Am I a bad Christian if I don’t read the Bible or go to church but study the battle between satan and God and praise...

Am I a bad Christian if I don’t read the Bible or go to church but study the battle between satan and God and praise him in my own way? Like I pray a lot but my mom is making me feel bad for not wanting to go to church idk why I just like praising God by myself it allows me to be more personal

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>Am I a bad Christian if I don’t read the Bible

Jesus threads are slide threads

then again, youre probably a protestant and most protestant churches dont want you to read the Bible because those who read the Bible inevitably converts to Catholicism

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Your mom is a slide thread

Read the New Testament you can read the whole thing in one night, it's not that long.
Read the psalms.
The Old Testament is great and a lot of it is referenced in the New Testament so you should have a basic understanding of what happens in it, but you can start with the New Testament.

But I praise God almost daily especially around night time I get very emotional and research about God and how he drove out the Jews and money chargers from the temple so I know the general gist of the Bible but am I seriously a bar person if I don’t read it even if I accept Jesus as my lord and savior?

So do you think I’m a bad person? Will I go to hell if I don’t read the Bible but follow its rules?

Your mom thinks I am also a Man-God, she yells "Jesus! Jesus! JESUS!" all night. But you should be highly suspect of all Man-Gods.

It's possible, how can you have true faith and keep God's commandments if you don't even know his word?
If you care about saving your soul just read the book.

As long as you accept in your heart that jesus is the son of god and died/rose for your sins you will be fine.

Past that you should realize that by accepting him that you should be inclined to know your creator, he is a loving god, a loving father to all of his creation and wants a relationship with you. You don't need to read the bible but it is the word of god so you should strive to know his word in better to understand him.

If the world followed the rules in the bible without misrepresenting and misquoting we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now.

> but am I seriously a bar person if I don’t read it even if I accept Jesus as my lord and savior?

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>Am I a bad Christian if I don’t read the Bible or go to church but study the battle between satan and God and praise him in my own way? Like I pray a lot but my mom is making me feel bad for not wanting to go to church idk why I just like praising God by myself it allows me to be more personal
"Am I a bad student if I don’t read books or go to school but study the battle between gravity and the universe and praise it in my own way? Like I think about science a lot but my mom is making me feel bad for not wanting to go to school idk why I just like praising the universe by myself it allows me to be more personal"
Don't think you can figure out everything on your own. Go to school, go to church.

>the battle between satan and God
Satan and God are not in a battle. God merely permits evil (by us, by Satan, by whatever) in order to bring greater good. Because you cannot have bravery without something to fear for example.

Furthermore it is your obligation to go to Church on Sunday and on certain holy days.
Unless you're not Catholic and want to go to hell directly, of course.

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I thought all it took to go to heaven was to repent your sins and accept Jesus as your savior? I have a personal relationship with God just because I don’t read the book doesn’t mean I don’t love him and talk to him

Yeah well if he’s so good and loving why would I go to hell because I don’t read the Bible? Is it not enough to accept Jesus as my savior because everyone else is saying I’m going to hell

Don't read bible: how would you know who God is without being familiar with the one piece of text that reveals his nature?
Don't go to church: God calls us belivers the body or Christ, we stick together because we're not like the degenerates of this world. We're set set apart and awakened to God's reality.

Well technically I did read the “kiddy bible” as a child lol so I understand the general gist of Gods will. That’s enough right? I mean all God wants from us is to worship him and repent our sins while trying to be a good person right?

Because if you don't read you bible you won't believe in the truth. You'll most likely believe what you've heard or been indoctrinated with. Reading the Bible and critically analyzing the text is crucial for an understating of salvation.

So if I don’t read the Bible I’m going to hell?

>my mom is making me feel bad for not wanting to go to church
You don’t have to go to church per se, but it’s important to worship with your fellow man. Coming together to share your faith is important because you can help each other stay the course if someone falters. You build bonds with your brothers in Christ and this is a bonus to the community. There is strength in numbers.
>where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. (Matthew 18:20)

>all it took to go to heaven was to repent your sins and accept Jesus as your savior?
No, accepting Jesus also entails accepting his teachings. It doesn't make sense to accept that for example lying is bad, so bad that it needs divine intervention to save you from the consequences, but then you just keep lying.
If you accept Jesus as your Lord, you accept Truth as your lord, because Jesus is Truth. Which means you have to become a disciple of Truth and lying is an active rebellion. We need reconciliation all the time.
We are called to become saints.

You should look into theology more, maybe start with Bishop Barron:

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Read the Bible and you'll see that it answered this question for you already.

