It sure feels nice not to be a city-dwelling fag in NYC right now.

>muh flyover
>muh restaurants
>muh white collar jobs

What happened to these posters? Why don't they have guns? Did that food market get boarded up?

>"why would you need a gun if you have the police"

Police and firefighters are quitting, so very comfy in my flyover right now.

Attached: cityfags btfo.png (1169x711, 884.57K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Muh guns

Unfortunately the wrong people already have them as well in your country not just the good 1% ers.

Attached: 1585262573395.png (600x600, 185.19K)

It’s 3%ers


thank God I dont live near niggers

Imagine not having the ability to pump .308 into toilet paper raiders.

Attached: 5w5rg4e65r4g6e5g4d6b.jpg (2300x1719, 1.81M)

>Burn baby, burn!
>Millions of dead kikes!

I could cut diamonds right now!

Attached: mel gibson nipples.gif (480x270, 428.53K)

>the wrong people already have them
Which further strengthens the fact that you must have guns. So yea. Muh guns, faggot.

I work in Baltimore and I'm not seeing much going on. You'd think the virus would be popping in all major cities by now.

>You'd think the virus would be popping in all major cities by now.
It is

>Imagine not having the ability to pump .308 into toilet paper raiders.
but that's bolt action not pump action dummass

It exists, but it's not severe.

It's gas piston automatic action. You sound like you need a .308 pumped into you.

Pretty sure it's flintlock IDIOT

It will be.


Also, learn what a colloquialism is

Im about to leave and buy a 9mm carbine off Armslist now.

Might as well add to the collection while I can.

>mfw the boog actually starts and my dick is diamond

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No it won't. Unironically a nothingburger. Nobody I know personally has caught it, or is even sick.

Just make sure youve got a 12 gauge with 00buck instead of your memegun

>Nobody I know
Probably because you don't know anybody, period.

by alexandre dummass

looks like "Gun Control" is going to make a sudden flight to the fringe of the Democrat party this year.. though their brazen push in Virginia + pandemic lawlessness probably means "gun control" will be a big reason they get creamed this election.

This. It's a freemasonic plandemic which they have been plotting for years.

Also truth in numbers


That's retarded for a number of reasons.

slow down gramps I’m sure he has a 12 gauge as well, your opinion just screams retarded fuck boomer though.

Checked and based

Ive got a .308 too kid, 12 guages are so much better in downtowns, but youll never need that much stopping power realistically

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Fraudulent and faggotlicious

NIGGERS could be anywhere around here

Attached: sleazecore.png (500x805, 391.66K)

>come for my charmin'
>prepare for some harmin'

>Raids and the City

just sleep during the day and clutch your raifu at night.

Marvelling at this exquisite bait, shiny and chrome. Bathe yourself in the (You)s, user.

this is what they want

Attached: pack-of-niggers.png (720x1280, 505.37K)

Some guy showing off his homemade armor and the 556 punched perfectly vs the 12 gauge slug which just barely clung to the exit hole of the plate.
Lotta stopping power and deform but it mushroomed too hard to actually poke through completely.

Would've broke every bone in the chest though so still pretty gnarly.

Attached: 1585754164090.gif (1372x1024, 800.45K)

the bolt go back and forth so it is technically is a bolt action

based and FALpilled

in fact it’s not a gun at all

Good, FUCK New York and FUCK New Yorkers

>why would you need a gun if you have the police
hahahaha how naive can you be?

I almost got this mockup .308 HNK that looked like an FAL for 1k. I was going to get that but decided to get a delton AR15 for $500 since parts would be easier to come by.

I live in NY, albiet 7 hours south of the city, and I am locked and loaded (and SAFE act compliant you cuomniggers). Let it all burn. If they really do steal ventilators from the rest of the state this needs to be the catalyst to tell them to fuck off. If they want to be the dictators of fucking new york city, that's exactly what they can be. More generally all major metro areas need to be forced kicking and screaming into becoming districts like DC. This modern legislative feudalism needs to end.

underrated boast

north* of the city

to be fair you're on Yas Forums on your day off

2016 and its consequences have been a disaster for the board.

There’s naive and then there’s pseudo elite Manhattanite naive.

I don't get it. Libtards always say DA POLIS IS RAYCISS! but then they also say you should call them if you're in trouble. They also say guns are bad, but are the first people calling for a revolution and uprising as soon as someone they don't like got elected. What are they gonna revolt with? Sticks?

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Disregard my shitpost

> long time gun owner here
> libtard family and friends have been reaching out to me lately, asking what kind of gun they should get

I tell them, "Just call the police, nobody needs a gun."


