Not on the same page as drudge anymore

Im not understanding how this guy is a hero. He shot the US Navy in the foot and leaks a letter to SF newspaper? he is a hero how? Whats drudges angle? Is drudge running a misinformation/propaganda campaign? Its losing credibility in my eyes

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's a subversive agent. Just look at the people who were upset about his removal.

Any minor loser anywhere in the Federal bureaucracy who throws a hissy fit and makes some negative headline that can be directed towards a hero by sacred definition.


>Whats drudges angle?
Drudge sold his site a couple years ago to some lefty billionaire. Now he prints whatever his master says. It happened at a lot of "conservative" outlets after Trump won.

faggots who destroy the military are heros according to kikel bolshevik intelligentsia
men who kill for america are criminals according to those same individuals

He is not a hero to anyone who isn't a Communist.

>some lefty billionaire
Im starting to believe billionaires control the Democrats. By the same principle that they control large cities like NY

"Starting" to believe? Bro where have you been the past 30 years

Quarantine him in the brig.

so everyone on that ship is a communist?

Captain is obviously gay, so he gets to do whatever he wants and still be "An Hero"

Trump got it right. Nothing else matters.

Drudge is a closeted gay. Also sold out to jewgle

Look, the Navy attracts a kit if gay men, it is ok, no one judges you for that anymore.

He did the best thing for his men. Being in command means making decisions that are right while the consequences will harm your career.
Both the Navy and the captain were right; and both were wrong. And that is not me trying to be wishy-washy or moderate, that is the goddamn truth.

based on?

He has a young trophy wife and a house full of kids.

This hero authorized a port call to Vietnam in the middle of a fucking pandemic.

Drudge is dead

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whistle blower

>mad as fuck

drudge has been a lameass for a few years now - i heard that he's a fag

your slow radicalization on this website has allowed you to condemn war heroes as communists. take a look at yourself.

The best judge of the character of a leader is what his men think of him. He took a bullet for his men and they love him for it.

Fuck all you faggots that think otherwise. You suck ass.

Get a load of this fucking newfag.

He is your version of Li Wenliang. He warned you to prevent more deaths, he got reprimanded, humiliated by your government and now he is probably going to die from the infection. Are you happy to be just like China?

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>whistleblowers bad
Trumpshills are such babies

All the Chang posting didn't stop with nothing burger drama.

Drudge is a slave to MSM and Google Ads

>Silencing whistleblowers for me but not for thee
These threads show trumpcultists have no morals, its all about protecting the image of the orange faggot

>Fire captain
>Proceed to test crew for corona
>"Only" 150 positive tests
>On a confined ship

You would think the military would be taking this more seriously considering the close quarters nature of nearly every military installation.

Unless the plan is to weaken the effectiveness of certain parts of the US military.

>Scratches tinfoil

A man with distinct honor who actually served his country as opposed to the blowhard who fleed the military.

>in my eyes

the eyes of a trump cuck
kys faget

CCP Virus goes away in 2 weeks or less, you goof. Probably 90% of those guys didn't even know they had it. Now, they're immune from having it be used as a threat against them.

What's with the people who act as if, if you get the 'Rona, you are sick INDEFINITELY?

"20% of NYC cops called in sick!" -- so the fuck WHAT? They'll be back in 1 week and then able to work for MONTHS AND MONTHS AND MONTHS, while we get back to normal, and will be immune. Who. The. Fuck. Cares?

what kind of sicko made this post? are you from /b just trolling or what? upside down man

You know Trump cultists, not everything has to be seen through your personal bias lens.

As a commander you will have to implement decisions and policies that are not always popular with your men or best for them in order to achieve your mission.
Would Cortez conquered these Aztecs if he did what was best for his men? He would have stayed in Spain.

you are off your rocker. get a clue!

>Im not understanding how this guy is a hero.
He went out of his way, risking his career and pension, for his sailors. That kind of loyalty is something Trump will never understand.


Also risking his undermanned boat he just bragged about to the media, and his country who was counting on his boat to continue doing its damn job.

