Psychedelics and Interdimensional Aliens

Alex Jones claims that the elites use DMT to contact interdimensional aliens (demons?) who make them do human sacrifices in exchange for advanced technology.

Redpill me on interdimensional aliens and DMT.

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They were pretty chill in my experience. I had a guardian show me a cosmic machine that we each had a place in and that we belonged there. Each energy had a purpose in the grand scheme.

If aliens are interdimensional like what the occultists believe, why would they be physically flying around space when they have the capabilities to transverse our 4 dimensional perception of reality?

If they're physical entities and do operate craft to wander the universe, then are the 'clockwork elves' just hallucinations from the drugged up occultists experiencing confirmation bias?

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if you need to numb your mind to get by, you're just weak

Can someone say from experience what happens when you mention Jesus to them?I'm interested in trying DMT just to test this out

First hand experience: I mentioned Christ to them and they took me to an angel/Christ-like figure. After a few minutes, however, the figure morphed into a demon. From what I can remember, it felt like the entity was trying to trick me by using Christ's image. Very satanic desu.

I saw Mary while I was tripping and then I saw Jesus, so I'm fairly certain they aren't demons. I was a hardcore atheist BTW.

You'll be incapacitated and unable to recollect what previous intentions you had most likely. Good luck tho.

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There’s many, many kind of Aliens. Get your mindset of the box.

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My buddy broke through without even knowing the consequences and he ended up in an office with little grayys in suits during one of their meetings or something...he said they told him to GTFO hahaha

Imagine just trying to live your best 5th dimensional life but you constantly get harassed by little Terrence McKenna worshipping hippies

>implying those interdimensional niggers live fulfilling lives

They are literally the niggers of the alien world. Do you really think that any advanced entities would interact with humans for our amusement?

I saw clouds becoming ships and odinistic esque ravens and once an angel turned into a bull when tripping on shrooms, i think there are different aliens that want us to see them as Gods.

Also saw a reaper on a horse with what i presumed was mother earth behind him being send towards the horizen and this was just before corona

>Alex Jones claims that the elites use DMT to contact interdimensional aliens
Who gives a shit what thus egotistical fat fuck thinks?

I saw Ganesh on acid once.
These entities are real.
I'm not sure how to describe it, but there is a complete difference between knowing that what you're seeing is just a light show and actually seeing another being. It's like suddenly perceiving something with your soul.

>aliens exists in higher and lower dimensions

>there are 7 dimensions / densities in this pocket universe

>in each dimensions there are 2 realms, space/time or physical or material and time/space or metaphysical or anti-matter

>where we are now is at earth 3rd density space/time, earth 3rd density time/space is also known as the astral realm

>DMT aliens are from 5th density time/space

>these aliens can incarnate into the 3rd density and become 'human' for a lifetime

>i am such an alien


Is he cute??

No, it's absolutely terrifying and I really mean that. I've never felt fear like that in my life.

How many species of aliens are there?

What is the most advanced alien species?

Where did the human race come from?

Are aliens just demons and if so does this make Christianity true?

How long is the lifespan of an elf from the 5th dimension?

I've done DMT 5 times. 50-100mg vaporized in a silver surfer and a Sovereignty king stemline bong.
I broke through each time.
The first few times were great, then a few years later I was reading the bible and read about how Jesus forbid sorcery. It was pretty interesting to see sorcery in the bible so I looked into it and sorcery refers to "pharmakeia," or the use of psychedelic drugs to reach spirits/demons.
The next time I did DMT was the last. I did what I usually did, 3 massive bong hits, then I break through. It felt different this time and the spirits I've met multiple times before seemed different, like they were upset with me. Typically they were very friendly and calm.
They always answered my questions so I asked what they think of Jesus Christ.
They became extremely hostile, started trying to make me afraid, sent me to a weird Hellscape of infinite tunnels and machinery. Lots of screaming, crying, and green flames.
After that I don't do anymore psychedelics.

> People have been doing this for all or history
> Aztecs killing kids and warriors in temples to talk to spirits = Jews killing kids and warriors
in basements to talk to spirits = Nazi SS killing warriors and kids in their castles to talk to spirits and etc, there are a million examples.
> The Nazis were actually smart and had enough infrastructure to build the shit the spirits told them about and started building rocketry and advanced weapons
> WW2 was (partially) a race to Germany to take these scientists, we got some (Paperclip), Russia got some
> Now supposedly they build a ton of Stranger Things-like shit such as CERN, hovercraft, advanced weapons and want to usher in these spirits that are trapped in some other place like the Bible and all mythologies say. (Just google Ragnarok, Great Tribulation, Tartarus etc)

That's the TL;DR,

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Crazy shit. Christian now?

