Make this happen

The dust has settled. The truth is revealed: Hungary and Poland are the only European countries left.
It is time to kick start a new, Union of True European Nations.

Attached: Visegradia.png (1024x796, 399.88K)

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kill yourselves nigger bozgors

Attached: 435224353.jpg (1273x1024, 218.82K)

>gypsy romanian

You want to get your ass kicked again?

Attached: Empirelol.png (327x348, 16.02K)

Potiorek was an incompetent Slovene retard. AFter he got fired Serbia was crushed and you spent the remaining years chilling on corfu.

Dont forget 25% of your population was wiped out when it should have been 100%

a fucking leaf ...

You kicked our ass so hard that your niggers suck our dicks for gibs

Replace that ugly double headed black bird with a White Eagle and we're in

I agree, we need to unify and fighting against the European Union. These are really the only free White countries left

>Austria lumped in with all the other net drains

In a blink of an eye it would already be the greatest European country by far.
IMO Italy should be annexed and the HRE should be recreated.

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Muh dick... muh bozgors.. it's all the same with you as with niggers.
Doesn't the honorable Wikipedia general ever get tired of the same three pictures? You know the whole story too I assume.

as a transylvanian I say:
go fuck yourself

>the HRE should be recreated
It has. Flag related

>as a transylvanian I say:
If you were transylvanian why is your great grandfather buried in Oltenia you valach ceausescu transplant.

Yes, but the Empire should control if not parts, the whole Italy.

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Include Bavaria and Lichtenstein too.

add bavaria then its perfect

He said holy, not unholy

based leaf 10 seconds before me

Attached: HRE.jpg (1086x1080, 158.77K)

>add Bavaria
No need to keep adding nations. A small, and cohesive union works better. Bavaria has no connection to this region.
Its fine because youll be deported anyway.
You Slovaks are a young nation and have a lot to learn.
Huns, Czechs and Pokacks at least view you as a little brother of sorts. The pedophiles in Brussels just want your money, and children, of course.

Its the prophecy, europe will be in chaos and anarchy then a new alliance will rise.

Attached: Międzymorze.png (512x457, 213.61K)

only correct answer

Lmao you needed Germans and Bulgars to bail you out, and even with all of that you still couldn't keep the Balkan front from breaking in 1918
Germany could've carried on and signed a favorable armistice had A-H not betrayed them
Even Russia was able to kick Austria up and down the Eastern Front

>"My lord, we're shackled to a corpse"
t. Erich von Ludendorff talking about A-H

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>Imperii ex Visegradia
infantile moronic nonsense
It's like all the German princes who larped as pseudo-kings after Napoleon

That is a retarded cluster fuck EU 2.0. Pass.
Dude, my union works because it represents a region of nations that are historically tied to one another.
Doesn't mean we cant make alliances and cooperate with the rest of the east-european nations.
Over extension is the bane of many empires.

Voltaire was a brainlet

Gypsy nigger seething. Hungary is paying citizens to have babies. The more they have the more they get. Poland is based also but they have their share of feminists and liberals.

>Union of True European Nations
>Doesn't include Russia

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What is this Abominacion?


Watch him come back at you with the gypsy card.

It's a meme
like pan-arabism
it woud never have outlived the German "Empire" and Russian "Empire"

Milos keep sucking my dick and you will get some euros for being a good boy

Miedzymorze, the Intermarium.

Bavaria is the best part of Germany and has more in common with Austria than any other country except maybe Lichtenstein.

Butthurt belt buffer states republic.

Bump for the Greater Austro-Hungarian Empire

Still neither Holy, Roman nor an Empire
>gibs me dat land muhfugga
kys you fucking nigger, Roumanians were always majority in Transilvania. Would you be ok with giving Washington D.C. and New England to Canacucks? Oh wait, you wouldn't care, because your native country is Guatavenebrazil
Das rite, we wuz imperators

>le based poland
Poland is cucked shithole, EU and American slave lmao... They would take refugees it's just that not even sandniggers want to live there

>except maybe liechtenstein
Liechtenstein is closer to Switzerland
>Still neither Holy, Roman nor an Empire
False. It was Holy Roman and THE Empire.

