"Redeemed" Ex-Nazis (Heimbach, Eli Mosley, Baked Alaska): "We've 'turned' like Darth Vader in RotJ"

youtube.com/watch?v=w4DGkvsJLP8 (Matthew's video where he explains why he, and the rest, left the alt right, using plenty of Darth Vader analogies!)

Genuine, and genuinely touching. These boys have been redeemed. I hope someone re-edits Matthew's video to the tune of John Williams's Star Wars Ending Crawl music.

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Other urls found in this thread:


A jew and a fat degenerate

Richard Spencer is gonna be next. Here he is ratting out Ramzpaul to the cops for breaking quarantine.

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>We've 'turned' like Darth Vader in RotJ

RamZPaul is a retarded faggot and I hope the cops shoot him

Why? What did the Boomer do to inspire such hatred from you?

What a huge pack of fags.

this entire virus debacle has shown he fundamentally supports the system. He's denounced WN and is retweeting Ben fucking Shapiro now, he's an honorary jew now.

never heard of any of these people

bet he's an actual jew too

nah, dicky boy is a duginist bolshie while chaimbach and the rest were glowniggers

All of this, catboi Fuentes, the whole TDS operation, Atomwaffle...

Dr. Pierce must be looking down on all of us with great pride.

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>Star Wars comparisons
The 'bach sure knows how to speak to normie audiences, I'll give him that.

Forget Darth Vader. Heimbach should compare himself to Jabba.

lol when did he denounce WN? It's the entire backbone of his message...

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Wow what a huge faggot lmao
I always knew this guy was either retarded or a plant

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Richard Spencer seems like a plant. Listen to his cartoonish rant about Turks:


they worked with nigger alphabets during their honeypot bs

Lel Heimbach didn't leave the alt-right, he was bullied out when it was revealed that he lives in a trailer park and fucks his mother in law.

These "people" are pathetic grifters trying to gain attention and or shekels from the "redeemed alt-righter" trope.

a day or two ago on twitter, he explicitly denounced WN in between shilling to start up the ZOG machine again

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ZOG crisis actors

Imagine learning of jewish power hegemony, their tricks, and widescale social manipulation, and then deciding no they're not wrong.

based and friendshippilled

found it

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Well he's not wrong.

ah its another 1 post by this ID thread. abdoned it like a nigger dad

Imagine being so retarded you thought Donald Trump was a National Socialist candidate

The kikes have succeeded in keeping our marginal opinions marginal by associating us with the dumbest and most evil people imaginable, either through creation or cultivation of said people. Or through mere promotion. Either way, they took a proactive, prophylactic offensive at a group that arguably wasn't a threat in its infancy, just so that we would collapse under the weight of our own immense retardation before we even stood up.

>people bullied out of the alt-right stop being alt right
Daily reminder that Hiembach is a degenerate who fucked his gf's mom and Baked Alaska worked for Buzzfeed

This is fucking hilarious.

Him and his second in command got into some truly raunchy 100% certified white trailer trash subhuman shit and it cost them their entire movement. Why he's even showing his disgraced mug is beyond me.

americans need to get back to putting niggers in their place

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he's right

fascism wouldn't work in america, we're the nation of liberty not shithole totalitarian eurostate

I'm more puzzled by Parrott's continued online presence. Sure Chaimbach had assault charges, so maybe he has to do this shit for the system to stop harassing him. I guess Parrott likes being known publicly as a cuckold?

No one cares what you think memeflaggot

Derrrr ya think derrrrr

>I guess Parrott likes being known publicly as a cuckold?
lul. Maybe he'll join Heimbach's new NGO?

Out of curiosity what is Parrott's twitter or other social media?

We aren't shit jackass. White people are effectively stateless in America and most white men are interested in fascism to some extent.

Eat shit and die.

Sounded based to me. Maybe you're just gay?

You arent shit. You arent part of we.


why are these jew nazis always obese retards

Baked Alaska was never a true racist tho.... wtf these fake fuckin niggers


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Witch is why ur nation, if it collapses, will decent into Anarchy and later some distopian corporatist slave nation. (100x worse than ur current one)
While Europeans always organize, under our each respective nation. U have too many shitskins and not enough WN to balance it out.
You will always be ruled by Cabals, such is the price for going ur own way

Why do faggot antifas assume they are anything like the American soldiers who actually fought the Nazis?

Heimbach was always a known agent

Coward and traitor

Bunch of grifters trying to live of Ebucks

you're right, we're better and more diverse

he's just being pedantic about the term, he claims he's just a nationalist, which he defines the same as white nationalism but for all.

That's a toy gun, you can see the orange tip on it.

And would run at the sight of actual Nazis.

The pistols are toys too, with orange tips and all.



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>everybody that speaks on your behalf is a Jew, so don't trust them
>trust me goyim

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The multiple orange tips*

Just imagine sticking that knife into his fat neck and sliding it all the way across (in minecraft).

nice try cletus

but we know the score

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if that were a real knife. The whole thing is cosplay.

This. Being anti-virus hysteria is an anti-nationalist position

>like Darth Vader in RotJ
Kek, he is just bullshitting because he couldn't handle the publicity and just wants to be left alone now. He is probably still a white nationalist, but just doesn't want to be a public figure anymore.

I remember the story of the breaking box.

a sneak Nazi, that's the shit we don't like.

>orange tip

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That fucking inversion.
>becoming degenrate selfish scum
>"iv redeemed myself like darth vader!"

He should have been more based like nick fuentes, then he would be streaming on dlive.

He embarassed himself and his movement irreparably with the whole Trailer Park Boys-esque lover's triangle bullshit he pulled. He has absolutely nothing to lose at this point by trying to cynically hijack the deradicalization pipeline to maintain some kind of relevance.

This. But you're missing an extra step. Once he was forced out, he lost his gravy train of cash. That's the only reason he's doing this shit. My question for him is: How much are you being paid?

This is all for money, just like all those other FBI shills.

Ok boomer

Lmao he bent the knee. Bend the knee to the master race.

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Looking back, it now makes perfect sense why Patrick Casey killed off Identity Evropa and made an AmNat group instead. Especially since nowadays all he does is shitpost on twitter with Fuentes and do gaming streams dlive.

IE, back when Nathan Damigo ran it, had a lot of potential and was growing fast. Of course it had to be destroyed.

>Posted April 1st
Listen here chink poster, on April 1st, Americans play practical jokes on each other in a tradition known as "april fools day"

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20 min and 5 blocks later. It's too bad Corey didn't catch that 9mm to his chest. He's probably dead by now anyways.

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Because both are useful idiots, I asume.