Fuck this corona shit im so done with it

Fuck this corona shit im so done with it.

I just finish beating my wife this morning. 2 years wasted because were forced to be stuck inside all day. We've been stuck inside all week and she though that Sunday would be Funday because we usually go out to eat. I told her not this time and she kept been passive aggressive about it. I asked her nicely to cook me some eggs and she kept slamming the cooking utensils down so I knew something was wrong. So I asked her what was wrong and she kept saying nothing. So I left it at that. But when she served me the food she kind of threw the plate on the table and the eggs touched the table and I just lost it. At first I grabbed her hand when she was walking away and she kept pulling and I kept asking what was wrong with her. She didn't respond so I just pushed her but she acted like I had done it hard and she threw herself on the ground and started cursing at me. Than I got on top of her and pin her head against the floor and started going at her ribs for some reason. She ran to the bathroom and hasn't come out in more than an hour. I think this might be it and she's probably texting her family to come pick her up. If she tells me she wants a divorce I'll probably beat her one one last time fuck her.

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Geez only beat her that bad if she cheats or turns out to be a liberal.

I don't know what happen I just snapped.

my family is falling apart as well. my parents usually kick me out every saturday to have sex because I am 'a 37 year old cockblock' in my mothers own words. they've clearly not had sex in the last 2 weeks and are getting agitated and blaming me. so yesterday my mother threw a metal globe at my stomach and my father started pouring sugar down my bumcrack so that i 'would be a sweet boy and fuck off to another country'. they are mad with me.

She knows she deserved it. Give her time. And of course she's telling people about it. You lost all discretion when you took in a female.

based and redpilled

>women do not understand that a biological threat is literally occurring right now
>endanger her own family because she isn't taking it
Honestly man this is gonna be a rough time for everyone, better go alone with this rather than with a cunt that put you on the verge of your mental sanity, at least for now

Oh yeah, that passive aggressiveness can really tick me off too.

burgers beat their women... its a thing
she doesnt care

Yeah, passive aggressive is top cunt games. Is the female version of niggers talking shit before a fight

Dumb cunt pretty much throws your plate of brekky? I'm surprised both of her orbital bones are intact.

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Lmao i can actually believe this. Fuck the UK.
You have autism. Women pout to shit test your manliness. You failed. If youre gonna beat her own it. Only slap her on the shoulder in a way like you would if someone was disoriented. Force her to own up to her emotions. Also why would you want a shitty tantrum cunt wife? Find a proper wife and by that i mean an asian one.

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Like I said this has never happened before some how I just snapped.

my dad enters my room and says "the car has enough gas", that's the sign, fuck off son

you honestly sound like a fucking simpleton retard for beating your wife. get up off your ass and make your own eggs you piece of shit. any man should be able to make himself breakfast. furthermore, your wife is a retard too. both of you are massive retards. how do you get dressed in the morning?

Keep your pimp hand strong breh

if you can get a divorce go get one,

life is too short to be stuck in bullshit relationships. I want to gag when i hear people say "Awwwwww i bet there will be a ton of Corona babies in 9 months from now tee heheh "

try a massive spike in the divorce rate

You sound like a fucking nigger OP

You're a loser user.

You’re a weak simple man and you’re going to jail lol

why would i make my own eggs if she usually cooks for me? Its routine for her to take care everything in the house

that's women saying that shit no man wants to have kids during a fucking pandamic

>around packs, never relax

Fuck off this is the first time it happened

for beating her for the first time?

i won't admit to it and i already deleted all the footage from the cameras in my house

If this isn’t a bait post you should unironically kill your self, you seem dumb as fuck and I assume you have nothing of value to offer anyone if you can’t even keep your shit together from being at home for longer than normal. Pussy

>i beat my wife over some eggs
niggers like you deserve to be married.

Post tits or GTFO.

>beta the post
a real man laughs at a woman’s childish outbursts and punishes them with indifference. now she has all the attention she ever wanted and a reason to play victim. and your beating was too petty to get your point across whatever it was. just admit you’re a childish beta and you deserve nobody, let alone a whiny cunt.

nobody here can handle being a shut in? fuck it's my life, it's almost like I've been in training since highschool. Atm I'm just chilling listening to youtube, got a whole stock up of canned food and not a care in the world. alll I gotta say is if the quarantine (aka purge crew) knocks on my door I hope it's a cutie.

sorry for you luck op, but you chose unwisely if she can't get through this shit with common sense. If this extends another month your situation will considered mild.

just have incestuous three ways.

