Balkaniggers always claim Austria-Hungary was oppressive...

Balkaniggers always claim Austria-Hungary was oppressive, but they can't cite a single historical source that'd confirm these claims.
Really makes you think.

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>multicultural multiethnic union

Imagine being a S*rb and having to witness an Austro-Hungarian Chad.

They're oppressed by their own inferiority and seeing it reflected in their surroundings.

Just like
And so on. A-H wasn't the only multicultural multiethnic union, stop acting like it was a unique historical experiment.

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Imagine being a Serb and angry because you're a nigger and everyone else isn't. Then you proceed to chimp out repeatedly over millennia and everyone beats you the fuck up. Still 'We wuz Serbian Empire'. Even Albanians are superior to you and take over your lands and women. So sad.

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Yes, uneducated faggot

What does it matter if they were oppressive? Own it bro. Hungarians still have the fire of life, you can see it in the young men. Fucking own it bro.

>those borders
god she was so beautiful

behave yourself nigger

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Austro-Hungary would be reasonable but without Poland.

I live in a town which is pretty much built by Austria-Hungary, also the way to a village where my forefathers are from was also dig through by Austro-Hungarians. The trees planted during the AH period are still around, as well as many architecture and few industries. There used to be a train spanning from that village straight to the city of Doboj. Unfortunately, it was devastated in socialist Yugoslavia, the rail was confiscated, and the train now is just a memory. Ngl I'm a Serb but one line of my forefathers fought in the Austro-Hungarian army. I also would love that Austria-Hungary existed today. Today, what we have is a plain mess.


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Look how they massacred my boy !

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It wasn't doing enough against the Ottoman menace.

That’s a thicc boi

nah, just being real

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Kek , Transilvania is bigger than Hungary!

It was a Germanic charity project to uplift the natives, bless them

would have stayed beautiful if it was administered by the king balkanniggas aka slovenians. We also adding subhuman turkroaches aka serbs
because they our bros.Ljubljana capital in 2.0 version. Backup capital is Skoplje, because thats where the real chads live.

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Austria and Hungary should reunite, as long as Austrians aren’t given voting rights for a couple generations. One of Orban’s daughters can marry a Habsburg and we get this fucking show on the road

Give me ONE example of being oppressed by Austria-Hungary, instead of shitposting you savage animals.

Franz Ferdinand wanted to give the Slavs even more autonomy that's why the Serbs killed him they knew if he became ruler the Bosnians and Croats would never want to leave.


What's gone is gone, I just want to point out that the Empire was killed for no reasons.

Not enough.

If you removed 'Hungarian' part I'd sing up to be occupied again

who cares you dumb cunt, you went full retard with serb expansion and austria cunts played kiddy fiddly in the basement too much, got cocky and forgot diplomacy is not a game of risk. You had it coming and should look towards Vienna for your answers. Cunt

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It is reborn as the European Union. Orbán's rhetoric is outed as nothing but that when he calls for a European Army and invokes nationalism by attacking house Habsburg. Not that there is anything wrong with rejecting Habsburgs tbqhwyfam

The only problem with Austria-Hungary was the clear ethnic divide that made federation impossible. A Greater Hungary model would be better, territorially speaking.

FACT: transylvania is the Gypsie homeland, Romania must surrender the clay.

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It was in the way of the (((League of Nations))) and had to die.

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Just the post I'd expect of a pony-fucking unibrow-having dog-eating faggot-fucking turk-nigger

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Here you are faggot. The number of schools and highscools in Hungary , 1910. In your retarded process of forced magyarisation even fucking germans weren't allowed to have highschools , and you wonder why everyone hates you niggers?
They Transilvanian germans voted the Union with Romania in 1918, that's how much they despised you for your magyarisation attempts.

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Based and czechpilled

Letting serb and vlach migrants settle into austria-hungary was a mistake.
>Whereas a great many of the 17,000 and 19,000 Ottoman soldiers in service in the Ottoman fortresses in the territory of present-day Hungary were Orthodox and Muslim Balkan Slavs,[2] Southern Slavs were also acting as akıncıs and other light troops intended for pillaging in the territory of present-day Hungary.[3]

Nobody wanted to live under Hungarians tho, nation of massive spergs

user the problem was the repeated attempts of the Austrian court and Hungarian bureaucrats to eradicate the ethnic/cultural identities of the people.

That´s on the 19th century nationalism i guess.