Not everyone has to be a theologian just like not everyone has to be a mathematician. However, you should educate yourself according to your age. You are old enough for differential equations and old enough for an "adult" faith.

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"All God wants" God wants to have relationship with you. He created you, gave you a purpose and saved you from sin. He sent His only son to die upon a cross so you will no longer head towards eternal suffering but towards Him. Jesus coming to earth was God meeting humanity. God's a Holy union called trinity, He expresses family in Himself, His Spirit dwells in us to bring us to be a part of this unity.

It's not a black or white issue. It just means you have a long way to go. Even if you memorized the Bible and LIVE in a church you would still always be a work in progress. There is always reasons to move forward and make progress.

You're doing good in prayer. There are Christians who read the Bible, go to church but don't pray at all. That's something THEY need to work on.

Why don't you make it a goal to read one chapter a day. I think your problem is that you just have a hard time understanding on what you are reading. That can be helped.

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Stop thinking of the Bible in terms of "is it something I have to read or not". Obviously you don't HAVE to read it, because none of the early Christians read it (back then it didn't exist, except in the form of scattered pieces which hadn't been collected together yet).

Rather, the Bible is an amazing piece of literature and it's idiotic NOT to read it. Reading it will fill you with wisdom and joy, and the more you study it, the more wisdom and joy it will give you.

No, it's not required for salvation. Salvation is by grace alone through Jesus Christ.

But the Bible is condensed godly wisdom and it's stupid to deprive yourself of it.

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>“Keep doing this in remembrance of me.”—Luke 22:19

>Christ died for us.—Rom. 5:8.

>Tuesday, April 7, 2020 around the world.

The purpose of the Lord’s Evening Meal is to remember Jesus, showing our gratitude for his sacrifice in our behalf. (Matthew 20:28; 1 Corinthians 11:24) The observance is not a sacrament, or a religious practice that imparts merit such as grace or the forgiveness of sins.

The Bible teaches that our sins can be forgiven, not by a religious rite, but only through faith in Jesus.—Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:1, 2.

He introduced the observance after sundown on Nisan 14, 33 C.E., according to the Bible’s lunar calendar. (Matthew 26:18-20, 26) We continue to observe the Memorial on this date each year, following the practice of early Christians.

Yas Forums is invited to celebrate the Memorial of Jesus Christ death on Tuesday, April 7, 2020 around the world.

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If you don't read the Bible you'll eventually go astray and lose faith/your salvation. John 1 refer the "word of God" to be Jesus. Jesus is the way the truth and life. His words reveal His character, commands and plan. Without this insight Satan, the world or your flesh will overwhelm you

just embrace your path of satanism and that you are the center of your subjective universe. you obviously want to figure out things for yourself and not be part of the flock. this is an obvious indication from a christian perspective that something is majorly wrong and they want to put you back in check. in earlier times they would think you are a witch and burn you at the stake. better to reign in hell than serve in heaven. flames wouldn't be eternal if they consumed anything.


Obviously you don't HAVE to read it, because none of the early Christians read it

>(2 Timothy 3:16) All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness,

>(Matthew 4:4) But in reply he said: “It is written, ‘Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jehovah’s mouth.’”

>(Luke 19:46) saying to them: “It is written, ‘And my house will be a house of prayer,’ but YOU made it a cave of robbers.”

>(Acts 17:11) Now the latter were more noble-minded than those in Thes•sa•lo•nica, for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so.

>(2 Timothy 3:15) and that from infancy you have known the holy writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through the faith in connection with Christ Jesus.

>(Nehemiah 8:8) And they continued reading aloud from the book, from the law of the [true] God, it being expounded, and there being a putting of meaning [into it]; and they continued giving understanding in the reading.

>(1 Timothy 4:13) While I am coming, continue applying yourself to public reading, to exhortation, to teaching.

>(Colossians 4:16) And when this letter has been read among YOU, arrange that it also be read in the congregation of the La•o•di•ceans and that YOU also read the one from La•o•di•cea.

>(1 Thessalonians 5:27) I am putting YOU under the solemn obligation by the Lord for this letter to be read to all the brothers.

>(Habakkuk 2:2) And Jehovah proceeded to answer me and to say: “Write down [the] vision, and set [it] out plainly upon tablets, in order that the one reading aloud from it may do so fluently.

>(Luke 24:27) And commencing at Moses and all the Prophets he interpreted to them things pertaining to himself in all the Scriptures.

