Anyone wanna buy some cheap Chinese shit?

Seriously, how likely are you to buy Chinese products now? Has this pandemic changed your tune at all?
What do you think your country's stance toward China should be? Any changes?

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After the war with China I think they will act more like Japan.

I don't know for sure, but I think Taiwan is fine.
China is simply too large, too backward, and too communist.
Ideally, it should be broken down into smaller states.

You mean like iphones? Everything is made in China because the billionaire class and their pet politicians sold us out.

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How does that make you feel?
What are you going to do about it?
Will this affect your purchasing decisions?
Will this affect your voting decisions?

I WANT my WALMART well stock with cheap STUFF!!, (and munchies too)

even before this I fucking hated the crapmarkets in china and the fact that it was basically running because international postage is a scam to push cheap chinese junk in expense of local manufacturers and logistics companies, a fucking UN mandated blank check to fill the world with chinese waste, I'm going to punch everybody in the gut that fucking partakes in that globohomo scheme

I’ve always been anti-China, but I’ve not really been paying attention to the products I’ve been buying
Now I am. Haven’t bought anything from China in over a month

Our stance should be the entire US Navy in the South China sea and we should air drop weapons for Hong Kong and Tibet

I stopped buying globalist products a while ago.

I had to buy a 3d printer from a chink firm but it now saves me loads of money on shit I would buy. I buy local food, grow my own food, hunt my own meat, drink local ciders, I support local stores for years now. I wont even use supermarkets unless I absolutely have to for things i can't get produced locally / shipped from a small company. Sounds hipster but its not, its just not sucking dick for Johnson & Johnson, P&G, Unilever. Kraft etc

They will fuck you with processed food for a super yacht and people allow them to.

Chinks are gonna get super fucked, if people want to continue to use them ot make your iphone, expect Apple to go under. Anyone who uses foxconn is going to get boycotted to hell and back. Higher prices but better standard and morals are worth it. Have some integrity and conviction in choice.

>China stuff bad
>buys and steal plane loads of China stuff

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Until American workers get over themselves and accept lower wages, the vast majority of all manufactured goods will be made in China, and other nations with cheaper labor.

The invisible hand of the market at work.

I'm typing this on Huawei phone but beyond that I don't want anything else in my house from China. It was a fever dream of the west to allow our stuff to be made in a communist hellhole, giving them actual power in our day to day lives. How is it that China is in a position to black mail France into 5g Huawei expansion for medical masks? Looks what they did to Australia! This kind of shit is simply unacceptable. As I type this out I'm feeling that there's probably some Jeff bezos owned data center working for Huawei analysing my text, marking me down as an undesirable. Bezos is another dildo shaped man who will get his commuppence.

How? Everything is made in China. Or at least not here. Made in America is impossible to find on a regular basis.

It's common sense to buy local. Unless we migrate to a genuinely global situation. Meanwhile though what are you typing that on? Wearing? The parts in your car? Every thing you push your cart by in the Walmart?

>I had to buy a 3d printer from a chink firm

So you're into tech. No way on earth you're going to be pursuing your interests and avoiding China. Not without roadblocks.

My point is, easier said than done. I won't be boycotting anybody, I'll be making decisions on a per case basis.

There aren't a whole lot of options at this point. In order to be weaned off of Chinese products action will have to take place at a federal level.

Put corona tariffs on all goods and services from China. Massive massive tariffs.

>if people want to continue to use them ot make your iphone, expect Apple to go under

Didn't Apple recently try moving some manufacturing to India. And it flopped. The Chinese aren't just cheap-ish. They're capable. That needs to be factored in. You can't just point at the globe and stab your finger down somewhere.

i recall a few years back the French did something Americans didn't like.
Americans stopped eating french fries nationwide fora few days to make a 'strong point' and thinking it was a boycott.
that's the level we will see again.

Going forward, it is imperative that the USA and our allies disengage from China.
No travel, no trade.

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>Until American workers get over themselves and accept lower wages

This was never an inevitability and it still isn't. There are steps than can be taken to prevent us from sinking to the third world.

>other nations with cheaper labor
Found the relevant part of your post.
We must disengage from China.

>The Chinese aren't just cheap-ish. They're capable.

Seems to be true. The Indians have had more than ample opportunity to seize manufacturing from the rest of the world.

Nuke Beijing

>It was a fever dream of the west to allow our stuff to be made in a communist hellhole

It was a meme pushed by the media and our elites several decades ago. It was presented as a given and unavoidable and it met little resistance. I never liked the idea and I didn't believe what I was hearing, ie. better to export making stuff somewhere else. I don't know that I knew a single person who shared my opinion.

Now the media, and our elites, same thing, will float more ideas. Whatever they push will be accepted because that's the way it is. People give credence to those in authority. It must be almost a biological thing. Fingers crossed that they come up with something decent.

90% of our stuff is made there, I don't really have a choice

>Americans stopped eating french fries nationwide fora few days

According to media. This never really occurred in the real world.

Same, I try to make most of my stuff or buy european products and also european and american bonds, crypto whatever. Support our economy instead of those bugmen.

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>It was presented as a given and unavoidable and it met little resistance.
They do that a lot if you pay attention. And people just go along. They know we are sheep for the most part.

