What does Yas Forums think of tobacco products?

What does Yas Forums think of tobacco products?

I quit smoking since this pandemic hit and I feel fine but I don't feel as "competitive" and "verbally quick/aggressive anymore".

I mean if the globohomo Western world order wants you to stop smoking, shouldn't you do the opposite?

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filthy fucking lungers


Smoking is for red and yellow niggers only. White men run clean.

Cringe faggot

The only reason I stopped was the smell, once they start making cigs that don't smell like shit, I'm sure I'll get back to it.

t. big tobacco shill

>I quit smoking since this pandemic hit and I feel fine but I don't feel as "competitive" and "verbally quick/aggressive anymore".
That’s because tobacco has a beneficial impact on your hormones if you’re a male.

The only thing white men should smoke is datura

Too expensive

>I quit smoking since this pandemic hit and I feel fine but I don't feel as "competitive" and "verbally quick/aggressive anymore".

No shit, nicotine is amazing for focus and thought. Why do you think we've been using it for so many years? It keeps you productive and on your toes.

Should be banned.
Must be done in a slow transitional way so that people don't chimp out over it.
For example ban the sale of tobacco products to anyone born after 2002, so that no new big generations of smokers can emerge. Of course some people will get around it and still manage to start smoking but that would be a good first step.

>banning a plant

Smoking is good for you.

I used to smoke only when I was drinking but I quit it several years ago. It's not fun enough to risk a cancer or vascular problems, also it's very expensive. You have to be a total retard to smoke.

The aggressiveness is probably caused by withdrawal and not a testosterone overdose. I was only more tired when I smoked.

your country has the cheapest cigarettes anywhere in europe

just vape

You forgot your snek memeflag user.

Smoking increases testosterone

Why not vape then? Tons of flavors to choose from

Believe it or not smoking actually appears to be protective against COVID somehow

oh fuck off its not your job to babysit people faggot

I switched to vaping a year ago due to health problems and am successfully lowering the nicotine level where now I hardly have any left. But I won't fully quit until I chose to do so, I could do it now since I'm at the lowest possible level of nicotine where I'm still addicted but I'm still deciding wheter I even want to go lower or not.
I don't even care since I literally don't harm myself, I vape pure VG with no aromas or other hipster crap.

Ya but oxygen is vital, how badly do you need additional testosterone?

If you actually need tobacco to feel alert and competent, you’re using it as a crutch. Use it sparingly if you really must.

Probably pretty badly considering all the environmental factors that fuck up your testosterone.

But I do vape. I just hide at home because I don't want to look like a faggot, I wouldn't have to do that with deathsticks.

nicotine is a nootropic and a srimulant, there are multiple ways to ingest it, smoking is just bad for your lungs

What environmental factors should I look out for?

I've quit smoking cancer sticks, now i smoke 1-2 pipes a day. Pipesmoking is patrician.

How much for some rolling tobacco in Ukraine?
It makes sense, will check science.

That being said, our health institute doesn't want me to stop smoking cigarettes and continue killing myself but fuck them.
Nicotine is literally the shittiest possible drug in existance, it only gets you addicted with zero high whatsoever.

...is what I thought until literally last few months, that's why I'm still thinking wheter or not I should fully quit. Nicotine does give you that after "punch" after vaping weed and that punch alone explains perfectly why stoners smoke weed every day. That's how I started, by smoking too many joints in a week once. The nicotine in a joint gives you a specific hit which cannot be replicated with let's say a bong and at the same time gets you addicted.
>also check'd

Checked this. With hormones in the water, plastic everywhere, søy snuck in to alot of foods, carb heavy diets, every last bit of test you can suck out give you an edge in this sœŷ society.

I vape in public, fuck everybody as long i'm happy.

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we called them vitaminsticks

And you don't look like a faggot, you are a faggot if you care what anyone else thinks.

Is there a way to get the benefit from tobacco without getting lung/mouth cancer?

I smoke, vape, and use snus.
I might smoke a cigarette a day, or more if I have a few drinks.
Don't really use snus right now since I'm working from home.
I quit off and on all the time.

