself as the best business man to ever live while deepening trade relations with chinks even further
your kind grew slow, dumb and toothless in regards to world politics
From what you're doing with the UK (bin that noife, loiscense hell, arab pedo gangs, islamic towns, etc) you are not in a position to say what country is run properly or not
Actually I do. A break from a long day constructing a future in the new paradigm is what Yas Forums delivers. But do go on.
true if based
Wtf are you talking about? The juggernaut of pain has been delivered, by alibaba, and it's costed the world trillions. Why are you preaching disunity and aggression towards the collective victims of the Chinese menace? Is it possibly because you are a CCP shill collecting your 50c? Only the CCP would wish to see the EU broken up right now and see once noble and gallant friends fight amongst themselves. This is how they'll gain foothold here. Surely even the most red faced spit frothing gammon can see this? China has cities bigger than some EU countries. If they don't unite then they'll fall. Simple as. Then the west's way of life will erode until no one at all can stand up against it. Then we're fucked.
Virgin emperor versus Chad gatekeeper
Fuck China
allow me to archive that for you fren
>Things are not ever going back to how they were before.
wishfull thinking, they said the same after the internet bubble burst, nothing changed
they said the same in 2009, it got even worse
now your economy began crashing because of brexit and it's gonna be even worse when the economy boom again because you're alone again USA, CHINA & EU, you don't have anything valuable to sell and if the recession it the UK too hard, you'll also lose scotland and ireland ( aka major fish market & tax heaven)
now tell me, using a real argument whan can actually save the UK?
Of all the countries to call us out on that basis...really Pierre. Its no wonder that the French are all desperate to live and work in the UK. No wonder at all.
But the brother makes a good point nonetheless. Indeed all of the issues you mentioned need to change. Currently a virus is gratifyingly burning through the guests you refer to in your message. The licence culture will die a horrible death, as will those who wish to provide bulwark for the same.
Didn't you have another terror attack this week? Sounds like you have it rougher than us, Pierre.
>the EU broken up right now and see once noble and gallant friends fight amongst themselves.
This remainer delusion that the EU is responsible for peace in Europe is one of the more quaint ones. Nobody but the incompetant NPC onions infused useless gravy train riding intellectual redundant and electorally irrelevant twitter groupies actually buys that horseshit. The entire world has a bone to pick with China retard.
I know you hate yourself and your country and would happily see China roll tanks into Hampshire just to BTFO Brexiteers, but its stil not going to make you a winner. You are still going to be a loser. Just accept it.
Stock market blips are not comparable with the magnitude of what is going on here.
Your predictions wont come to pass, they are delusional wishful thinking from the kind of mind that believes everyone is equal. The union is actually stronger now than ever. The UK will regain every part of its sovereign territories land air and sea and even borders, especially as the compass moves further right.
We have plenty to offer and we can offer it without being crippled by your ridiculous dictats and anti efficiency rules. Thats a game changer on its own. Also The City.
You go all in on our hand though, be my guest. Not even a runner runner is going to save you.
Britain can repay for all the damage it has caused first
But hey, dont ask why Boris is still being a globo homo
Chinks want to be the superpower?...pays everyone's bills, slant-eyes!
What damage are you referring to?
>Stock market blips
again with the fucking ignorance
you still have not a single argment and didn't even manage to single out a thing you actually have to offer, you have not a single fucking clue on where you're actually even going
shit man, you're so fucked , i tried man, but you're too ignorant.
may god, if he exist, save the queen because you sure ain't you're not even good enough to be meatgrinded on the front
We should let China make all our food as well.
OK Chang. India is going to rape you out of existence.
with what dick?
You referred to simple financial cycles, global banking can kicking and then outright lied about the UK post Brexit economy.
I outlined clearly one simple advantage that is a game changer all by itself. I dont need to do the work here, its not my problem. Its you that is on the losing end of the deal - and its very likely there will not be any deal with the EU and we go WTO.
I would say that you cannot see whats just over the cliff edge towards which the EU is hurtling. You think that economic depressions favour set ups like the EU? Well, go right ahead and continue to think that. I disagree. Enjoy the coming pain.
I would not be at all surprised if you were as equally convinced that Brexit would never happen, Trump would never happen, Brexit would be reversed, global warming is anthropogenic and race is a simple matter of skin colour. And I dont seek to change your mind about any of it faggot.
>That last sentence
Woke af.
So this whole virus was designed to make China forgive American debt?
>I would not be at all surprised if you were as equally convinced that Brexit would never happen, Trump would never happen, Brexit would be reversed, global warming is anthropogenic and race is a simple matter of skin colour. And I dont seek to change your mind about any of it faggot.
That's not 'woke' that's just playing smug know it all asshat after the fact.
And yes, race is just a simple matter of skin color, putting people into blood line order is an archaic formula that only causes civilization and societies to fall flat on their face. Why do you think most African nations are still fucked up? Because they are still set in a caste system, putting a 'scientific' twist on:
>muh blood lines
doesn't it correct.
China lied, People died.
UK could just glass the whole fucking China with Trident nuclear Subs and world would just fucking clap and cheer.
take canada, aussieland, NZ AND frogland - and team up to take amerilardland - and then you're on my commonwealth-level