President Trump achieved the greatest rescue operation in the history of the world

- Over 50,000 children rescued from secret underground military bases

- Navy ship hospitals at each coast so the rescued children can be safe from harm

- Covid virus was an operation to see if the Chinese would steal our bioweapons and they took the bait, they only have themselves to blame

- 90% of the deaths are minorities and mixed people, whites are the least likely to die from covid, Asians and Africans get corona-chan at higher rates, you have to break a few eggs to make an omellete

- Borders close, stopping immigration, saving the white race

- Goes after cartels and disrupts the drug trade chain link that feeds the rogue military pedovores

- Precision explosion of Cold-War era underground bunkers causing minor earthquakes but putting an end to the military industrial complex

- Children are rescued and pedos can no longer harvest adrenochrome, bunch of leftist celebrities start aging and getting adrenochrome withrdrawls

- Strategic disruption in power grid and internet connection to break the backbone of pedo's communications systems

- Issue relief checks to all tax payment while this massive operation is occurring

- Mass arrests from the unsealed indictments occurring as we speak (Congress is literally in house arrest)

- Once this is all over we will wake to a world without adrenochrome sipping, child face flaying, moloch worshipping, immigrant loving, christian hating mutts thank to motherfuckingfreaking Trump


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Other urls found in this thread:

i hope its true


take your meds

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i want to believe

I knew a guy that would post schizophrenic ramblings on face book. It took them years to get him to accept that he has a mental disorder.

I'm going to vote for biden because of your autism.


Schizzoid qtards get out

This virus was made to target minorities (Asians and blacks) in particular.

More news will corroborate what I said in the OP, including nurses who are treating the rescued children as we speak

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Wow it all makes sense now. MIGA!

Everything you know is a lie. if you never heard about this it shows how well the conspiracy was working.

Attached: consp (10).jpg (599x468, 61.09K)

>Over 50,000 children rescued from secret underground military bases
My sides

God is with us

these are the people that voted for trump; absolute schizos

Attached: 57567.png (499x209, 146.81K)

Pal, I’ve seen what America used to be, and I see what it’s gonna be. I used to work at a 9-5 diner, measuring shoe sizes for baristas. Take it from me, that kind of attitude doesn’t belong in a library. You’re ridiculous, this is ridiculous, get away from me.

Stop looking up bbc and read some real shit

Attached: EUg3Pq4XQAEOzHL[1].jpg (720x655, 90.79K)

Source: my asshole.
Faggot larpers get the rope, kys already.

take your meds schizo

LOL so back in 2007 when the virus was first worked on in China-and Trump was nothing but a twinkle in the eye of Q--and pic related.

Attached: wuflu is a hoax.jpg (1774x527, 260.4K)

Blacks have higher rates of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Do your research first, Paki

Rescuing children from pedophile hitting too close to home?

Attached: EUqMP4iU0AArk5m[1].jpg (1424x801, 101.49K)


March 28-April 7th: 10 days o' darkness[no Q for duration]. April 7th-10th: 3 days o' mobile + Interwebs getting reset. April 10: Good Friday.


Less makey threads
More takey meds

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Asians are the biological opposites of black yet they are getting it even worse. So whats your explanation why Asians drop dead but real whites dont?

This sounds about as true as holocaust.

>Timothy literallyfuckingwho
>trust the plan, goy.

I thought it was 500,000. A few more than what the virus kills each day so it's a net win but the children are sterile so they can reproduce but their black caretakers have big cocks to do more rapes to them when are you the donald isn't looking on Tuesdays when he's out on his fishing trip

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That guy must be OP

Take your Latuda 60mg

>children rescued from secret underground military bases
stopped reading right there, now go take your meds schizo

Why would Trump quickly mandate for HALF A BILLION dollars be spent to train military for underground bunker warfare and rescue operations? All previous preparedness focused on desert and city combat.

Attached: https___api.thedrive.com_wp-content_uploads_2020_02_marsoc-top[1].jpg_quality=85.jpg (1440x810, 107.53K)

>*mic drop*

Cringe & bluepilled

>ask for sources because it's bullshit
>muh do your own research
Why do you even Post here? Fucking schizo fags kys

it cost half a billion dollars to train some dudes in a n old parkade?

That was an amazingly insightful and original post.

>OP made this drawing

I already posted a source

And you can also search on Twitter and follow the citations

But you will only believe it when you start digging for the different pieces on your own. All this shit isn't given to you on a silver platter, you literally have to think and analyze the evidence. If that's too much work for you then fuck it and just go on with your shitty little life

Lol come on that sounds like absolut horseshit! Wouldn't there be the fact that there is literally no proof for this...

tig if brue

So... Pic related is your source? LMFAO GET A LOAD OF THIS SCHIZO NIGGER

Attached: Timothy-Holmseth-Q-Car-768x512.jpg (768x512, 84.96K)

show your flag, shill fag

lmao did Q told you this


I hope you are correct user.

>only source is a hand typed document from OP

Attached: 1585829627768.jpg (1484x2342, 296.65K)

They aren't which is why they NEVER answer me when I post



I'll believe it when I see it Q cultist

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Nah it was the voices in his head

This is some retarded q tier shit

kek look at all these shills

drop memeflag

Meds = not taken

You must go to the doctor, some anti-psychosis should do the trick

>You dont believe that the corona virus is a hoax to protect children from 5G pedo elitists, you shill?!?!?!??

No, I do not.

This is another american based nutjob theory, you believe that a virus that is affecting 3 billion people is false because of something in America must be covered up?

Please, fuck you.

And btw, Trump is an egotiscal maniac, if this was all true, which is not, he would be boasting about it 24/7, everyday all day, claiming he is the messiah

Qfags have been saying things like OP for years. Literally nothing changed.

take ur meds

I love Trump, but his weakness is he can't keep his mouth closed about things that make him look good. He'd of blabbed about this or at least given some hints if there was anything even close to factual, here.

>This is another american based nutjob theory, you believe that a virus that is affecting 3 billion people is false because of something in America must be covered up?

>Please, fuck you.

>And btw, Trump is an egotiscal maniac, if this was all true, which is not, he would be boasting about it 24/7, everyday all day, claiming he is the messiah


You really need a break from Yas Forums, your whole perception of the world is warped. You need help OP it's not healthy for you to be on here, because you're struggling to distinguish fact from fiction.

Get help.

I lime how the myth of what's ACKCHYUALLY going on for them has to always incorporate all the older myths to make sure they never admit they were wrong about a prediction, so the current big Trump win is always getting bigger like some autistic schizoid Katamari.

Lol he tweeted about how they rescued one (1) women in south america in an operation bla bla bla

And he would just remain silent about 50'000 rescued children?