Considering that USA killed millions of civilians in endless wars over the last decade - it should be the other way around.
How does this shit even work - USA can start wars against internetional law, murder people left and right, bomb them to bits and just say "your dead relatives are collateral damage SUCK IT" and no one bothers, but China should pay everyone because some virus originated on their territory and your countries fucked up to prevent the infections?

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>>It was a fever dream of the west to allow our stuff to be made in a communist hellhole
>It was a meme pushed by the media and our elites several decades ago. It was presented as a given and unavoidable and it met little resistance.

Also, an economic philosophy (originating with Adam Smith, I believe) was trotted out. The concept of absolute and unrestricted free trade. It was averred that any deviation from this policy was both dangerous and sacrilegious.

The Chinese never had any use for such concepts from the beginning.

for starter: my wranglers and Lee jeans are made in mexico from us fabrics :-)

China needs to learn into diversity. I think there are like 100 million (small minority) Chinese in China but no blacks. WTF???

CCP shill, your keyboard is dripping with blood

Russians are out killing people right now in the middle east. And the soviets were as responsible for North Korea and Vietnam as anyone else. Not to mention the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Stop playing innocent, igor.

you make a pretty good point for an Ivan.....

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they eat their diversities

How are we going to buy anything when their warehouses state-side empty out? They aren't producing anything.

And your posts are glowing, nigger. Germans should cast you out of their land so you would return to the muttland. Your family is probably infected right now, because of the slow response of your government. You will get a phone call one day saying that she is in the hospital and you will have no power to help her, only raging in that small shitty room that they gave you, faggot. And then your world is going to crumble when the next message will pop up on your phone.

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How's your Ukraine campaign going, Ivan?

>everybody is a kike except actual hebrews, our greatest allies

Show flag

If it's something I want, but don't need it, and it's made in China, not going to buy it.
If it's made in China, and a more expensive version exists that's not made in China, I'll buy it.
If I have no choice, I'll buy it in China.

I actually think there is going to be a time when we look at back all these cheap, shitty Chinese knockoff things and laugh at how we had this quality of people making things for us.

When did reviewbrah become start cross dressing?

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WOW, a leftist Nazi, this must be the power of the memeflag!

>Between January 24 and February 29, the National Customs in China inspected and released 2.46 billion pieces of epidemic prevention and control materials, including 2.02 billion masks and 25.38 million items of protective clothing. The official report also states the value of these supplies was worth 8.2 billion yuan (approximately $2 billion).

>One of the groups in Australia which sprang into action was the Poly Group, a Chinese government-run global conglomerate which started off as a front company for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army but has since moved into businesses including arms dealing and property development

>The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald have obtained copies of internal company messages that reveal an organised campaign by Poly in Australia to purchase as many surgical masks, goggles and gowns as possible through January and February.

>The Poly Group is overseen by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission which monitors China’s biggest state-run companies and the company announced on its official website it had responded to the call for help with medical supplies “in accordance with the decisions made by the Central Committee and the SASAC Party Committee.”

>“In this battle, Poly Group will take the responsibility as the central government owned enterprise to devote every effort to help our country win the epidemic prevention and control battle. Poly Group protects the country, benefits the people and overcomes difficulties together with our country!”

Thanks, user. That's a big improvement.

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>I built for BBC

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Not gonna lie, I look at aliexpress/ebay and buy stuff there almost exclusively because 80% of the stuff you buy locally or "made in the USA" was actually manufactured in some chink plant and then marked up 500%.

It's amazing how much money you can save on things like fittings, screws, bolts, simple electronics, hoses and lines etc. If you're starting a project blueprint what supplies you'll need and order the shit from overseas a month in advance.

Chinks are even getting pretty good at precision CNC, the knockoff Garrett turbos are 99% as good as the real deals at 1/4 the price.


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I was already in 'boycott China' mode, if I absolutely needed something made in China I would only buy it used.

lol, what? Are you afraid of being a hypocrite or something? it is not like you faggots have integrity anyway. Keep using Chinese products, keep eating Chinese food whilst being a racist cunt on Yas Forums. That's the way of the white

Don't generalize pls thanks.


Also, read the fucking manual

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Had that aspect alright. Now that we're embroiled in this relationship is it workable? Things are so different between us. President Trump invoking the Defense Production Act make me think, well, hell those guys are at that level 365 days already. A year or two ago they rolled out a huge plan, in Hebei province. The plan is so huge that the fact is was announced on April 1st led many to think it was a prank. They froze real estate sales and have a degree of control over the project that would be unimaginable over here. Where I live we've been bickering about a pipeline since I don't know when. I actually read a reference to the proposed and disputed pipeline in a novel from around 1950! It's still on the table. Is it reasonable for such distinct societies to have decent trade relations? I don't know.

I'm tired of shitty China products, the ones they flooded our markets since early 2000s, people lost jobs here, now we are stuck with this piece of shit one time use chinesium crap, but now I realise their worker wages are so high we might as well dump china and manufacture at home.

Every laptop, phone, car and domestic appliance has chinese stuff in it.

Pretty hard to get around that.

Who is we? Businessmen do whatever the fuck they want and they don't give a shit about ethics and morals (and neither do you) and that's the way you like it. You are not a commie are you?

I haven't been buying chinese for like 5 years now

wont buy anything made in china ever again