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>We continue to observe the Memorial on this date each year, following the practice of early Christians.
The early Christians that believe in the true presence?

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Of course not. If he read the bible he would stop being a Christian. He's the only kind of good Christian there is.

It's so cringey when christcucks appropriate memes.

my fren. please listen to me. the church is not a brick and mortar building. the church is in spirit. we are Israel now. as gentiles we have been grafted into the promise of salvation. simply believe in the Lord Jesus. all will bend the knee to Him. Pic very related, user.

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If you love and worship God why wouldn't you want to spend time in His word daily? Also wouldn't you want to be around other believers? We are called to fellowship and it serves it's place in the Christian life. Asceticism and monasticism are pagan practices and do not help serve in spreading the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ

You're not a Christian and you ought to stop pretending to be one. It's good for no one. Just be yourself. Remember, your real creator gave you your family and blood. Not a book. Family and race.

It's not a black or white issue. Yes YOU HAVE TO READ THE BIBLE but not doing it on a regular basis will weaken you. It's the same as a body builder who does everything except leg day. Doesn't matter how strong he is one kick to the legs and he's snapped. Your goal should be to be well rounded because the devil knows your weaknesses. If he sees you skip Bible reading day he will use that to his advantage and "snap" you in half. THAT is what will send you to hell. It's the devil taking advantage of an obvious weakness.

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Jesus didn’t say you had to read the Bible (wasn’t compiled yet) or that you had to attend church regularly (church had a different meaning to him).
He said that no one could approach his father except through him. Believe in him and he will speak for you on your day of judgement.

give yourselves to Jesus, who says in Revelation "I am Almighty God". Give yourselves as fitting bodies to the Lord. Be not ashamed, He forgives you all who call upon the name of Jesus Christ.

This user gets it.


Bro, those refer mostly to the Jewish scriptures (what we now call the Old Testament), not to "The Bible" (which didn't exist at the time).

Do you think St. Stephen (whose martyrdom is described in the book of Acts) is going to go to hell because he never read the book of Acts?

Daily reminder that Jesus Christ is of one substance with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

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You do realize that for most of Christian history the majority of Christians were illiterate and had no access to an extremely expensive (pre printing press) Bible anyway... right? I mean you can’t possibly be that uninformed about your own people’s history. That would be asinine.

Don't kid yourself. The Apostolic Fathers and "The Church" are apostates. The Great Apostasy happened at the end of the first century right after all the apostles died. Why?

>(Acts 20:29, 30) I know that AFTER MY GOING AWAY oppressive wolves will enter in among YOU and will not treat the flock with tenderness, 30and from among YOU yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to DRAW AWAY THE DISCIPLES after themselves.

>Acts 20:30: “From among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves.”

>2 Pet. 2:1, 3: “There will also be false teachers among you. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owner that bought them . . . Also, with covetousness they will exploit you with counterfeit words.”

They tried to draw the Apostles away during and after Paul's death.

It already started back then...

>(1 Timothy 1:19, 20) holding faith and a good conscience, which some have thrust aside and have experienced shipwreck concerning [their] faith. 20Hy·me·naeus and Alexander belong to these, and I have handed them over to Satan that they may be taught by discipline not to blaspheme.

>(2 Timothy 2:17) and their word will spread like gangrene. Hy·me·naeus and Phi·letus are of that number.

>(2 Timothy 4:14) Alexander the coppersmith did me many injuries—Jehovah will repay him according to his deeds—

It started back then during Pauls time and continued down to our day...

>(1 Timothy 4:1-3) However, the inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons, 2by the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, marked in their conscience as with a branding iron; 3forbidding to marry, commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be partaken of with thanksgiving by those who have faith and accurately know the truth.

That's just a Catholic and Orthodox excuse.

>(Acts 17:11) Now the latter were more noble-minded than those in Thes•sa•lo•nica, for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so.

>(1 Timothy 4:13) While I am coming, continue applying yourself to public reading, to exhortation, to teaching.

>(2 Timothy 3:14, 15) You, however, continue in the things that you learned and were persuaded to believe, knowing from what persons you learned them 15and that from infancy you have known the holy writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through the faith in connection with Christ Jesus.

Again, you Catholics/Orthodox hugely depend on 1st Century Christians being illiterate and depending on Oral Tradition to create the illusion that the Bible wasn't in written format until the 4th Century to give themselves the excuse of adding other books to it as well and making themselves the authority on the canon. The Thessalonians and Timothy were just commoners. They all had access to the OT and NT letters so they can makes sure of what was being said. Even Timothy had access to the holy writings as a child. His father being Greek meant his Jewish mother was a nobody. Yet even nobody women like Timothy's grandmother and mother has access to the scriptures so they can teach it to Timothy.

