here come the bootlickers
Here come the bootlickers
The Yas Forums shill is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But criticize capitalism or Trump's pandering to capitalistic interests and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
SHe should look that ticket in the eyes, shake it's hand firmly and give it a blow job.
/thread sage and dont respond
If only we had socialism this wouldn't happen
Gradually.. I began to berate them.
Well, if it implies distributing wealth to companies, it is not a capitalist aspect.
Neolibs socialize losses and focus gains on the rich. Not so capitalist or communist, but JEWISH.
>i didnt read any terms of service fine print so i must blame others
Refusing to hold capitalism accountable makes globalist jew-socialism inevitable.
You did this to us. YOU lolberts are the main tool of the jew.
did the terms of service include anything about the current global pandemic?
it has been redistributed to them according to their need
This. Willingly entered contract, doesn't want to abide by the terms
Triggered Retard Cap
Yet so much of what is rabidly defended by lolberts is simply jewish nepotism and illegal business dealings.
The lolberts have sullied themselves 100% at this point. Their ideology is simply jewish supremacy.
For the average Yas Forums poster, this is all we will ever know.
Real Yas Forums is natsoc and doesn’t defend corporatism. You’re thinking of nu/pol/ like /ptg/ where if you criticize their holy abstract god of the “”””Free Market”””” (never been tried, not real capitalism!) they call you a communist.
capitalism means you can fly thru the sky at 500mph while served a drink, for just $200
because governments never charge for services. nope, i totally don't have to pay like $500 to get a little piece of plastic. nah, that'd be crazy
>Contract only possible due to decades of social engineering, lobbying, illegal bribes, Citizens Unites style legal changes...
i like how flights are so overbooked that if people werent constantly cancelling their flights they wouldnt be able to fly them all anyway
what a racket
I agree, but shit like OP offer no solutions and just amounts to weak commie complaining
Based. Lolbertism is just like communism in that the lolbert thinks “no, this time those who subvert the system and gain the most capital won’t lobby the government to make laws!” Just like how the communist thinks “this time the state will dissolve itself and we will be in a utopia!” But assume that humans aren’t animals and are rational actors at all times.
>doesn't realize basically every airline is offering waivers on even basic economy class and has been doing this for about three weeks now
Because china and USSR and east germany and so on never had airplanes? Not that I am arguing in favor of communism, but your statement is retarded.
We can improve capitalism and still have airplanes. Duh. Weirdo. Your misleading, flimsy argument only serves to embolden communist rhetoric.
>there is only capitalism and communism
You boomers literally cannot help but expose your toddler tier political views. Back to /ptg/.
Dont cancel ticket make them spend thousands to fly 1person. If they refuse then get full refund.
>socialism means companies can't charge you to cancel a flight
okay hunny
She didnt say anything about communism. She pointed out that the bailouts are not fair. It is your addled mind that jumps immediately to a desperate defense of the capitalist system that created the unfairness in the first place, not by suggesting the system be changed, but with a strawman.
Every criticism of capitalism is not an endorsement of communism you dumb emotional nog.
Why would you have to cancel the ticket if it costs that much then? Is this bitch retarded? Just don't cancel then don't show up to the airport...
My did recently. They enacted several travel waivers and extended them until the us gov declared the state of emergency over. My flights home were all getting cancelled so I called in and got the money back plus a travel voucher. If you dont bitch and yell at people they can be quite accommodating.
im pretty sure the idea is socialism wont bail out airline companies
Yep this right here.
Yas Forums used to be a left-leaning libertarian website but then as the dark agenda of white genocide was revealed, it became nationalistic with its previous socialistic leanings.
They fear NOTHING more than a synthesis of right wing and left wing ideas. Isn't it funny how both the "right" and the "left" have some very good ideas but also a whole slew of really shit ones? And yet, if you suggest implementing just the good parts of both - you're literally the WORST EVIL ON THE SURFACE OF THIS EARTH (aka a Nazi).
You didnt read my whole message you absolute dumbfuck. LOL.
>We can improve capitalism and still have airplanes. Duh. Weirdo. Your misleading, flimsy argument only serves to embolden communist rhetoric.
Was this statement's implications too obscure for your tiny lil brain?
Not your blog, bitch.
It means she is getting $75 back. Why are you wrongly criticizing her predicament instead of criticizing the system that gives trillions to corporations who will lay us all off anyway and then do stock buybacks?
Sure didn't.
It also means you can get a ton of money for doing literally nothing other than filiming yourself standing around in your underwear.
Any woman who ever complains about the cost of anything ever is just fucking lazy. You live life on the easiest of easy modes.
Leftists during regular time
>capitalism keeps people down
>the system is bullshit and unfair
>if you support authority you’re a bootlicker
Fake pandemic is created by lefty media
>this is capitalism’s fault
>why won’t you listen to the authorities and shutdown
>the system is there to protect us
You're the bootlicker nigger
Should have flown Southwest.
Have sex.
Speaking of this, I can still fly domestically right? Was thinking of visiting my parents.
I’m already immune to corona and I could do their shopping & shit.
That’s what she gets for paying for a product.