This is the kind of shit that fucking scares me. Im an atheist. What does this experience mean? Jesus was really God and Christianity is the truth? Or was he some kind of alien entity as well?

Did the energy machine look like it was made out of like glowing crystals with radiant laser beam light emanating from them? I saw similar shit when I once meditated.

Book of Enoch would be a helpful read for someone like you

>How many species of aliens are there?
theoretically infinite but we only interact with the aliens from our surrounding star systems

>What is the most advanced alien species?
no idea
but advancement can be done in 3 different ways
mind or body or spirit

>Where did the human race come from?
we come from ape that is enhanced with alien genetic
many alien races added their genetic to humans
we are more than 1 species

>Are aliens just demons and if so does this make Christianity true?
other way around, demons are just aliens
of course there's some truth in christianity, jesus taught in parable so (((they))) couldn't censor his teaching completely

>How long is the lifespan of an elf from the 5th dimension?
elf from 5th density is alien in spirit form, spirit is eternal, you just grow and grow until you reach nirvana or oneness with the God
i've been informed that my race when incarnated can have 2000 years lifespan

Interdimenstionality is a meme, and a bad one. It is putting a frame on a total unknown and biases future analysis of data. It's just as possible entities that can travel the stars needed a method of communication that bypasses space-time as we understand it due to relativity.The movie Interstellar did a good job illustrating how difficult the administration of a cosmic community. Are they literally 'interdimenstional', whatever that means, or have they discovered a method of psychic communication that allows mind to mind information transfer? Or is it something else entirely? I only posit this alternative as an example of how limiting of thought assumptions can be.

I wouldn't exactly call the psychedelic experience "numbing your mind" mate.

There are many stories of people who were being tortured by these entities and when they cried out to Jesus for help it instantly stopped.
I had a visionary dream about something like that when I was 12 or so.

ohhhhh i wish i had a bunch of this right now

the fear was probably from the realization that there is far more to reality and ourselves than what we perceive in our normal day-to-day lives. it's kind of an identity shattering event.

Read it already. Kind of believe in ancient contact but I still do not understand whether these are legit space aliens or angels/demons. Ridley Scott seems to be an insider and the Prometheus storyline seems fairly interesting. Read somewhere that the guy who came up with xenomorphs was doing psychedelics and saw them during his trip.

You can't speak to the other side unless you know the language. It's a like a country bumpkin going to new york city, you're a giant mark.

Bloodlines. Ideas are hereditary, core belief structures that decide the person you gonna be. When you use strong drugs, you can break the conditioning and see how the real world looks like. Demons are the ideas and the manifestations of such ideas, when a person has a pure bloodline, they can communicate with off world entities. They are merely intents, wisps of ideas that float around the infinite dimensions of reality. To purify your bloodline you need to drown in blood, bath in the nascent souls of beings who have yet to reach spiritual maturity. And so they ascend by sacrifice and allow these demons to come into our world through the conscious agents of our reality. Why do you think the same people who exploit their pure bloodlines to rule over us want us to racemix and to dilute our own bloodlines? the less people with this power the better. Most people are demons already, the invasion stopped centuries ago as we are completely subjugated by them, the only thing you can do is identify the demons and the corrupted ones, and try to avoid them. Protect your children and there will be hope. Humanity will prevail at the end.

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You're already chosen to take an entheogen, it's very possible you'd left to your own devices at that point. Also, while Christ's name works on evil spirits, it's important to distinguish between them and the powers of heaven and angels who might not be repellable in the same fashion.

Imagine larping this hard go back to /x/ you fucking faggot

Geometrical forms interpreted as whatever you want them be. Next.

It does the opposite, brainlet. It opens up your consciousness.

It means the guy's unconscious mind played a trick on him.

You're not trying to repel angels. Knowing Christ makes calling his name more effective.

Hmm. I have a similar experience from my childhood. It is said that dreams come from DMT that is produced by the brain. I remember that I had nightmares of some dark entities that would violently attack me. This happened several times and was lucid (I knew that I was asleep). When I prayed to Jesus they would disappear and I would wake up.

we are all larping here
none of your physical identity is the real you

>figure morphed into a demon
Just as i thought, jewish mythological figures are evil beings.

