Nothingburger is over

Alright guys we’ve passed the Corona peak. Can we open everything back up again now?

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No, keep it going, every city needs to be cleansed first.

Its the other state's time to shine

Do you have Nipplepierced pass??
You need that now so we ...bla bla

Cue the 'SECOND WAVE' fearmongering using Spanish flu graphs

Not until earnings reports come out for first quarter. Oy vey

Clown show.

Other places won’t get hit nearly as hard as Jew York because they don’t have the same population density, living conditions and reliance on mass transit.

Two more weeks and you will see!!!

I think we should cower in place

Not before I get my Trumpbux


Kenya in time of Corona
Police dispersing residents queued for last ferries amid of Covid-19 restriction.

Its just the first dip. Every country had it before the final peak. NY will see 2 weeks of 500-900 deaths per day, then decline. 20k deaths total.10k blacks, 8k jews. 2k 95+ year old liberals.

>cause unnecessary panic
>just kidding guys


Deaths need to rise and cases fall before the beginning of the end.

>slightly dips one sunday, like every other sunday

Guarantee there’ll be a “maybe not all the deaths are being counted” push as soon as deaths start to drop

>Nothingburger is over
Imagine thinking this..

Mail man wipes his nose then wipes it on everything else

It’s over lads

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Angry Aussie outside Chinese Consulate. He is fired up and has had enough!

Realistically, will the strong effect of corona on the urbanites (dem dominated areas) change their mind on future elections?

Imagine actually thinking that covid 19 is actually a pandemic as opposed to merely a bad flu year. Pic related

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I really wonder how many would die of corona without the lockdown. We had 25.000 death cases during the influenca season in 2018 and yes I know corona would be more because of the lung problem and lack of ventilators but I am wondering nonetheless.

I hope it isn't true, just to see Cuomo fail.

They said this every day deaths seemed to dropped in Italy. This is likely an artefact of testing or just normal variation. I would get too excited, it is clearly going to spread a lot more hence deaths will rise.

fuck you pussy, i live in nyc and have to deal with this shit.
I hope you get it in your flyover state you bored fag.

one minute NY is loading all the dead bodies onto big trucks and crying about needing 9 zillion ventilators. The next minute its all "its receding! we survived!"

You are probably a young person that has not to worry about this anyway.

there really aren't enough public whippings these days, if you think about it

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Roughly 20% hospitalization rate means many in this group would die or be permanently disabled without hospitalization. That’s a huge number if you extrapolate the millions of people that will be infected.

Yeah but aren't almost all of those 20% old people with pre-existing conditions? I know there are exceptions like always, but they are exceptions.

Australia is becoming uncucked. Good news.

fence off that shithole and let's get back to work

WITNESSED. Break out the whip.

If you live in NYC you're not a person, therefore I don't give a shit about you.

>all the sick people are dying so the number of infections are going down!
>see we don't need Trump we got this

The numbers are based on detected cases, not infected. There is no way 20% of infected need hospitalization.

32 years old essential worker.
My wife has allergies and has had to use a steroid pump in the past.
Not everyone in nyc is a fucking kike or dem.
Im an electrical engineer, what have you done with your life? fucking flyover state cuck.

Time to send back all ventilators and military personnel, faggot.

nothing will stop it but herd immunity.

>telling you everything is fine
Nope, dont think so, kike

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>t. good goy

I bet Spain and Italy’s numbers would look mostly the same without the lockdown

Unless you go Chinese style of welding people inside their homes, these half assed attempts don’t reduce the spread, people are still visiting old relatives for fucks sake

But yeah, let’s destroy the economy, best approach from (((scientists)))

Pic not related, really. Read a book, armchair epedemiologist

Passover: April 8 to April 16
Come on NY, celebrate. You can still pump those numbers up.

Sorry user, but if you're not a useless sack of shit (the jury is out) you're in a sea of shit. If the meme virus kills a dozen degenerates for every useful person, I can't say those are bad odds.

This is really my problem. NYC is essentially controlling the narrative in America. The president listens to NYC, then our media listens to them, then our mayors. They have a monopoly on global messages so no one can even tell anyone differently.

This is globalism at its finest. People not thinking for themselves and just following the order given to them. I fucking hate it.

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>But yeah, let’s destroy the economy, best approach from (((scientists)))
why is destroying the kosher money casino a bad thing?

Die New York

>Just two more weeks

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I'm a scientist, don't blame this bullshit on me. I'd sacrifice a few dozen old people so that my currency isn't worth fucking monopoly money right now.

are mutts really that retarded? one day's number tells literally nothing. Maybe those who were supposed to die yesterday are going to die today or tomorrow

No we need a great depression so the boog can happen.

Because it only huts you & me, the elite are under a constant safeguard unless there's an angry mob out their door.

god I'm sick of hearing this guy talk for hours, beg for a million ventilators etc. etc.

also they write articles trashing trump because there aren't enough sick people filling up the ships. because this thing was way overhyped!

Not for two more weeks

Now just wait for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th waves that are going to happen every two weeks!

>26% overall mortality in resolved cases including official chinese numbers
>a few dozen old people

Dilate more, armchair homosexual

this is the new Cuomo Prime Time. It's just that Andrew replaced Fredo

What for one day or the numbers coming in today?

Yeah how long did it take Italy? 6 weeks?

no you can't. we're not past the peak, you are just too retarded to interpret numbers.

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second wave will be in fall. this will follow the Spanish flu pattern, first wave in Spring, drop off in summer, second wave in fall. first wave mostly old fags died, second wave mostly young fags died. this means by 2021 we'll all be least the survivors will be.

>Literally no actual data supports your schizoid rambling

Eat shit and die

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2 more weeks user. please be patient and understand that your fellow citizens have a right to safety

Cogent argument, armchair faggot.

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