Be me 19

>be me 19
>about to go to germany
>dad says people hate us
>go to germany
>stay with friends
>friends keep making pajeet jokes
>But india will be a superpower!
>friend explains reality
>me now knowing that >everyone hates indians and >we are always going to be >made fun off

Life is sad. Tell me something good about being a pajeet.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I now know that I cannot even green green text.

Just start shitting in a toilet and not on the street and people will respect you more
jeez how hard can it be TO DEFECATE INTO A TOILET?

You can shit anywhere you want user, Be happy with that tought

Your scent keeps large animals from wanting to eat you

>something good about being a pajeet
Trump's DHS is going to import a shitload of you fellas to replace "white collar workers" after October because you fellas will work for a lot cheaper.

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We love you in my country

>Tell me something good about being a pajeet
You are Nurgles chosen and will be the first to be purged by the Emperors Holy Flames

Rock bottom, huh? Guess you can only go up.

Make sure to shit near/on mosques and fling shit on gerniggers and other nordicucks

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I've thought about it and you are probably better neighbors and immigrants than the Turks.

Thoughts on picrelated?

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>Tell me something good about being a pajeet.
one day you will die

The Padmanabhaswamy temple has 16 TRILLION dollars of wealth inside of it, so that's something. Cash out all that gold in one dick swing and liquify the entire global market just to watch it crash. That's about all India has to brag about, a lot of ancient money.

>Kailasa temple and other marvels of engineering and construction
>Ancient culture filled with wisdom
>Aruvedic medicine
>Nationalist govt
>1.5 billion of your race
>not the source of a deadly virus like the other billion race
>Massive land area country
>Most people can speak english
>Understand western culture
Dont be so hard on yourself. You won't be a superpower any time soon. You got humbled but it doesnt mean youre worthless. Never let whites talk shit to you. Just mock them for going extinct and doing literally nothing about it. Offer to help them because leftist whites cant call you racist due to your skin tone. That breaks their programing. Thats very helpful to us.
Now cheer up.

>people hate us

>Tell me something good about being a pajeet.
you have good immune systems from living in shit and squalor all your life

also you probably have low hydro costs on account of there being no toilets in the country

or is the whole country considered a toilet? i dont know prajeet

>Tell me something good about being a pajeet.
Promising career in windows engineer helpdesk service

Banter is not hatred.

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>Most people can speak english
of currsse wi can spiek engluishhh vely well sirrrr

you are protected by the anglo super chad
so thats pretty good

People from your country have completely taken over the gas station industry in the United States. I guess that's something to be happy about. You could always move to the US and open a gas station. You probably have plenty of family here already that could help you find a decent spot, hook up with merchandise distributors, etc.

You're the smartest brown people. You have the asian extreme focus without the genetic defect that makes asians bug people. You're the only people who put in the effort required to make vegetarian food actually well rounded through hours of labor your women to devote to meals. When whites race mix with you, your genes don't overwhelm but instead intermix with white features. Unlike niggers who's children always look nothing like the white parent. Your country is a great ally to the US and recently BTFO'd China occupied territory near India. (Cant remember exact details that happened months ago) Ally against sand niggers. One of your Institutes was one out of three in the world that confirmed and released the data Covid-19 was man made and refused to let the bullshit slide when chinks claimed it was wild bats.

Betameister Prime.
This is normal in poopwheel country.

Indians are actually kinda based.

Just wait for a few more years bro. India just got internet in 2015 and we're still feeling the effects of getting memed hard.

I have a good few indian friends through work over the years. They were bro tier. Stinky fuckers but always so nice, and fucking funny man. You guys have really aesthetic ancient architectures. Very interesting history and culture. Curry is fucking good. Your continent is vast with many climates. Riding elephants is pretty fucking based.
There are many white man stories about adventures through India. I bet if you ask any white man to imagine a jungle the first images that come to mind are from an indian jungle, probably with tiger. I did a project in school years ago about that Kaliasa temple carved from one massive stone. That was pretty incredible

Take a shower and use the toilet

YOU'LL never suffer the Great Toilet Paper Famines the the Muricans have to endure
> free yourself man , just shit in the street in front of your friends houses theyll stop teasing you

That's patently untrue. I have met many Indian people and they have all been good folk. Maybe I just got lucky but, if you feel bad about your country (the poverty, the caste system, etc.), just remember that India's problems are fixable problems. They are not permanent hurdles.

If you want something about your country to make you feel good, you should know that India has produced some of the finest and most beautiful pieces of art and crafts that the world has seen.

Look at pic related. Isn't that just exquisite?
It belonged to a Nizam of Hyderabad, from 1775 at the earliest estimate. It is set with diamonds and rubies, and has a small emerald pendant in its beak...