>police call out sick and you get raped, robbed and murdered by your nigger pets

nice and basedpilled

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Lemme blot action your boihole

>NY will actually become Gotham city

In all seriousness, will this lead to better gunlaws aka repealing gunlaws?


Daily reminder NYPD record crime stats by race. This years stats are going to be very interesting if this holds up.


Attached: nypd.jpg (1099x429, 70.4K)

They also say Orange Man is a wannabe dictator, but then cry inconsolably when he's hesitant to use the Defense Production Act willy nilly out of a concern for a bad precedent and freedom.
They also say Cheeto Man is Hitler, but they want him to have absolute authority to round up all of the guns.
Lefty Philosophy isn't based on coherent systems and logic, but whatever feels good and lets you virtue signal the best.

>I travel the world and the seven seas
>Everybody's looking for something


No fucking way. If anything it will give them reason to say there should be more ways to restrict guns so there is no scare about everyone having one the next time there is an emergency.

FAL is really a meme.
Why pay for a more expensive rifle with less common parts on the market while everyone can maintain an ar style rifle easily. Only after you already have an AR 10 it would be okay to expend into FAL for occasional shooting

definitely not planned. nope. the freemason cops definitely aren't part of the plan to enslave humanity. they certainly aren't lapdogs who would rather kill you than look at you


This is a lever gun fully auto with black talon clips faggot

Makes no difference to your moms basement faggot leaf

Doing Lord's work. There should be a bill that anyone voted for control will be banned from buying any gun

>not having a chad m1 garand

Move to America and buy some of your own retard. Your post is your problem even more than ours.

>NYC stealing masks and now wants to steal your state's healthcare worker
I hope everyone remembers the unpatriotic greed of New Yorkers after this is done.

so like a few dozen politicians?

Helpless and useless city fags are always the first to die.

the best thing about happenings is the avalanche of redpills that rain down on normies heads.

Attached: everybody gets a red pill.png (500x375, 343.16K)


Truly, some people deserve to be goyims

I live in a small rural town in the Appalachian mountains, located in western North Carolina.

The people here are 99% White. They respect, care about and look out for one another. The elementary school principal also helps out by driving a school bus. Once the order to shelter in place was given, they listened.

Plus these good ol' boys and peckerwoods are all packing so if the niggers want to start chimping out or try to loot, they'll be given a taste of true 'Southern Hospitality'.

White folks are only safe when the mongrel races are scared.

And anyone voting in favor of anti gun initiatives on the state level.

>live in NY with a gun but can't shoot anyone who threatens my life

fuck this state in particular

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How you like those unions now with your unlimited sick time that we allowed them to have?

I know 5 people on the force that put in retirement early for April

Only an hour north and I agree. Driving north along the hudson and the sad mini rust belt of dead industry and local decay is so depressing and you know its 100% due to legislation and policies enacted on the entire state for the sake of kikes in manhattan and albany, literally wasted splendor of such an amazing area

wanting to be "friends and allies" of the diversity just means they are the first ones in the african's stew pot.

I would if they're economically feasible for me. However AR is cheap to build, easy to maintain, and cheap to practice with for my living situation

>anyone voting in favor of anti gun initiatives on the state level.
so a few dozen politicians?

Those go out to the public.

When is it legal to shoot in NY? They have to be inside the home and half way through with killing you before you can right?

>planned by the elites
>not just released on accident by a dumb chink

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>IMAGINE a gas-operated lever action with a fun switch
>one finger precariously wrapped around the trigger as the action cycles like a mechanized hedge trimmer

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>The New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013, commonly known as the NY SAFE Act, is a gun regulation law in the state of New York. The law was passed by the New York State Legislature and was signed into law by Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo in January 2013. The legislation was written in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, and the December 24 Webster, New York, shooting. Cuomo described the law as the toughest gun control law in the United States.
>The New York State Senate approved the act on a 43–18 vote on January 14, 2013.[1] The vote was bipartisan,[2] with nine Senate Republicans voting in favor.[3] State Senator Jeffrey D. Klein sponsored the legislation
>The following day (the second full day of the 2013 legislative session), the New York State Assembly approved the legislation by a 104–43 vote, and Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the bill into law less than one hour later.[1] The passage of the law made New York the first to pass restrictions on gun laws since the Sandy Hook massacre.
>The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012
>The bill passed under the "message of necessity" procedure, a device in the New York State Constitution by which the governor may expedite a vote on a bill, bypassing a usual three-day waiting period. Although nominally used for emergencies, the "message of necessity" procedure has been frequently used in New York to pass many pieces of legislation (it has been used at least 415 times since 1938)