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I've had experiences with alternative perceptions and even ego death before, but this was something very different.
It was not a "realization" it was being in the presence of a consciousness so vast that it was completely terrifying to behold. And I am not talking about mortal fear or fear of bodily harm, I am talking about cosmic fear, spiritual fear. Fear that came from my soul.
To even be in his presence was like being on the verge of being swallowed up into an ocean.
The crazy thing is that he barely even noticed me. It was like maybe 1/100000000000000000000th of his attention was on me at that moment, like I was an ant in the corner of a room. If he had actually focused on me I'm 100% certain I would have either just died permanently or gone insane.


holy shit brazilians are subhuman


the only recipe approved for Yas Forums & its for a proper metanoia
>7grams of dried magic mushrooms
>a comfy bed in a pitch black room
>an audio bible of the gospel of luke - (dramatized)
Welcome to the Battle

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I drink because it makes those stupid space niggers and demons go away. Im not interested in their stupid triangle bullshit.


I will post a heavy stuff in few days. Just wait. Something related to this explained there.


the vibrations created by the word of god being spoken will protect you from demons who may be looking for a willing host, they prefer low frequency environments

>Redpill me on interdimensional aliens and DMT.
"aliens" are demonic entities and DMT is magick used to contact them.

This is why you can’t explain the psychedelic experience to anyone that hasn’t been there. The things you experience are more “real” than your real life.

Cool story /x/ LARPer

I met that same entity while on DMT.

Nice guy, actually.

Said it was kinda lonely with people thinking him just a beastie and all.

If you go in with a christian mindset I hope you are prepared for hell.

maybe 5/50 experiences were enjoyable for me. The rest were complete chaos of the void, eternal imprisonment, evil surveillance and or demons attempting to enter our realm. I don't believe they can, but they really... REALLY want to. All in all. Not worth it.

so welcome to Yas Forums, things are a bit different here but youll learn to fit in

That shit is deep man, I dont understand it tho

Ok, thanks. Mind if I spend my time waiting by fucking your girlfriend?

>aliens and demons are the same thing
Daily reminder that this is a psyop meant to condition people into thinking that material reality is the only plane of existence.

Underrated funny post and nice trips

you had a bad trip bro. all hallucinogens go is amplify everything, your thoughts, emotions, and some people say they help amplify sub-detectible things in your subconscious.

you took the negativity of the bible into your trip with you and got stuck in that mindset.

kikeanon, please tell me that picture is fake

>why would they be physically flying around space
it's not everyday you escape out into the ''real'' realm of the monkeys

Yeah, no problem.
i remember like a few months ago, when Yas Forums still had an iq higher than a aa battery
now its all you joe rogan watching low iq people again like 2016
its gay and i dont like you guys

>Yas Forums

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Can you communicate telepathicaly? Are you visually any different from us? That you would be more intelligent is a given, do you have any other traits we don't? Thank you

That sounds scary as fucking shit. How did you not lose your mind?

and where's all this advanced technology?? check mate druggies

the seekers of vanity will always lose

why wouldnt you live some place nicer than with ching chongs?

nice try shill. demonic entities (aliens, DMT beings) cant stand to hear the name of the lord.

CIA and NSA need to be raided for their secret hoarding.

Thanks for asking this question user. I often ask the same questions.

All humans can potentially communicate telepathically, most just never learn how to do it.
>How did you not lose your mind?
Humans are vessels of the essence of God and as such there is a part of us that is fundamentally indestructible. This is pure awareness. The terrifying images and demons cannot harm your true self, they can only harm what you are not.

Why the FUCK are aliens redditors

This isd funny tho.

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most of UFO sightings are related with altered states of consciousness i.e. drugs or meditation. new age boomers know it very well. and yes, they are demons that have been pushing environmentalist agenda.

>Vallée proposes that there is a genuine UFO phenomenon, partly associated with a form of non-human consciousness that manipulates space and time. The phenomenon has been active throughout human history, and seems to masquerade in various forms to different cultures. In his opinion, the intelligence behind the phenomenon attempts social manipulation by using deception on the humans with whom they interact.

>Vallée also proposes that a secondary aspect of the UFO phenomenon involves human manipulation by humans. Witnesses of UFO phenomena undergo a manipulative and staged spectacle, meant to alter their belief system, and eventually, influence human society by suggesting alien intervention from outer space. The ultimate motivation for this deception is probably a projected major change of human society, the breaking down of old belief systems and the implementation of new ones. Vallée states that the evidence, if carefully analyzed, suggests an underlying plan for the deception of mankind by means of unknown, highly advanced methods. Vallée states that it is highly unlikely that governments actually conceal alien evidence, as the popular myth suggests. Rather, it is much more likely that that is exactly what the manipulators want us to believe. Vallée feels the entire subject of UFOs is mystified by charlatans and science fiction.

if you want a book about them being demons read Cracks in the Great Wall: UFOs and Traditional Metaphysics

South Americans, despite using DMT for thousands of years and sacrificing humans for at least centuries gained no high technology from it. DMT also is a natural compound in humans and most plants. I don't think those plants are very demonic. UN has banned the substance but following these mutts would only have you obeying the globalist machine as the solution.

