Paul Joseph Watson

This guy cracks me up.
Some humor for today anons.
And he makes good points.

Attached: zpjw.jpg (288x288, 31.18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Probably the most red-pilled of the Zionist cuckservative crowd.

The first part about muh NHS worship was cringe as shit. Rest was OK

E-celeb faggotry aside, he has gotten a lot less ((())) since he left Infowars. The Simp and No Eggs videos made me laugh quite a bit.

He is good for those with abject cynicism to emote with. I won't listen to PJW unless I'm doing something constructive with him in the background.

Plant a garden, guys. Catch rainwater. Go fishing and hunt. Kiss your wife and read Tolkien to your kids. Life isn't all that bleak when you're in and of nature.


Paul Joseph Watson is not funny and a bit of a dullard, but he makes pretty good propaganda for normies.

PJW has been pretty based lately. His video about simps was pretty funny.

Attached: spin.gif (352x239, 94.1K)

He should be getting a lot more votes, more known, and more money, he deserves it just for the keks.

Post rare PJ's

Attached: Thought+that+was+a+pjw+meme+for+a+second+_dc2413beffc6889cea65657983311d5e.jpg (855x482, 76.77K)

this dudes a little goo goo ga ga baby tampon boy.
dangerously uneducated and uninformed he just parrots second hand information and mainstream narratives.

ben shapiros clone

Attached: lordfarqiro.png (250x500, 92.46K)

We can see who the dullard is, gtfo of my thread faggot

I guess. He’s always been critical of degenerate culture. I just want him to name (((it’s promoters))). It’s like he’s stuck his foot into the radical pool but he’s refusing to dive in.

cringe kys

he speaks truth to power, you're just too dull to see it.

get a job you fucking cunt

We all know what would happen if he did.

no he doesnt and no im not

Another sudden heart attack, 100%.

Rumours down the grapevine is that pjw is fucking that Syrian girl thot, a literal Muslim

Stop shilling your gay YouTube channel here, Paul. We know that all you do is steal our memes and repackage them for your normie audience.

Who is his audience, 10 year olds? lmfao this guy's a fucking joke, not a funny one at that

fuck this kike

because you can either call out the jewery without naming the jew or you can be silenced

yes, he does.
and yes you are youngling
Sooooo, you wouldn't tap that?

He’s an effeminate twink.

This guy is pretty good

I remember when he was screwing Aston, many keks were had when he dumped her and she went apeshit on him during a livestream

Attached: Ashton St Patties.jpg (1242x1231, 288.03K)

His last video was all over the place. Almost seems like he's running out of material.

I despise him. Modern day Jean Paul Marat. 100% of his "red pills" follow this format
"X member from Z group did an evil, Z group is evil".

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Who gives a shit about PJW?

Isn't he like 40 and still unmarried and with no kids? Why should I listen to him?

fucking onions boy cucks, twinkie and op both


He has never been cutting-edge. He pretty much always waits for what other right-wingers say before deciding on what side to take. Furthermore, his style is pretty shameful for someone his age.
I will reiterate that, in spite of all his faults, he is good at presenting right-wing viewpoints to normies.

An idiot.
But if you're reading this Paul, you look cute.

Hey Paul, do one on Eurasian Communism and their constant internet spamming

Attached: 1586107987878.png (2728x752, 501K)

Good stuff

He hasn't left Infowars. You guys don't even know what you are talking about.

He's like pewdiepie but instead of gamers he's for young autists who are interested in politics.

i'm not Paul, go complain on his utube channel.
you fuks have NO sense of humor, or you are just shills, either way.....just sad.
it's his angle and presentation that allows many keks to be had.

>Paul Joseph Watson

fuck off paul, you say nothing and only promote jewish diversion tactics

So when a woman falsely accuses a man of rape thats bad but if a "comedian" accuses millions of being rapists thats pretty funny?

pewds is a based guy

PJW is a cryptokike in the denied

i support him because he makes muslims and chinks here mad lol

Hes a sellout

Type of humor you low IQ Yas Forumscucks generally laugh it is the lowest common denominator.
>"Le Jews big nose!!! Le blacks dum dums! Le soiboys!!"
I wish my IQ dropped 40 points so I can find these jokes funny as well but I can't anymore. I generally find more dark humor funny nowadays.

What a woman hating, glory hole cum dumpster of a manlet.

You can literally hear the trump-wannabe-hipster-4chin
Bull shit.

He souhds like trash with a mic.

memeflags being retards? what a development

>Contrarians: The Thread

Never liked this guy. Spreads dead pol memes while shilling info wars product line.
Even if he left his content is still shite.

He’s a smart guy he knows what’s really up but he can’t just start spouting that shit otherwise he’d be arrested

PJW is a bit cringe and all his content is just shamelessly stolen from here but I think he's a great asset.
It's great to have all our views represented by a decent looking person on a large public platform.
Also I don't think he's controlled because he's shown memes that name the Jew in his videos.

He has become so much less based over time. He is now a Zionist cuck and took down all his videos that named them

>smug youtube cuck
>doesn't actively do anything with his fame other than IMAGINE MY ONIONS
Only worst person is Soigon and he at least put his name on his cuffs when he joined UKIP to kill them off permanently.

He's fun. I listen to him while I work, and his laugh is contagious

You're a massive niggerfaggot, and worse, a leaf.
Suicide is a realistic option.

Paul is fren

shekel chasing clown

Shut the fuck up boomer

Again, i am not that guy.
your lives must be grim.
laughter is good medicine.
no, you shut up youngling.

you're clearly very new to the internet

Extremely cringe video, also PJW is a faggot

I like him. His “shithole” series, architecture and art critiques are good stuff.

He has talked about the jewish problem, and that is pretty good.

I agree with some of his stuff, but god fucking damn, I can't stand the way he talks.