So not only are you a retarded caveman who can’t control his emotions, you’re a child and a coward as well? Ight chief

Based as fuck user you don't need that hole any way


white boi detected

it was the first time and i doubt it'll happen again

like i said before if she wants a divorce ill beat one more time and get this shit over with she wanted to go out during a fucking plague and she started acting like a bitch when i told her no

risking my safety and hers and my family because she wanted to have Sunday Funday I think i did alright

Don’t beat your wife. Are you a nigger or something?

How far is your bitch that she cares so much about going outside to eat? I don't get her problem desu. Couldn't you have gone for a ride some place nice after lunch?

first time it happens ever fuck why are people stupid and don't read

>I think i did alright
Use your words you dumb piece of shit. I pity you a little bit because you don’t realize yet your life is over. You really fucked up here chief.

The absolute state of mutts. Can't cook his own eggs and has to beat a woman to eat. Lmao, what a pussy

Why are you so stupid and childish that you beat your wife over eggs? You’re a complete faggot and I don’t know why you thought it was appropriate to post this on fucking Yas Forums, lol. This is the most pathetic shit I’ve seen so far this year

she wanted you to snap bro. to frame you because she wants out. classic behavior.

You did the right thing user. The bitch had it coming.

I left mine because she didn't appreciate my Corona virus warnings. I can't get a new one now, but fuck it, I would rather suffer than let these britches get out of line fucking worthless whores, cunts, bitches.

If you deleted all the footage that makes you look more guilty, not less. It’s guilty until proven innocent for guys when it comes to domestic abuse, so nice going

Cringe and bluepilled. Only betas needs to use violence. Real men rule their women without a clenched fist

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Let’s not pretend you didn’t get dumped for being a crazy fat piece of shit


OP post a picture of yourself to prove you aren’t fat and ugly

she thinks is our "tradition" to go out every sunday which we have been doing for the past 2 years but with this virus shit i was not going to risk it

how the fuck is my life over? I'll just get a divorce which I'm ready for if it comes to that and move on

she usually cooks for me read faggot i already said that in a post above i never at the eggs out of anger and fed them to the dog

it happened for the first time i just snapped ..i just want advice on what to do from other anons that might have gone through this

and she'll get it and another beating too before she leaves

ill just tell them the sd card resets itself once full dumbass

first time it happened read faggot

I'm not fat, I'm not from America


yea she played him like a fiddle. now he's fucked if its not a larp.

doxxing myself online talking about beating my wife and planning to lie about it if shit hits the fan i'm not an idiot

Sweet old pasta.
Feels good to bust it out once in a while

> It was just the first time
Over eggs? Mother fucker you must have one saintly ass woman if this is the first time you've ever beaten her. Because this shit was silent treatment over eggs. And you couldn't handle that bit of fuss.
God damn she must be a fucking angel. You mean to tell me for 2 years she's not ticked you off except for today and it was over this trite shit?
She deserves better. She'll get better too as soon as she's done wasting time with your trite ass.

not pasta

They’re not going to believe your story. You dumb fuck, now they’re gonna haul you off to jail. You know, the place with lots of people shoved into tightly enclosed spaces. You were so angry about your wife potentially giving you coronavirus that now you’ve all but ensured you’re going to get coronavirus

congrats OP you are a piece of trash

apologize to her or kill yourself

control your anger nigger

Poor Americans that don't know how to convive with the family.
Good thing I'm Mexican and I know how to live with my family.
Good thing I'm a zommer and unsociable, I never leave my bedroom.

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lmao, based husband keeping his fleshlight in check.

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My advice is to turn yourself into the police, apologize to your wife, and maybe meditate or some shit to fix your fucked brain

She made you breakfast and you hit her because of how she passed it to you?

Your wife should leave you.
Apologize and stop posting.
You'll get arrested if you don't.

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>she usually cooks for me
That's what I said. You are so over reliant on someone else preparing your food that at the least hiccup you snap like a nigger.
Lmao, pussy

By better you mean some tard buys her drinks and fucks her in the ass.

if not a LARP stop talking to her, and let her walk out the door, she can get you sent to jail for a week with a phone call right now