>country with higher % of Muslims than France, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany
>country with mega-mosque in its capital paid with taxpayer money
>true european

And, desu, France should also be annexed.
We all know B*Urbons were a mistake anyway.

Attached: NewHRE.png (670x476, 34.63K)

half-Roman and an Empire maybe, but Holy no.

Thanks for keeping Turkey out.

Based pic. If only...we'd be ruling the fuckin germans.

Yes Bavaria is awesome. I'm not interested in crumbling Germany. My meme empire could help Germany uncuck itself. Central Powers 2.0 baby.
based Slovensky Brat rozumje co znamena Rodina.

Flip flopping gyp

>kys you fucking nigger, Roumanians were always majority in Transilvania.
No they werent.

The biggest change in population numbers was caused by the Ottoman occupation. They basically and literally destroyed the southern part of the kingdom, Hungarian population dropped from 3,2 million to 2 million between 1495 and 1699 while the population of other ethnic groups were growing, especially the Vlachs because not only natural reproduction but migration from Wallachia and Moldavia increased their numbers, landowners needed the workforce and Transylvania was a better place to live in than Wallachia or Moldova.

At the turn of 17. century Giorgio Basta and Mihai Viteazul (I think he is considered as a hero in Romania) slaughtered a bunch of people, mostly Hungarians at Mezőség (Câmpia Transilvaniei), Cluj and surrounding territories causing the death of 85% of Hungarians and 45% of Vlachs (these two man and the plague epidemic basically killed half of the Hungarian population in Transylvania at this time).

In the middle of 17th century there were other Ottoman and Tatar raids + plague epidemic -> in Kolozs, Doboka, Szolnok counties out of 317 Hungarian villages 177 became Vlach. Seklerland became a Hungarian "island" surrounded by Vlachs and Germans and the number of Vlachs surpassed the number of Hungarians in Transylvania at this time.

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Red is Hungarian, brown is serb, blue is German, yellow is vlach

>based hungary and poland meme
They're nothing but nato and eu slaves. Especially P*land. Useless shithole

aixi m'agrada

>tied to one another
>working together
Yeah no. I dont get why austria gets included in every intermarium thread. Its a nice country but they have nothing in common with the slavic countries and shouldnt be included.

Love how historicians are erasing Serbs and call them like vlachs, sorbs, etc. in the history books.

Just leave Estonia out of this thanks.

>kys you fucking nigger, Roumanians were always majority in Transilvania
The memeflag is right (never thought I'd say that).
I might even add to that the 1910s situation which certainly puts the last nail in your sperging's coffin.

Attached: the fabled Romanian majority.jpg (640x455, 121.49K)

>Its a nice country but they have nothing in common with the slavic countries and shouldnt be included.
They shared an Empire with them for centuries, in fact, a millenia if you count the HRE.

Nice almost landlocked piece of freezing dumpster land you got there OP. Enjoy your 2 cold gravel meals a day you mongoloid rapebabies

Hungarians, Slovaks, and Austrians are genetically indistinguishable from each other. That is why I included them.

Russia is intentionally excluded. First of all, russian culture is somewhat backwards and corrupt, to be quite frank.
Second, any union with russia would result in russia becoming the dominant state due to russias scale and military/economic might. Eastern europe doesnt want that (again).
Third, the whole point of such a union would be to oppose both western europe and russia.

