Yas Forums humor thread

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Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your “pol humor” threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins will ever be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers




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There are pyramids in sudan

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the leaf gets outleafed by an aussie, classic

nigga sudan was part of the old kingdom

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humor on a hatesite.. yeah whatever incels

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this copypasta has been molded into Yas Forums humour threads at this point.

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North Africa was green when the pyramids were built.

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There really cant be such men on this planet. I mean, cmon now... All fun and games. But this? This is just trolling. Am i right? RIGHT?

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There are the highest concentration of pyramids in the world in Sudan, nigga. But yeah, I get your point.

"Drinks Fiji water"

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Bro. They are super real. I've met, seen, spoken with them.

I actually Ken’s. Good job user

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what is sudan

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sudan is along the nile right... so just south of egypt

There are also not pyramids in Israel or Greece or in a million other places. What does not having pyramids even means?

isn't Sudan inferior to Ethiopia in every concievable way?

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Kek, is that video public?

idk but this is the amount of kenya bills worth 240$ usd

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who had the idea to build a settlement on a literal plateau of sand?

try selling them as novelty for 10USD each? :^)

Oy vey

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Use a updated ver mate


begone with this stale pasta, cretin

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>indonesia makes plastic anti counterfeit notes
>canada immediately copies their strategy
>kenya shamelessly steals canada's note colours scheme from 2003
>americans making bat flavored quarters in 2020

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make the nose a straight pyramid, not bent like that, also disconnect it from the main square and it's perfect.

that's a dusty asus motherboard, you don't fool me

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Try Sweden

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the bat tie in is just to cover for the vampires

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You're not Canada

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what kind of retard made these? what is bat flavor like anyway? I figure bats taste how they look: ugly and sour.

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>Foreign grooming gang
Just say refugees, everyone with a sense knew it.

it says american samoa on the coin

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You should be ours btw

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wasn't that gross girl some islander and that Pangolins are the ACTUAL source of the virus?

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>Watching the office
>Commercial for Biktarvy comes on
>Biktarvy is a HIV drug for faggots
>Faggots on commercial
>Gets HIV from anal sex
>Nig on commercial puts pill in hand
>Mfw seeing pill is Doo Doo brown

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what kind of chinese fake news you were reading?

whats funny about the truth OP

fuck me. i fucking laughed out loud and am still chuckling.

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I just made this one. My first meme. Any good?

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Incredibly gay post, good flag synergy though

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look mom, I posted it again!

Those were built by Egyptians in kush you retard

A dude in league Typed the XD i then googled it and found this.

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