/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2952 - WEBM EDITIONS

► Detected: 1,236,842 (+35,389) ► Died: 67,253 (+2,565) ► Day: 87 (-10:09:41)

— 4.3 billion people put under lockdown —
— 210 countries and territories infected —
— 3.6x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 3,379 different strains have been sequenced —

Asian countries might face "second wave" as cases rise

Spanish government fails to secure supplies, businessman outdoes them

China begins to reopen its wet markets

Survival rate if you need a ventilator is very low

H1N1 only had 3,433 confirmed deaths in the US, rest is estimated

Virus spreads through pipes

Virus inhibits body's immune function

SARS-CoV mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement

Survives up to 9 days on different materials

Patient tests negative four times, was infected

China burning bodies without testing or registration

"Germany doesn't test post-mortem", Spanish biologist

Infection could reach 60% of world population

Scientists warned SARS was going to reemerge in China

Japan confirms China doesn't count suspected in death toll


05:44: 429 new cases and 3 new deaths in Israel
05:27: 55 new cases and 2 new deaths in Hungary
05:22: 4 new cases and 7 new deaths in Honduras
05:15: 156 new cases and 5 new deaths in Pakistan
05:12: 302 new cases in India
05:01: 252 new cases and 33 new deaths in Italy


► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2:

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Am I gonna make it bros?

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Wait are italy cases going up AGAIN? What the fuck

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The doomsday is coming

>more deaths in Belgium than Germany

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Or a waifu will pick you. Get some digits, waifus love digits.

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You pathetic bootlicking retards never fail to make me laugh with your “cvg” threads and your exaggerated statistics that don’t hold up to any scientific standards stay in fear lmao

The happening is happening

Going to work tomorrow. Fucking gym still closed. Not fair bros.

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it's going south

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Insider pastabro here.

Leaked numbers for today as usual.






128.948 CASES

15.887 DEATHS

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Unless some states and counties state exactly how many people actually need to be hospitalized, I'm sitting firmly nothingburger. 8k people died in the u.s.? So fucking what thats a normal day of deaths over several months. Now if they start to show that 30% of cases require hospitalization youll have my attention, but it all looks like FUD from here

(picking Coronathot is verboten)

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Can you stop spreading this fake news called coronavirus? Thank you for your compliance.

(You) #
(You) #
hey you fucking stupid cvg nigger i’m going to make this real easier for you

search the internet and find statistics that are higher. it’s that fucking simple but you won’t because they don’t exist. but you will name call. kek i name call but i the data supports my posts. you have nothing stupid nigger

Nobody trusts the krauts

If we all nuked China at the same time they wouldn't be able to nuke everyone back right? They'd probably just target the US

right on time /ptg/

Reminder that America's obesity rate is a risk factor.

Cases never stopped going up, it's deaths which have gone down for a few days.

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Consider this: is it possible that the number of daily infected (tested) can stay high even when lockdown starts working and the number of real daily infected stabilizes (or drop) because then the country may switch from testing all severe cases to doing more widespread testing, hence keeping the number of positive tests high?
As an example:
> before lockdown takes effect: +7000 positive tests but only from severe cases
> after lockdown takes effect: +7000 positive test daily but half are severe and half are relatives with mild symptoms

Obviously influenza
Also no goth Bubonic plague Chan

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Okay, someone seriously needs to compile all the seizure (viral encephalitis/meningitis?) videos and pick the perfect song to go with them for another comfy corona AMV.

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Fucking nothingburger, this shit virus is FINISHED

What the fuck is that for one person only

Why is this happening so boring now?

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fucking kek death rate for south korea barley .1 percent for people under 50 all cvg fags on suicide watch
threadly reminder that death rate is between .2% and .4% for anyone under 60 and if your under 30 it’s basically .1% or less. once you factor in unreported recovered cases death rate plummets to .05% .
reminder that everyone in cvg are loser queer’s and faggot doom shills. they are hopeless r9k losers and not polacks. they have miserable live with no meaning so they hope that the virus will destroy everyone else’s life. they also feel special for posting on Yas Forums (any monkey can do that) and think they are “hip and ahead of the curve”.
in reality they are a bunch of brainless useless because nobody loves them.
also reminder that the cvg narrative now matches the msm narrative. so no need to really go on cvg just watch msm faggots.

cvg is cancer death rate is .2% kys.
these threads should be on bant your all a fucking little autistic social ccult at this point screeching at each other. OP had tons of garbage tabloid info just to catch people’s attention.

mommy’s so proud that he runs cvg though i’m sure. op just screaming for mommy’s attention.

>look mom i accomplished something i fun cvg on Yas Forums arnt you proud
>waah he’s ruining our cringe larp please make him stop even tho the virus only kills if you were in world war 2 wahh

reminder not a single person in this thread will present any info to counter the abysmal low death rate
also reminder that the argie op is some cringe faggot who s entire life and day revolves around posting these fucking threads and updating the Op with more hyperbole and unsubstantiated tabloid cringe. imagine for a second that it’s your entire life. that’s op kek

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>we have over 100 confirmed cases, but the total can be 1K

>we have over 1K cases, but the total can be 10K
Should I be concerned?

