FRAUD! CDC Orders Hospitals To List Coronavirus as ‘Cause of Death’ Even If Just ‘Assumed’
>The CDC has issued guidance that instructs hospitals to list COVID-19 as a cause of death regardless of whether or not there’s actual testing to confirm that’s the case.

>According to the CDC guidance, even if the coronavirus was just a contributing factor or if it’s “assumed to have caused or contributed to death,” it can be listed as the primary cause.

>The problem with making informed decisions about coronavirus is that we don’t have a whole lot of data on it at the moment, and the CDC guideance could skew the data in a significantly different direction — which in turn could influence the government’s intervention to stop the spread of the virus.

>WesternJournal report: The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, or ICD, has established the code U07.1 for death by coronavirus infection. There’s a secondary code, U07.2, “for clinical or epidemiological diagnosis of COVID-19 where a laboratory confirmation is inconclusive or not available,” according to the CDC guidance.

>“Because laboratory test results are not typically reported on death certificates in the U.S., NCHS is not planning to implement U07.2 for mortality statistics.”

>Therein lies the problem.

>“The underlying cause depends upon what and where conditions are reported on the death certificate. However, the rules for coding and selection of the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID- 19 being the underlying cause more often than not,” the guidelines read.

>“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.,” the guidance continued.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>“If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.”

>Author and former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson, one of the few well-known figures to question some of the statistics on COVID-19, questioned the new CDC guidelines as well:
1/ As you sit home watching #COVID death counts spiral, please know the official @CDCgov guidance for coding COVID-related deaths is as follows: any death where the disease “caused or is *assumed* to have caused or *contributed to* death.” Confirmed lab tests are not required…
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) April 3, 2020

2/ And, btw, other possibly relevant factors, like, oh, COPD, are considered secondary. The rules “are expected to result in COVID-19 being the underlying cause more often than not.”

>Earlier this week, President Donald Trump and members of his coronavirus task force announced that they were expecting a death toll of between 100,000 and 240,000 from coronavirus.

>In an article on Friday, The Washington Post said some experts didn’t think the White House’s prediction models were accurate. It wasn’t because those experts thought that figure was too high or too low: It’s just because they didn’t think there was enough data to determine a death range yet.

>“We don’t have a sense of what’s going on in the here and now, and we don’t know what people will do in the future,” Jeffrey Shaman, a Columbia University epidemiologist whose work was used by the White House to determine the death ranges, said.

>“We don’t know if the virus is seasonal, as well.”

>It doesn’t help that data when the guidelines for determining who’s actually died of the coronavirus are profoundly vague.

>For instance, what happens when an elderly person with numerous underlying conditions comes into the hospital and dies?

It's called making estimates. Where do you think all those 2018-19 flu death stats come from?

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Look at this amazing coincidence. So fascinating!

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almost like it's the end of the common cold season, happens every year.

Do you not see those 6 other lines graphed? Do you refuse to see them?

Yeah, all trending downwards, same time every year. Your point?

Like which years?
Not any of the listed years.

Shit, get your Trumpbux now!


take your meds Qtard

No one here mentioned Q but you. This is because it's a strawman used to try and de legitimize any information you kikes might find harmful to your agenda.

Guaran-fuckin-tee that if hospitals have monetary incentive to treat Covid cases, they’ll find covid cases to treat

i saw one story about some NJ old fart who they claimed died of the coronavirus. Until you read the article and its all "oh he died of a heart attack"

It's almost like quarantines lower all infectious disease transmission wholly shit

Then you have Tom Dempsey, former NFL kicker, who will be listed as a coronavirus death while having suffered from dementia for years

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>quarantines lower all infectious disease
You can literally get pneumonia from standing in the cold
Also, to double down on your dumb nigger response, we've only been in quarantine for maybe 2 weeks, if that, and this graph shows winter to early spring numbers dropping like a rock
also, to triple down on that, kill yourself

>Change to death certificates could boost COVID-19 counts
>And that's a good thing!

>You can literally get pneumonia from standing in the cold
It is also caused by SARS 2, but without even the standing in the cold.

>implying even 1/4 of SARS 2 deaths have been diagnosed as such...

you fucking mongloid. you realize the daily death from corona virus is more than 3 times the average deathrate over last year. Even if they were misqualifying all people, the number of dead would be nowhere as high, retard.

Seethe more kike. Tell Kissinger he'll never see his liberal world order finished.

Come on man, this is obviously real, it has fucked NYC hard because it is 6 times more contagious than the flu and the population density is sky high. It isn't going to be nearly as bad outside of the big cities, but it is definitely killing people. Stop being a shithead and spreading disinformation. Where the models are incomplete, we air on the side of caution. That doesn't mean people are trying to trick you, it is just that being overly optimistic will kill people, and make this bullshit last even longer.

hahahah this is too much
its actually the weakest flu season ever and they are just faking the statistics by attributing other causes to covid

do we have data of like total death rate in shitholes? that could actually tell us something. india should be a freaking bloodbath by now if what our media is saying is reality

This shit is such a fucking scam. Honestly we deserve it though. People have no critical thinking ability.

wut? lol

No it's not real. Go fuck yourself. No one is getting mandatory vaccines because of this and Trump will start pressuring states to reopen the country after easter.

>daily death from corona virus is more than 3 times the average deathrate over last year
uhh what exactly are you saying here? got a source?

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At this point, believing this is not a hoax is schizo tier.

so that means all deaths from disease should be way up compared to any other year, right?
Like, we should see on a graph of health complication deaths have a nice spike between january through now, correct?

