
>When Germany is cucked: Hahaha, at least we know how to protect our "white women" from Muhammads
>When Germany is nationalist: NOOOOOOO, you cant steal Gdansk, gib back

Explain this.

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I hate poles

I really really hate poles

Attached: white negroes of europe.jpg (960x635, 84.95K)

its just their mentality


I fucking hate people who abandon their country and then go on to sing praises about it while living in another country.
If your country is so great then why did you leave retards.

Once met an antifa pole, who used to live in my country. He was a strong polish patriot.


Its worse, when they start being Antifas in your country while being polish patriots.

I knew such a guy. He was a big redpill for me.

Isnt that a reason to build it up again? I mean its not like they didnt get their country afterwards.

>If your country is so great
Poles don't think like that.
>then why did you leave retards.
Because it was destroyed due to the Deluge, WW2, communism etc.
>Isnt that a reason to build it up again?
Well, it has happened and is still in process.

It seems to be a sign of mild retardation.

Fuck of. Nobody cares about memeflaggot opinions.

And who cares about what Bad Korea has to say? Only Good Korea has valid opinions.

fuck off retard

Yeah, but not for the diaspora it seems. And polish Poltards seem retarded too. Start wondering ...

Okay, turtle.

Dont most polish women go work in brothels in Germany, I was getting a really good laugh the other day hearing about how their stuck in Germany and homeless now cause brothels are close for corona

>Yeah, but not for the diaspora it seems.
Poles hate when foreigners shit talk their country and they are ready then to defend it because of "honor". But Poles amongst themselves often talk about its problems and the bad and the ugly constantly, complaining is the Polish national sport, but only amongst themselves, foreigners not allowed.


This picture explains why.

Polish IQ is already absurdly low. These monkeys who go to Austria are probably some type of guest workers who were too dumb even for Poland. You can imagine how low their IQ must be.

Attached: iq-europe.jpg (1300x1300, 386.3K)

Yes, its a wellknown cliche here.

Thats my experience here.

A lot of them claimed citizenship because their shepherd was german, so they say I not polski.

Visit their country and you will see far more white people then in cuckstria. Basing your opinion of a meme indicates a brainlet

Attached: 0EB92D95-7501-4D7A-821A-554DA1D587E9.jpg (1024x689, 128.61K)

lynn combos that no one understands are pretty much garbage. The only IQ source he used was BUJ 1981, the rest is non-sense, bad maths, merging with pisa and kid results.


Attached: Buj_IQ_c10x-7-Europesra022sjdjjdnan-2x3-3_uu1-1cg3-7_swwd2-4c3_2_4c5.png (4592x3196, 1.21M)

And then when Germany starts to clean up, the Pole gets nervous. I wonder why this is.

Because nobody wants go to to Poland, even syrian "refugees" from a literal desert.

>another memeflag
not even reading that, fuck off meme

And youre diaspora?

Polish average IQ is 99 in majority of studies. Also, Polish children tend to score high in the annual PISA test often in or near the top 10 bracket. Poles are very good mathematicians, historically as well.

Attached: 4FA0D4DD-0D1A-46C4-95B7-E184A333F27D.jpg (960x1204, 424.92K)

Truly a proud race of toilet cleaners.

Slavs are just as bad as Arabs I swear to god

Because they profit off the system but don't give a shit about the new country they inhabit. Pretty simple question. Yes it's a highly parasitic mindset, it's how Jews operate after all.

Good, that is why we are blessed. u faggots think that it is the 90s here still. Plus, refugees get their asses Bergen here, unlike the feminine west. Keep on having that thought process whilst we enjoy no diversity, pride in ones nation, language and heritage. Stay the fuck out
Germany fking over white people is the biggest fk up of 20th century. All they managed to achieve is hatred towards the bringers of civilisation. By beating on a nation that bailed your ass and stopped multiculturalism at Vienna just shows how pathetic you really are.
No, a Latvian

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>muh winged hussars

And Prussians now should start to love Russia because some shit 150 years ago, you fucking retard?