>starting to believe
Welcome to being able to see the utterly obvious. It's actually an important skill to have in this day and age.

The ones that clapped for him should be forcibly removed from the ship and imprisoned to hard labor for six months. Clear the rot from our Navy!

I can't believe you're advocating for the dismantling of the entire navy because of one guy!

See He should have been doing what was best for his country, 'till the last man perish. Only in death does duty end.

Its over....
Drudge has always been the canary in the coal-mine.

Time to head to the shelter motherfuckers. See you in a few months.

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100 people out of a 4000 man crew.

I'm advocating imprisoning those who even think to call this man a hero. The mission comes first.


When the chain of command gives you an order that will get a bunch of people kill you either obey the order or you do something.

This guy did something... eat shit.

This would never have happened if Trump didn't force Mattis Out.

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This is EXACTLY what the lefty billionaire who bought Drudge hope for...but alas, people just realized he turned into a shill and now he has no influence at all. It's the same with every "right wing" outlet the Left purchases in an attempt to turn its readership into Democrats. They think the right worships and defers to authority because they do, so such a scheme makes sense prima facie. But then they always find out in the end that it's the message, not the messenger who matters. And the message can't be bought.

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No. You don't sign up to serve to he safe all the time. You do so knowing your country might ask you to take risks. This is something that Navy brats rarely understand, because they sign up for pensions, free college, and to see the world. This is why I hate to see the Navy and air Force compared to the Army and the Marines. They are completely different institutionally, from the grunt level on up. The air Force and Navy sign ups do so under the assumption that they will never take any real risk. It's the exact opposite with the army and Marines. They are totally unequivalent. If we ever have a shooting war that involves actual risk to our air Force or Navy, that will change. And the kinds of recruits we get will change consummatly. For now they are kids looking for free handouts and an easy ride. I have no pity for them, and the commander absolutely did the wrong thing should not only be fired but court-martialed.

i know it so transparent when they start going on about their new latest american hero nickle a dozen military guy

Mattis is a lisping faggot butt humper

ah the toothless mad dawg

>implying trump isn't a billionaire democrat with deep ties to israel and clinton

Mattis was forced out for a lack of loyalty. Hitler should have purged the Prussian officers early on. Trump was too slow to start sacking subversives.

>durrr everything is connected and working in lockstep!

Yeah imagine that. Signing up and putting your life on the line for a country that hates you and rulers that dont care about any foundations of a nation.

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The Navy is not the cult of Trump. It honestly amazes me just how brainwashed you people are.
The proof that you're a cult becomes more and more clear every day, you people basically say as much.

What's more sad is that you've been indoctrinated by a retard like Trump. How cognitively challenged must a person be to be indoctrinated by this fucking clown? It's truly sad and pathetic, you're all a bunch of little cultist cuckolds to Trump.

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Drudge is still in charge.

Bongino been spreading rumors trying to get his adheavy site attention.

Drudge is been ahead of every curve.

Mattis was not a yes-man.
Trump want's yes-men.

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>Its losing credibility in my eyes

you know it got bought out right? matt drudge was already a jew, but it is even more kiked now

Vietnam 2: coof coof boogaloo

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>It happened at a lot of "conservative" outlets after Trump won.
Imagine my shock.

Bretty much anyone who makes Trump look worse is a hero. We need him gone.

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>Drudge is been ahead of every curve.
Sure fag. He was shilling hard against Boris and Brexit a few months back. Look how that turned out. Drudge did a complete 180 and everyone knows why. He's Bill Kristol in a fedora.


>hey guys so we might have a WWIII soon but I hear some of you have the sniffles so let's just announce to the world that we've shut down our aircraft carrier

I heard that Drudge sold his site for lots of money and the new owner is subtly trying to turn public opinion leftward, on the dl.

I stopped going to the drudge site weeks ago.

Rush Limbaugh pretty much said the same thing - that the new Drudge report is lefty.

I'm guessing next you'll ask us to lay out lives down for Israel - "and willingly god damn it, it's what you signed up for!"

Who could be behind this post?

I've been here since 04, child.