What the hell are you people complaining about, every death is one more nail to the chinks coffin. Every death brings them one step closer to getting ostracised by the whole world.

seethe more kike. USA China and Russia are gonna wipe you out together.

i wonder if the families are asked "can we say they died of the coronavirus" we'll pay you

I was referring to the sharp drop. This winter was very mild

No, because it is killing the people that are frail. Like culling the population, that reduces all other deaths by removing those most at risk of dying from the population. It would be much worse if these big cities hadn't issued stay at home orders. Obviously this would reduce transmission of other diseases, too. Traffic accidents are down, too, and a lot of crime.

>families getting a say
at best, they'll get a phone call, tell them that they actually died of covid, dump em in a truck and cremate their body before any knows what actually killed anyone

I bet at least half of the deaths aren't really from the virus.

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yea but if you notice theres a lot of high profile names or in the case of that wife and husband who both 6 minutes apart due to coronavirus, they were the parents of a big NFL agent.

its like PR for the virus

Sure thing Chang, don't you have a bat to torture and eat?

26% of all resolved cases are dead. More than half of the patients being admitted to NYC are under 65, and any healthy doctors who are repeatedly exposed will inevitably die, because there is no immunity. The antibodies being tested for -- they don't actually work against the virus at all.

>Not any of the listed years.

Oh no, it's a bad flu year

Attached: influenza-burden-chart2-960px.jpg (960x344, 52.03K)

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>poor people die en masse
God, i just dont know if I believe that, I think they are trying to take away my dads inheritance money!
>high profile people start dying
Oh look this proves it is all a PR campaign for the virus

It is easy to see where your genetics gets its survivability... By refusing to question your state of safety on an unstable planet full of retards and sadists.

>it has fucked NYC hard
Bullshit. NYC has never been as peaceful and quiet as it is now.

this is why the DHS and military waste shitloads of money buying shit.
>the computer model said we needed ten thousand folding chairs

> We
Your mask slipped there bud

Guess who runs IHME? BILL GATES

Influenza doesn't kill 26% of all resolved cases, has already spread throughout the entire population, and has R0 of 1.3 which means it is seasonal. COVID19 R0 of 2.2 means there is no season, it will spread and evolve for the forseeable future. Everything SARS was supposed to be.

>more dead than 9 11

Posting CIA op subgenius shit. Embarrassing

>we the people
Read the constitution.

yea but on the internet its worse than the 1975 fall of saigon

More people die from car accidents than died in 9/11 every year.

interesting that you keep using precise statistics as if they are substantiated and not completely fucking ridiculous fabrications at this point

Attached: ChloroquineSARS.png (727x713, 155.6K)

It is worse than 9/11 already. You really think shit will be normal again any time soon?


literally business as usual.

>Even If Just ‘Assumed’
I don't really see the problem with this

>I don't really see the problem with this
because you're a kike

lmao, now even more normal flu/pneumonia deaths are going to get counted as coronavirus. That's in additional to all the people in hospitals who will die of heart attacks, strokes, other infections, etc who will be listed as "corona deaths" just because they also happen to have the shanghai shivers in addition.

They know this has turned out to be a nothingburger, but now they're going to try juking the stats in order to make it look like they didn't completely destroy the country over nothing.

Attached: pneumonia deaths weekly 2020.jpg (1125x807, 75.98K)

Surely you're not this retarded.

Every case has a report, if you want to challenge the numbers be my guest, but don't simply discount the Day 0 map from John Hopkins.
>i dont trust doctors
Join the club, you still must account for the 26% mortalities in resolved cases


What other organization condones NEEThood and killing of the normals?
What organization tells the truth about Yahweh being some space alien elder god?

yea but at least there was a solid reason why 9/11 caused a bunch of changes. You can watch the reason crash into the towers.

this is like virus shit is just vague crap fear mongering to control everyone
>dont leave your house the virus is everywhere. if you see anyone leave their house call the secret police

Hello CCP
21 million Chinese cell service disappeared in the last 2 months. China is now unironically posting POV footage from Wuhan (where no one has internet) trying to convince people it is not a graveyard

>21 million Chinese cell service disappeared in the last 2 months
>lock people in their home
>can’t work
>can’t pay the bills
>phone gets disconnected
It isn’t that hard. There’s no happening, you fucking shill

There are people at the park still, during a plague. U.S. citizens cannot wipe their ass without a law to determine responsibility in event of a fuck up. Why would we not activate CDC pandemic measures during airborne virus outbreak that is killing 26% of resolved cases worldwide.

>21 million Chinese cell service disappeared in the last 2 months.
oh no. they must have been gassed in the nazi gas chambers

USA China and Russia will kill Zionists together, kike.

chinas numbers are probably bullshit, but you don't need to look at china at all anyway. Let's look at italy, where the average age of death is 80, 99% of people who died had preexisting conditions, and they're counting all deaths with coronavirus as deaths due to coronavirus.


>Join the club, you still must account for the 26% mortalities in resolved cases
why are we looking at just confirmed cases rather than an estimate of total cases?
they are adding suspected covid deaths to the covid death total while not even incrementing the confirmed cases total. they are making zero attempt to estimate total cases.
if this hits india in the absolute bloodbath way that it should according to you people, we will see odds of dying from covid over 100%

Right, China shut off Internet of Hubei province during the mass purge because they couldnt afford service,... In Wuhan, capital of Chinese technology and home of Huawei, the largest low end cellphone and cell service provider on Earth... Kill yourself if you are that retarded.