AH didn't want to genocide its own people through mass immigration like the EU does.

eat shit bozgor, even the memefag cant hide your hungypsian identity

There were more Romanian schools and universities in Austria-Hungary than there were in all of Wallachia+moldavia combined retard.
Austria-Hungary's biggest mistake was that it was too soft, kind and tolerant with dirty subhumans like r*manians

Well they didn´t want Croats to go revolutionary so during the 17th and 18th century the settled in Serbs among them to create heterogeneous settlements to prevent them from organizing a rebellion.

Look up Leopold the 2nd.

Turk here, dont mind me Im just reading posts of slave races and a germanic cuck nation created to stop us and Christ LARPing Magyar Turks. XD

>Nobody wanted to live under Hungarians
Yet Serbs gladly migrated to Vojvodina en masse after the disaster at Kosovo. Your borders are all wrong, they're supposed to be further south, since that is the ancient Serb heartland. And I'm not trying to downplay the role they played against the Turks, Serbs were renowned and capable as light cavalry among the Hungarian ranks.

>There were more Romanian schools and universities in Austria-Hungary than there were in all of Wallachia+moldavia combined retard.
fuck off you lying magyar gypsoid

They'd all be Turkroaches otherwise is that really preferable?

Its true

>Balkaniggers always claim Austria-Hungary was oppressive,
Why are you lying?

This is historical serbia before they migrated to other peoples lands

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>Balkaniggers always claim Austria-Hungary was oppressive
king was german therefore oppressive now fuck off

It did stop you. Look at you now -- no oil, getting wrecked in Syrian cow towns, currency in the shitter. You're a lot closer to having the job finished than you think.

"Vojvodina" you retard, doesn't that tell you anything? That's not even your word, implying it wasn't your land you turkcuck

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post sources then, you shut eating bozgor

When will Vojvodina be free?

I actually considered writing Vajdaság, but that would leave anyone in here bamboozled, though I'm glad you at least know, impressive for an actual kebab vendor.

the term vojvodina only exists since the 19th century retard.

It was never "vojvodina" but simply southern Hungary for most of history.

How does it feel to be repopulated by your neighbors, Albanians, and Bulgarians pumping your great grandmothers because Milos and Nikola died in WWI battles?

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Cope harder

>How do I into history
Most of the countryside had no schools, elementary school was the best the average peasant had, retard. Major cities had better schooling systems, but most major cities were majority Hungarians. For being only 16% of the population, 2578 elementary schools are more than enough for you, I highly doubt everyone of that 16% were children.
>even fucking germans weren't allowed to have highschools
Krauts were allowed to have their schools, most of the German schools were owned by the Saxons. By 1910, most of the Swabs were assimilated or bilingual.
>They Transilvanian germans voted the Union with Romania in 1918
It was illegitimate and the romanigger army was in their backs. I'm sure all of them voted willingly. And by the way, suddenly Saxon Lives Matter? Well, we weren't the ones that removed them from Transylvania.
>inb4 they moved away willingly
lol yeah sure, it's not like the region's economy turned shit under you and they were oppressed by your manlet retard dictator.
>and you wonder why everyone hates you
No, I don't give a fuck about the neighbors' fee-fee being hurt.

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>It was never "vojvodina" but simply southern Hungary for most of history.
And Hungary was simply Budyn Eyalet or Eastern Austria for most of history

Unironically this. Everything good in the Balkans and western Ukraine was built by the Austrians (or the Romans, kek). The Croats embraced the Germanic culture more than the Serbs or Bosniacs which is why their country is slightly less shitty.

Prime panicked goat-herder cope.

>facts hurt
Okay, Upper Hungary

>And Hungary was simply Budyn Eyalet or Eastern Austria for most of history
Learnt history retarded wallach. Hungary was founded in 895 many centuries before any austria or ottomans even existed. Just because your pathetic nigger country is only less than 100 years old doesnt mean others is too

>Budyn Eyalet
150 years only, but a country that was the Ottoman's vassal state for 300 years should stay silent
>Eastern Austria

I am the kebab vendor, currently in Homeland and the fucking Geo tracker is going wild. Phoneposting does that to you ig

I bet you never spoken with Croatian

founded by turkish nomadic tengrist tribe not by cucktolic as you are today

the sarban gypsy-turk is talking about turkish tengrists eat shit vlajo

Based. If you look at all the old shit during AH Empire.. they obviously did something right. WWI and on has obviously been a mistake. Look at old photos of households, people, clothes, architecture, etc. It’s sad to see what it is now. And what could have been.

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I've been there. I'm good friends with a bunch of Croats from Mostar (where I have also been) I've met Serbs and they all act like fucking niggers. Unlike you fucking europoors, Americans have money to travel.


Mostar is the most mentally retarded place on earth.

Potiorek in both...