This is so problematic UGH

Literally educate yourself

I’m only on this fucking website because it’s part of my research for a sociology project on white nationalism WHICH COULDNT BE OVER FAST ENOUGH BECAUSE YOU PEOPLE ARE BRAINDEAD

read a fucking book

>coming to Yas Forums for a school project
git out

Attached: ab-solutely fine ship.png (886x1500, 1.07M)

haha enjoy your meme degree retard

you really don't have anything to do instead of bitching about a country that has never done anything to you?

Attached: 1585101608420.webm (480x360, 1.03M)

> The only IQ source he used was BUJ 1981, the rest is non-sense, bad maths, merging with pisa and kid results.

Poles are top 3 in PISA Europe.

Beside stealing parts of it.

There was also a 45 year old Polish woman who got impregnated by her 21 year old refugee boyfriend, then murdered, in Germany.

>arguing with people who at the end of the day dont care about arguments and just want you extinct

Whats with the cope pic. Polish women are much much hotter than German and Austrian wenches.

This is a kike d&c thread

did he miss the entire time or did the dipshit actually manage to put his dick in there?

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>Because nobody wants go to to Poland, even syrian "refugees" from a literal desert.
Eh, if we talk touristically, then pic rel :P

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-05 20 Most-Visited Countries in the World(1).png (800x1200, 994.63K)

Not to mention the country is shaped like fried chicken a staple of niggers.

I didn't realize how gay and cucked Austria is until now.

If you don't know what the Polish (Lwów-Warsaw-Kraków) School of Mathematics were, then you know jack shit about math. You're not better than a nigger.

Attached: Lwowscy_matematycy1930.jpg (1629x1121, 885.81K)


You fucking HYPOCRITICAL piece of shit. Not only have YOU STOLEN our lands, but you also stole our flag + you took away the Kahlenberg Mountain from us which was a Polish extraterritorial territory given to us as a gift for saving your asses. You're the worst of snakes.

P.S. I swear we should have not helped you and instead left you to be raped by the Ottomans.

Attached: pol-part.gif (639x605, 13.67K)

>we did it just for you

Tell your lies somebody else.

Just stfu you snake.

Stop being a fag

When Vienna had fallen, you too.

Stop making yourself a fool, salty Pole.

And a memeflag shouldnt talk about other people being snakes.

My family was from Poland, but immigrated to the US before ww1. I don't understand why people say people from Poland are stupid honestly. We have someone the most renowned mathematicians and scientists. We just got fucked in between Germany and Russia during the world wars. My whole family is hard working and professionals in our fields. I'm happily Polish, and would rather be from there than almost anywhere else in the world.

Eternal rape baby cope.

Attached: a-brief-summary-of-polands-history-queue-of-dogs.jpg (735x557, 168.98K)

I typed in typical Austrian woman, I was not disappointed.

Attached: farmer-wearing-traditional-austrian-clothes-AMW7FR.jpg (866x1390, 229.48K)

A reason why polish diaspora isnt popular in poland.

Says the German who's country is being replaced by third world refugees. You have no argument Kraut.

The eternal pole fears the sandnigger as a replacer of his people - in Cucknada.

The absolute state.

Okay, Chang.
One good global depression and we're back. You know nothing.

As if you're much better, you've probably moved to Alberta for the oil money wearing your east coast lifestyle hoodie, bitching about Alberta and took the money and ran. Not to mention immigration into Canada is really difficult and expensive, most people end up staying

Well yours is a memeflag in its own right

>immigration into Canada is really difficult and expensive
You literally just need to be a nigger and walk across the border. You are the country that gave $10 million to a fucking actual terrorist

You sound like a 12 year old. Grow some hair on your balls before you start shit talking here fag.

Sure thing mudslime

Do you really believe this ID changing pole is a Canuck?

Oh cool more d&c

>nigger hate thread deleted
>american hate thread still up
Hmmmm, really makes you think.

>Explain this.

Easy, this thread was created and is being supported by leftist faggots to create division amongst whites. Fuck off.

Why are you so jealous of Poland. A Pole took your ex gf didn't he.

Where is this an america hate thread?