Where in our laws\social contract was it stated that we all get laid off and a measely little stimulus check that may or may not arrive in the next 6 months, but globalist multi-national, tax-evading companies get endless bailouts?
Those companies should have, you know, given the pandemic a firm handshake. These airlines need to learn to code!
If you sold your labor for $1/hour, you would get a job in a second.
Cost of living is too high and wages are inflated to cope. Changing that may solve your issue.
either airlines shouldnt have cancellation charges or airlines shouldnt get bailed out
you cant have it both ways
So small business owners have to go under?
That’s just what it is?
Mom & pop shops have to burn?
Do it if you can! I wish I could go visit my folks...
The saddest thing is you probably think you just made a point.
Go back and read the fucking charts.
Fucking this.
Also in regards to airlines, Boeing is retarded and doesn’t deserve a bailout.
I’m not sure about other airlines but they all have shitty practices and at least people stopped being beaten up for them allowing too many tickets to be bought for flights
Yes. Big companies like airlines are getting bailed out. Companies like fast food are being allowed to spread the virus unchecked to anyone foolish enough to go for fast food in this time.
capitalism is literally defined as "not communism". it would make no sense for anyone other than a communist to talk about it
At this point it's not even capitalism but nanny state for corporations. But she is probably one of these cunts always lecturing you over saving the planet from global warming, while regularly traveling by plane.
She should even thank capitalists for importing her kind, otherwise, she would live in some third world country of ME or NA, the sweet irony.
So fuck her, and fuck her corporate handlers.
Why are we replying to an obvious slide thread?
Thats what critical theory is. Endlessly complain about things while not having the brain cells or ingenuity to solve problems. Bitch and never propose solutions.
wut? no.
We are allowed to criticize and discuss capitalism, you absolute turbo-bootlicker.
holy fuck. the braindamage is fucking real.
The alternative is the instability associated with an industry collapse, meaning much greater monetary loss and "unfairness" widely distributed. It's the "too big to fail" argument.
wheres the ToS of the constitution that says the Fed exists and the government can give away tax dollars to companies that cant maintain operation?
>Government fixes demand by giving airlines money they stole from us
How is this not a command economy when the government tells companies what to do and obligates spending? Like medical stuff, ACA says insurance must buy x drug. Now it isn’t capitalist, the state literally set the demand for that based on the number of known cases. Drug company proceeds to raise price by 700%. That’s not capitalism doing it. That’s the core problem with a command economy and it means we aren’t ready for more socialism.
Her solution is implied retard.
1) Dont give huge companies bail outs anymore. they just abuse us either way
2) Change things so big companies who have exploitative policies do not get bailouts\continue to get them
It also serves as a warning to others that they may be in the same situation.
Duh. Retards. Criticism is not a sign of weakness like you idiots thing. Criticism alone is the single largest tool of genocide against us, and you cretins cannot seem to comprehend that.
what does saying "capitalism" add to the discussion? literally fuck all unless you want to signal that you're an anti-capitalist, ie a communist
>false equivalency
In order to stay contrarian Yas Forums will defend like practices/industries.
>read the fine print goy
Miga has ruined this board forever I think
i should be able to fly in the sky for $100 fellow commie
By the way, amazon just threw out billions if dollars in their sellers inventory, cried foul and then got reimbursed for all of it, plus some... of inventory that doesnt even belong to them. They also stuck the sellers with the disposal fees. So they get gibs, for stealing and charging their victims for the privilege... this actually happened recently.
Per OP, capitalism is a government bailout of an industry, aka corporate welfare aka a socialist policy. In a roundabout way OP is complaining about socialism.
>instability associated with an industry collapse,
We already have that: our small businesses are collapsing. They employ over half of all americans. This is being allowed to happen. Yet the big multinationals are somehow too big to fail? Fuck you and your bootlicking mentality. WHY? Because some jew on TV said so? Fuck that. NO. Big corporations have begun putting bailouts in their business models. .FUCK YOU.
>It's the "too big to fail" argument.
This argument needs to be tested, finally. Let them fail and see what happens. It is time. They are pic related. We HAVE TO STOP THEM! OF COURSE IT WILL BE DISRUPTIVE. GOOD!!!!!
Socialism did great things for your country didn't it.
You know how I can tell you're a fucking little kid who never lived under socialism?
And the alternative is what, burger? Communism? That was also invented by kikes.
Indeed, bailouts are anathema to a capitalist. 2 things are absolutely mandatory in a capitalist system; competition, and the possibility of failure. Corporate socialism (what low IQ pol retards think of as capitalism) bypasses both of those things in order to create a ruling corporate class embedded within government that cannot go bust or face legitimate competition.
The too big to fail argument which is really just an excuse to continue americas corporate/fed ponzu scheme
> getting bailed out with my taxpayer money
Except it isnt, thats the fucking problem. The fed is literally just adding 0’s into their account and attaching interest. The money is borrowed into existence.
You fucking communists keep trying to obfuscate and deliberately conflate the actual problems.
Shut up ideologue. Your brain is completely scrambled. Seriously Stop talking.
Not giving trillions of dollars in bailouts to the most corrupt/predatory industries like the airlines/banks etc. Criticism of predatory capitalism =/= endorsement of communism.