
post you're prep

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I ran out of food weeks ago, I drive down to my nearby McDonald’s 3 times a day
They have an endless supply of burgers

Now go back to showing off your money and stop making shit slide threads.

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3 cans of beans, a case of mountain dew, one roll of toilet paper and a rope for the second week

>his prep is spanish currency

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Thats an oof from me cowboy

Weird toothpick you have there.

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I'm pretty sure that's tp there bud

Nice, a scotch man

what currency is that?
aside from that i want all of it!

>Keeping your bud in a sandwich bag
Get a glass jar m8, the plastic pulls the trichomes off the buds

Howd i do guys

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Based. Wish I had money though

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Not pictured, canned and dehydrated food enough for about a week

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what is that tapped stuff?

6.9/10 b8

weed prices has skyrocketed man. I got a few grams left and no supply for my next buy.

Shit sucks. Going to put some darknet orders in but with the shutdowns, i have no idea. Send help and we will help catalonia.

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Whats the spray bottle for? Did you go and get yourself infected?

Also whats the ducktape padded stuff

Weed intensifies flavor so much that I can't stomach alcohol while using it

Those 7 grams of weed would only last me 2 days.

Its about 3 thick magasines, the kind with plastic like cover wrapped in tape, makes for pretty decent makeshift armor, few have guns here and you basically cant stab through it with anything less than a machete, if even that

What drugs is that, hard to judge without knowing.

>tfw no herbal Jew

Why even fucking live

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Makeshift flamethrower


get on my level fags

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Based goy eating the bugs


The skeleton face mask is SOO cash.


Check out this roastie.

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Looks like xans.

You better EZ-test those fake zannies for fentanyl next time, user

Thank you for putting sustainable protein first in these uncharted times

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>he doesn't live in a state where it's legal to grow

Dang bro that must suck.

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You’re ready.

Xanax abusers deserve to get fentanyl'd.

Meh, already had it so fuck it included it. Can get realley cold in the winter especially at night

>2 bottles of blended potato whiskey
>failing currency worth exactly $14 American
>bag of moldy schwag
>single battery



They cleared, no fent

I would smoke all that bud throughout a single night of drinking

Are those xans? wtf is it?

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50lbs rice
50lbs beans
Shitload of canned and frozen veggies.
Shitload of deenz.
Many bottles of Old Granddad BIB.

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How heavy is that machete?

Same here :/

Nice whisky need buy me some more.

dont know the exact weight, but it is pretty light, got it for $9 at a True Value the other day.

Post firearm prep

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Nice. I'll have to pick one up for that price.

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GG no RE

double black? what do you like drinking wood? Get yourself some gold reserve instead.

The winds will know you are a serious fascist and absolutely do not jerk off to BBC.


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about a quarter of my funs
def worth it

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There's no way around it with me and weed. It's either: 1. get high every 2-3 hours with a 0.5 joint with filter on a 1.5 inch rolling white paper, OR, 2. quit.

Show your ____ stash threads is glownigger accounting for who is a bad goy. dont answer them or post misinformation.

>I built for BBC

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am i gonna make it user?

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I don't even watch or play ape hoop and even I am stymied by the depths female stupidity.
Holy fuck.

I have canned tomato, canned tuna, noodle packs, and pasta to cover my caloric intake for a couple of weeks
Not gourmet, but it can keep me fed for a while
Nevermind that the shops are PACKED with goods and toilet paper is on sale, no breakdown of anything so far here.

Does the Allen key open your chastity lock?

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that toblerone is empty I bet

Is that a FAMAS

If you dont belive me its not porn then here, this one has a hunting magasine in it, norwegian hunting and fishing associacion logo visible. Also, Mutt's law

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Smoke light bowls and don't build a tolerance you fucking retard.

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Why two types of blended scotch?

Its $100 AUD


>search stores around my city for vests and mille pouches
>everywhere that has them is closed, everywhere that is open doesn't stock them

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(it's not mine)

U know the green ones are pressed with estradiol, right?

damn nigga.
you probably look exactly as I picture you

>dirt weed
>garbage booze
>no protection
europe sucks.

pretty based fellow burger

The effect of weed is so slight that light bowls make me want to quit. If I don't get a feeling of stupidity during my session, then there's no reason to poison my lungs.