>Transylvania is a historical region in central and northwestern Romania. It was part of the Dacian Kingdom (1st–2nd centuries CE), Roman Dacia (2nd–3rd centuries). During the late 9th century, western Transylvania was reached by the Hungarian conquerors[1] and later it became part of the Kingdom of Hungary, formed in 1000.
>t. Wikipedia
>The head of the Hungarian negotiating delegation, Count Albert Apponyi, did not consider the work of Pál Teleki, which followed the ethnic relations, important. Apponyi sought to restore the entire territory of historical Hungary during the Trianon negotiations - ignoring the realities. The Hungarian delegation paid for this "all or nothing" tactic: the Italians also warned them to at least take out the "red map" when it came to the crucial border issues. At that time, Apponyi pulled out the Teleki map with difficulty, but as it turned out later. There is no time left to take into account the fair distribution of nationalities.

Where is Spain, that's Hapsburg clay as well.

Attached: Habsburg_dominions_1700.png (1152x812, 225.99K)

Stop larping

There is no such thing as "France"
it is the expanded County of Paris.

Dacia has nothing to do with romania gypsy. Its like saying HUngary = Roman pannonia you absolute fucking retard. No wonder average IQ of Romania is 87

All in due time. Britain is next in line after them.

>inb4 muh biased wikipedia

You gypsy niggers should all get the rope. Everyone else looks at you as the niggers of Europe.

>Apponyi sought to restore the entire territory of historical Hungary during the Trianon negotiations
What a lad. Not like you deserved even a piece of metal scrap.

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All jokes aside, you do realize that Three sea initiative is actually US backed project to act as a wedge that divides Germany and Russia and stops them from even thinking about working together against them.

tl;dr: kikes want it

Attached: eurasia.png (800x800, 256.47K)

More like they invaded us during a moment of weakness. No hard feelings, they weren't necessarily bad either, but we didn't have a choice in the matter.
Wat. Hungarians are a completely different ethnic group.
And this isnt about "genetics". Good luck creating a union through parroting on about "genetics". This is a cultural, political, and economic matter.

>a slavic union
What could go wrong?

visegrad 4 virgin vs three seas initiative chad

better conquer another brazil. i mean what could go wrong

i'd rather not be a slave to moscow or berlin (or brussels for that matter) thank you

>Hungarian Transylvania

you are vlachs from the southern balkans and have nothing to do with dacians. the dacian BS is major cope, even according to your based wikipedia
>In 1974 Edgar Papu published in the mainstream cultural monthly Secolul XX an essay titled "The Romanian Protochronism", arguing for Romanian chronological priority for some European achievements.[16] The idea was promptly adopted by the nationalist Ceauşescu regime, which subsequently encouraged and amplified a cultural and historical discourse claiming the prevalence of autochthony over any foreign influence.[17] Ceauşescu's ideologues developed a singular concept after the 1974 11th Congress of the Communist Party of Romania, when they attached Protochronism to official Marxism, arguing that the Dacians had produced a permanent and "unorganized State".[18] The Dacians had been favored by several communist generations as autochthonous insurgents against an "Imperialist" Rome (with the Stalinist leadership of the 1950s proclaiming them to be closely linked with the Slavic peoples);[19] however, Ceauşescu's was an interpretation with a distinct motivation, making a connection with the opinions of previous protochronists.[20]

Its literal commie propaganda. kys you retarded psd shill

>sorry to burst your bubble

Attached: Invention of Roma.jpg (880x1174, 315.37K)

it will eventually happen
it is the natural end-game of history,

>More like they invaded
Rome also invaded Iberia. Can you say Spain has nothing to do with Rome?
Western slav's history is tied with Austria and Germany, no matter what anyone says. Hitler was a subhuman retarded for even thinking about genociding a people that, for the most part, shared a common history with the germanic popualtions.
Doesn't matter if the USA backs it or not, I just want to see the Habsburg Empire again tbqh.

Many great nations all united under God

Good. Fuck germany and russia. They've caused enough trouble for one eon.
Polish commonwealth was more or less a slavic union and it was mostly fine. It would have to be based on that kind of framework.
Soviet union fell apart due to ideological differences and russian domination, Yugoslavia fell apart because balkan politics are fucking autism.

what are vlachs then?
tell us

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Autism, the post.

Can Bavaria join pls? New HRE?