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I’ve watched more than one interview wherein a Protestant interviews a Catholic priest about the differences in their beliefs, and always, the very first thing out of the mouth of the priest is “We are not a faith of the Book.”

RTFM. It will save you from doing rookie mistakes.

The Bible is there to comfort and lead you. But no you don't have to be in church. Its the relationship with God that matters. Read the words in red at least and when trouble comes the Holy spirit will remind you of God's promises. Its for your own comfort.

That's because at the time Jesus was born and lived under the Mosaic Law. Jesus and the Apostles appealed to the Torah, Psalms, and Prophets and did read it. Yes, Jesus did, THROUGH HIS EXAMPLE, show that going to church was necessary. He went to the temple all the time. That was church for them back then. Once Jesus died, the MOSAIC LAW, was done away with. NOT the OT. After that, the Apostles began to start their own churches across the land and began writing inspired letters to expand on Jesus Christ and the cultivation of the early church.

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If you're willing, God shows you the path.

We've been through illiteracy, God was still there.

Just listen real closely.

God doesn't need you to worship him but he does like compliments. Religion is largely used to trick us into worshiping a false God but the story of Jesus is very meaningful and a very real tale about the struggles of Man.

>But no you don't have to be in church.

(Proverbs 18:1) One isolating himself will seek [his own] selfish longing; against all practical wisdom he will break forth

(Deuteronomy 31:12) Congregate the people, the men and the women and the little ones and your alien resident who is within your gates, in order that they may listen and in order that they may learn, as they must fear Jehovah YOUR God and take care to carry out all the words of this law.

(Romans 14:7) None of us, in fact, lives with regard to himself only, and no one dies with regard to himself only;

(Hebrews 10:25) not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as YOU behold the day drawing near.

(Matthew 18:20) For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst.”

(Acts 2:42) And they continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to sharing [with one another], to taking of meals and to prayers.

(1 Corinthians 5:4) that in the name of our Lord Jesus, when YOU are gathered together, also my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus,

If you truly think you’re a Christian than what’s your excuse for not reading The Bible?

Instead of fucking off on here you could have read it. Even if you don’t agree with a lot of it you can and need to read it.

Saying your a Christian and not have read The Bible is like saying your a pilot but never flew a plane but because you fly on a video game your qualified

>Am I a bad Christian if I don’t read the Bible or go to church but study the battle between satan and God and praise him in my own way?
That's Protestant. So yeah, bad Christian.

if you want to follow chirst, then why not read the bible?
but church is not something you need
why listen to a preacher instead of stuying christ's teachings yourself

God doesn't need you to worship him but he does like compliments.

>(Matthew 4:10) Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”

>(Luke 4:8)...8In reply Jesus said to him: “It is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”

>(John 4:23, 24) Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him. 24God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.”

>(Deuteronomy 10:20) “Jehovah your God you should fear. Him you should serve, and to him you should cling, and by his name you should make sworn statements.

>but church is not something you need


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The bible was written by both Satan the evil and God the good. It is up to you to unravel the mystery of the Bible not to blindly praise the Church. Just keep that in mind.

The bible was written by both Satan the evil and God the good.

>(2 Timothy 3:16) All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness,

You need understanding and knowledge.

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Don't be fooled user. Satan operates in all things. The true God and Jesus are worthy of praise.

Because tradition is the life of the church.

I've read the entire Bible three times in three separate translations - I already know everything there is to know

I agree with all of the christian principles and all of the commandments and I try to keep them and I agree that according to the Bible Jesus Christ is the only savior from all of sin and he is the only one we are allowed to pray to


I still don't believe in the Bible as a scientific source of information and I don't think that blindly believing anything against science can be considered smart thing to do.

The thing blocking me from being a believer are contradictions within the Bible and contradictions between the Bible and what we know about the world via science.
Jesus from John's is different from the Mark's/Matthew's/Lucas' + even Matthew and Lucas can't get some of the things straight like the genealogy of Jesus and the childhood of Jesus are completely different in Matthew's and in Lucas.

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Imagine actually believing that your life has a value and that by hating niggers on Yas Forums you will go to heaven

Nigger please wtf are you talking about do you even know what Judaism is founded on. Nigger you really are one to talk. You have no fucking clue what you're speaking about. None at all, especially about the Holy Church Father's.

Now kys kike

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