Don't forget about her, Yas Forums

She has corona :(

Attached: Greta.jpg (948x1024, 114K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>white girl
you already know what i'm gonna say

she's probably rich now

Greta, how much did that plastic surgery cost to get rid of that fetal alcohol syndrome look?

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"extremely likely she has had coronavirus" != tested positive for coronavirus


Is this adrenochrome related
is that why her face looks like that

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>"likely she has had"
She's just a thirsty attention whore now

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That stupid meme is not funny anymore


Please no I'm running out toilot paper

>When the west has to focus every resource and attention on recovering its economy and industry.
>When the east nowhas an even stronger control of the global market and increases their industry and productivity.
>When both ignore the climate debate and everyone on social media just wants their jobs back.

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>Don't forget about her
Please, I desperately want to forget about her.

Her initiation into the NWO to be an illuminatti princess involved consuming adrenochrome.
The only cure for inner ugly materializing outside is stealing beauty from children.

You know who.

Attached: 1584486619471.jpg (500x591, 397.12K)

It is amazing what some makeup and hair styling do to a girl

its amazing how dumb men are

Yeh, I wish I could apply photoshop in rl as well.

Attached: B408B8BD-7932-4376-B9EA-B481988BF0AA.jpg (1125x630, 558.69K)

Stupid bitch, unless she got tested SHE DOES NOT HAVE THE CORONAVIRUS.

Would do 7 years for that tightness

Makeup is satan

you can you just have to admit your a faggot

Fuck off cockroach, she belongs to Europeans, and you will never be one

That is not her you LIAR

*does fridge instead

No, what are you going to say?

That girl doesn't have enough of that "fetal alcohol syndrome" look to be Greta.

>you already know what i'm gonna say
That you're a faggot?

she's almost 18

Yep found the original.

Attached: greta.jpg (1920x2074, 359.9K)

Made for BBC

Attached: 1577355133555.jpg (688x1024, 174.63K)

Or maybe I should call you a dumb fuck fag degenerate burger.

fetal alcohol syndrome is hot. i love the way it makes girls look.

She's come down with a wee bit of tater famine!

Attached: our little tater tot.png (781x857, 1.07M)

We all would

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God damn she could be so fucking cute if she wasn’t retarded

Why did you photoshop her to make her ugly?

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Their propaganda with that face would probably be more impactful.

She HAS that face

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Nice shops.


I'm so proud of my daughter.

Attached: Mr-Potato-Head.jpg (400x338, 48.14K)

She's hotter without the photoshop

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same user from that just deleted aoc thread?

nice user

aoc thread? nope. I hate that fake shilling bitch, were comments positive about her?

not the literal jewnig but ill post this here anyway

it's up to you in your own personal tastes, it's not for everyone just like not everyone likes fat or skinny girls evrn if the like girls in general, but honestly she's beautiful from a straight male pov and i wouldn't trust any who gives a different answer than that because it would just be some strange forced anti pedo/ephe cope npc etc etc reply completely lacking in critical thinking and empathy

Very nice indeed

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Looks like a female Lars Ulrich.

Press S to spit

wrong thread?

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Wow, and it was so bad that she isn't even sure if she had it. Glad we caused a depression for this!


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Is this pic real? I'm inclined to think it is.

The cure to the incel question

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>retard says extremely likely

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She's disgusting. Extremely ugly face, ugly mentality, ugly language and look at those nasty mosquito bites for tits. Pathetic.

>She's disgusting. Extremely ugly face, ugly mentality, ugly language and look at those nasty mosquito bites for tits. Pathetic.

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she maybe a stupid bitch, but she is cute as hell

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plus she is trying to save our planet, unlike you retards