I thought about switching to a pipe instead of cigarettes when I smoke, but I like the portability of cigarettes.

drugs are degenerate

Damn. Didn't know Yas Forums had so many DARE faggots. Pretty militant about it. Fucking zoomers.

Smoking is retarded. There are only 2 kinds of people who do it:

1) Low self-esteem people who do it "because it makes them look better" or because their friends pressured them to start smoking.

3) Addicted people.

Stop smoking, exercise and have projects in mind. Don't let yourself get dragged down into normie mediocrity


There's snus in the US now that is made from nicotine salts, Zen is a big brand. No tabacco or other crap in it.

i smoked 80 cigarettes in 30 hours


Pipe is perfectly portable, but you gotta smoke it with time. Like, 20-45minutes. Its quite enjoyable, but not comparable to ciggies.

Smoking fucks with your blood flow. I quit because it was beginning to affect my erections. Once I quit, my dick went back to normal.

Only neets that cant run a fucking mile without having a seizure will defend tobacco use

I was told years ago to never trust a pipe smoker.
Complete bullshitters.

Its a myth nicotine keeps you focused.

You basically need nicotine to focus if your addicted and cant otherwise, normal people dont need it. Same with sharpness or wit. Normal, not smoking people, have it without need to smoke. They are ahead of you.

Remember time when you werent smoking. Did you didint have ability to focus then?

Its pathethic and degradading addiction. Repulsive images on products only create fear - > neediness for smoking in addicted person.

If you are a smoker, quiting is basically the most asap important decision to skyrockey quality of your life.

Im not talking about 1-year smoker or casual smoker, this demon shows up couple years in and will for sure demolish DEMOLISH brutlly your life and you as a counciuss person 40+ yrs.

10 year smoker here.

(((they))) want you to smoke, remember. And marketing ban is for them to have monopol.

Do yourself a favor or waste your life.

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Smoking violates the NAP and you should be able to use deadly force to retaliate against anyone that does it.

nicotine downregulates ACE2 in the body meaning it increases covid19 resistance. Get your gums and patches asap

Very based

doesnt affect my dick. heavy smoker for 18 years here

>smoked meat lasts longer


That lack of feeling is a touch of depression, true fact, and smoking increases your blood pressure, which makes you run hot in "normal mode."

It isn't a conspiracy like some of these dunce's suggest. I quit way back and this is something that I found happened to me as well but the depression was worse. It wasn't "sad" feeling but it was "meh."

Based and in good taste. I smoke a pipe bi-weekly and a good cigar monthly. Nothing is finer than comfy pipe smoking.

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Just wait.

you look cool while doing it that's the only thing that matters

Oh yeah. Prohibition totally works. Definitely wont create a black market. Definitely super easy to enforce. Just watch everyone everywhere all the time like the UK and issue tobacco loicenses and $500 fines for even thinking about using the LoE (Leaves of Evil) without one. Then pay the drug lords who blackmail, bribe, and extort businesses and politicians to get more moolah. That way more people get hooked on tobacco, and the state can collect their bribe money, AND they can collect more money in fines from people using it, AND they can make themselves look good by arresting more and more people, making them look tough on a problem without ever actually solving it. Great idea frenchie.

i guess i should just wait then in the meantime i'll carry on smoking

>I quit
U ded

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>Nicotine does give you that after "punch" after vaping weed and that punch alone explains perfectly why stoners smoke weed every day.
Can you expand on this

Nicotine, I love it.
It makes you lean
It makes you mean
It takes the hair
Right off your bean.
I love it.

as i suspected. the pussy lungs of non smokers cant handle a bit of pneumonia

>did you have the ability to focus when you weren't weren't smoking
Nope, never have.I'm 10X more productive with a combination of gabapentin and nicotine.

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>waaaah i don't like the smell of tobacco
said no smoker ever

>Smoking is good for you.
no, it's bad for you, causes early death

I smoked cigarettes before turning to vaping, before quitting altogether. Smoking is just an expensive and shit habit, honestly. You also smell and it's just a hassle in order to obtain a nicotine high.

Nicotine mint addict here, it’s the best solution (and protects from corona)

typical over reactive pol tard burger goblin type

>protects from corona
how ?