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>germans lack humor

oh wow, what a surprise

>enter uni library
>go to free desk
>suddenly smells like curry and shit
>look behind me
>pajeet on the deck

every single time.
Do you people don't have a sense of smell or what is wrong with you ?

I think poos are awesome. They are always so nice when you encounter them in public. Many of them don't wear deoderant and smell like shit that would be my only complaint.

They also have cool military demostrations:

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Dude that's German humour, they still have your back and will support you any way they can


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Your peoples quest for bobs is admirable

Thank You, Come Again

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You at least are immune to Israeli riot gas

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I was impressed that a nation I think so little of managed to get a probe to Mars orbit, and generally seem to be advancing heir space program at a good pace.
No mate anti-sat tests though, that was gay.

Based Aussibro

Also, a lot of Harry Potter fans look up to you

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>It belonged to a Nizam of Hyderabad, from 1775 at the earliest estimate
How's life in Bongland, pajeet. Do you shit on street or poo in loo there?

You can bathe in your shit and not get sick like the rest of us. That's the only pajeet superpower your kind will ever be able to claim.

I like indians, my whole life ive interacted with them and they're no different than white people.

I hate the Indians in my uni. They always smell uniromically like curry and are just fucking creepy. None of the stereotypes is even remotely wrong.

Can take a shit anywhere

You look like brown skinned whites a lot of the time to me but for some reason people often rate you worse off than blacks, which makes no sense to me.

>about to go to germany
>dad says people hate us

then why are you going to germany if you know germans dont want you there?

You canadians kind of live in a bubble. Your immigration system only leads to educated foreigners flocking in. You don't know real muslims, chinks and payeets.


What makes them so desperately thirsty and pathetic?

Yeah, it makes me hate myself, I want to just die.My skin color has made me feel ashamed and everything sucks, going back sucked even more, now I know that I will always be hated if I ever go to another country and I have to live in my own country, even if there are huge problems with my country which I cannot bear, thanks to everyone here making poop jokes to remind me that the majority of the world consider me to be an abomination. Its rare to see people who like Indians. I guess I'll just stay in my room forever.

this made me kek

>You canadians kind of live in a bubble. Your immigration system only leads to educated foreigners flocking in

Tell that to Surrey, BC

All Indians I've met are socially weird

Look to the bright side you can always do a caca out of your anus.

>only educated foreigners.

That's not true. I have met indians who i felt were untrustworthy, but for the most part they are based and they have proper family values. White people make fun of them "lol like roaches, 20 people to a house" well they still have family values intact, they are frugal financially and will get ahead because they ARE A FAMILY. They all contribute to the bills and save their money. That is one way they are superior to white people right now, and white.

learn to code

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Dunno man maybe take a shower once in a while, use a modern toilet properly, stop wading knee deep in animal blood sacrifices? Just off top of head

>Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring
Take your meds fatty

I actually don't really dislike anyone, except for maybe Chileans and Cubans, but that's just because I know them the most.

Stop worrying about what others think. As soon as you do this respect will follow as others will notice your confidence.

muslims are worse

Small dick.

You're going to get to take China's place as a cheap manufacturing center in the next few years. The relationship between our two countries will likely warm further. Most Americans are in support of both of the preceding.

indians in india are fine.


>Tell me something good about being a pajeet.
There is literally nothing good about it.
If you are a Pajeet woman, then you are at least fuckable. But being a Pajeet man?
Damn, you really lost.
Even though I know one Pajeet which is extremly good looking (a manlet though)

I wouldn't say that people hate you. Indians aren't really a threat to anyone, your men are just awkward and kind of pathetic, so people make some jokes about you, but don't really hate you like with niggers who randomly assault people on the street. I also heard stories here from companies that hired Indian coders to create their internal billing system and stuff like that because they wanted to cheap out. Of course the Indians fucked it up and all kinds of info got lost, because of massive coding errors. Company ended up losing more money than they saved by hiring pajeets. Boomers are really fucking retarded.

At least you aren't pakis

Nice blog post faggot,now go back to plebbit

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You're not the worst race on Earth. Compared to niggers and Jews, you are quite civilized. Get your people to stop scamming and theiving and shitting everywhere

it’s what you make of being a pajeet.
you can hate yourself for being brown or you can make the best of it.
you can easily look better than a basic skinny white boy by hitting the gym and embracing your culture.

I can't do that all by myself.

Crypto panjeet

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You did not submit to Christcuckdom or Pisslam (at least most of you for now), Hindu man. That in itself is more based than anything any other volk has done.

But for coming to Europe you can go fuck yourself. Go back if you are noble, Hindustan is your home.

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embracing culture doesn’t mean embracing your stereotypes, be above them, don’t let them get to you, acknowledge and laugh, go on.
It’s simple.
Godspeed pajeet, the best and worst version of you both exist in the future, it’s up to you to build the path towards the person you want to be