That’s stupid. Eat shrooms in a forest by a lake. When peak high, go swimming.

Lol confirmed, demons or aliens are in fact, jewish.

you know, Aripiprazole interacts with drugs like DMT LST and mushrooms and has been known to cause psychosis. get help.

>they can only harm what you are not
So christians can get harmed psychologically because they're religion is a jewish trick

It just means that not even ayylmaos want to talk to christcucks

>muh evil Germans
Why is the American solution always to obey the system?


I contacted aliens once while tripping. They are insects and just past the vibrating string.

Alcohol withdrawl is interesting when you hallucinate. Nobody ever hallucinates anything pleasant. It's always demonic entities doing things that are terrifying.

I saw some form of kali maybe, can pinpoint the exact god. But from my perspective I was the size of an ant and this pure golden lighted, many armed being holding all kinds of trinkets floated by, didn't pay much mind to me. Most impressive trip of them all.

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Lmao, DMT is the opposite of mind numbing

Thats called a hyperslap. Your visiting too often. Also the mention of such a brainlet ideology like christianity probably did you in.

now the question is: why do they appear for those who are in an altered state of consciousness? it's simple: when you lose the hegemony of the intellect, what is left of you is psyche and body, which is what they can take control of.

ironic, because aliens are a psyop for govt black projects and demonic being worship. the bible doesnt mention aliens and the "aliens" get pissed off when they hear the name Jesus Christ. 2+2=4

Last breakthrough I had I was stuck in the void, thought I died and the entire placed closed scared to so it again.

My thoughts during the trip was like I died

Shit is this legit a thing? Im kind of addicted to drinking and whenever I stop cold turkey, after a few weeks I start having light hallucinations.

Christianity is a path that leads one to God. But at some point the training wheels can come off.
This is how I saw Ganesh as well.
He was made entirely of energy and his body was composed of millions of eyes all rolling wildly as though constantly switching between life and death and seeing in infinite dimensions simultaneously.

The word “alcohol” is said to come from the arabic term “Al-khul” which means “BODY-EATING SPIRIT” (also, is the origin of the term” ghoul”).

In alchemy, alcohol is used to extract the soul essence of an entity. Hence its’ use in extracting essences for essential oils, and the sterilization of medical instruments. By consuming alcohol into the body, it in effect extracts the very essence of the soul, allowing the body to be more susceptible to neighboring entities most of which are of low frequencies. (why do you think we call certain alcoholic beverages “SPIRITS”). That is why people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol often black out, not remembering what happened. This happens when the good soul (we were sent here with) leaves because the living conditions are too polluted and too traumatic to tolerate. The good soul jettisons the body, staying connected on a tether, and a dark entity takes the body for a joy ride around the block, often in a hedonistic and self serving illogical rampage. Our bodies are cars for spirits. If one leaves, another can take the car for a ride.

Essentially when someone goes dark after drinking alcohol or polluting themselves in many other ways, their body often becomes possessed by another entity. Have you ever felt different, more sexual, more violent, less rational and less logical after drinking alcohol? Are you aware we already live inside an ancient religious cult who are schooled concerning the dark powers of alcohol? It is this cult that popularizes alcohol, through the media and government it controls, to serve a very ancient and dark agenda.


Maybe it's your body telling you to stop. These guys would be awfully nice for scaring you into abstaining.

I had a ton of gangstalking and Lovecraft/Cronenberg flesh nightmares.

he's a retard who should stop snorting fat railsm of meth and actually try dmt or a high dose shroom or lsd trip. then maybe he wouldn't be such a garbage human being.

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Imagine if the government abducted you and dosed you with shrooms, lsd or dmt? That shit would suck. Ive always been afraid of someone dosing me without my consent. Thats why i dont leave drinks unattended, etc.

There seems to be a supernatural element in this, and (((they))) obviously love and push Satanism.

The interdimensional reptilian shapeshifting CIA mantids are causing AI mossad deepfake false flags by masonic predictive program weather manipulation Monsanto fluoride trails to distract moloch crisis actors from the fact that fake news aliens are hollow and that the sandy hook landing never happened so (((they))) can continue to use CERN vaccines to harvest gangstalker jesuit adrenochrome from our kali yuga pineal glands for chinese nanochip astral projection remotely through demonic V2K 5G technology from the black cube HAARP hexagon on top of satan

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