Rabies, obvs

Because it's ogre

bros, I feel like I'm slowly becoming a coomer during this quarentine

fapped twice today already

what do

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What the fuck bros? /ptg/ told me this was a nothingburger. Now my cities hospital is overflowing and they've built makeshift hospitals on football fields and people are dying everywhere and I got a family member infected!


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If there’s any drawfag here, r/ing Corona-chan dressed as Batman.

It’s just a cold guys

It always slows down on weekends because they don't test as much, besides the point of interest to keep watch of right now is the US

also, fuck this fucking slow fade shit

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follow up reminder that cvg queers will screech and scream but won’t post a link or any information to counter these laughably low numbers

Dumb cvg niggers

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Rabies-chan seems the only right choice here

United States 321,615 (9,132) Spain 130,759 (12,418) Italy 124,632 (15,362) Germany 97,351 (1,479) France 89,953 (7,560) China 81,669 (3,329) Iran 58,226 (3,603) United Kingdom 47,806 (4,934) Turkey 23,934 (501) Switzerland 21,100 (685) Belgium 19,691 (1,447) Netherlands 17,851 (1,766) Canada 14,426 (258) Austria 11,930 (204) Portugal 11,278 (295) Brazil 10,475 (448) South Korea 10,237 (183) Israel 8,018 (48) Sweden 6,830 (401) Australia 5,687 (35) Norway 5,686 (70) Russia 5,389 (45) Ireland 4,604 (137) Czech Republic 4,475 (62) Denmark 4,369 (179) Chile 4,161 (27) Poland 4,102 (94) Romania 3,864 (151) Malaysia 3,662 (61) India 3,588 (99) Ecuador 3,465 (172) Philippines 3,246 (152) Japan 3,139 (77) Pakistan 3,123 (45) Luxembourg 2,804 (36) Saudi Arabia 2,385 (34) Indonesia 2,273 (198) Thailand 2,169 (23) Finland 1,927 (28) Serbia 1,908 (51) Mexico 1,890 (79) Panama 1,801 (46) Peru 1,746 (73) Dominican Republic 1,745 (82) Greece 1,735 (73)…

United States +10,258 (+680) Spain +4,591 (+471) Germany +1,259 (+35) China +30 (+3) Iran +2,483 (+151) United Kingdom +5,903 (+621) Switzerland +595 (+19) Belgium +1,260 (+164) Netherlands +1,224 (+115) Canada +514 (+27) Austria +149 (+18) Portugal +754 (+29) Brazil +115 (+3) South Korea +81 (+6) Israel +167 (+4) Sweden +387 (+28) Australia +137 (+5) Norway +136 (+8) Russia +658 (+2) Czech Republic +3 (+3) Denmark +292 (+18) Poland +475 (+15) Romania +251 (+5) Malaysia +179 (+4) Philippines +152 (+8) Pakistan +305 (+4) Luxembourg +75 (+5) Saudi Arabia +206 (+5) Indonesia +181 (+7) Thailand +102 (+3) Finland +45 (+3) Serbia +284 (+7) Mexico +202 (+19) Dominican Republic +167 (+5) Greece +62 (+5) Argentina (+1) Croatia +56 (+3) Estonia +58 (+2) Slovenia +20 (+6) Morocco +42 (+10) Moldova +112 (+3) Lithuania +40 (+1) Hungary +55 (+2) Kazakhstan +38 (+1) Belarus +122 (+3)…


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We're waiting.

Eyebrow successfully raised into the consideration position

>Get some digits, waifus love digits.
Then who is your waifu user?
>Influenza chan is best

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>It's just an atypical pneumonia bro

The economy must automate more and go digital to have a chance of sustaining itself.

It’s not really “nothing,” it’s just no worse than what we’ve seen in recent years. The 2017-2018 flu season was call for alarm, but neither that nor this season called for shutting down the entire economy and putting 10 million people in welfare.

2017-2018 flu season in the US:
44 million suspected cases
20 million visited a doctor
800,000 hospitalized
60,000 dead

Thanks to an 8 year study from Glasgow, we know that every year 7-15% of all ILI’s are caused by coronavirus. So...

4.4 million suspected coronavirus cases
2 million coronavirus doctors visits
80,000 coronavirus hospitalizations
6,000 coronavirus deaths

What were the media, government, and public’s reactions to that flu season? Do you even remember it? Why wasn’t it newsworthy? Hospitals set up tents to treat people, they ran out of masks, there was a shortage of IV saline bags... but no mass hysteria.

It’s literally just the flu.



kek don’t worry unless you are 60 or older the death rate is hilariously low man

kek sorry lads i just can’t get over this tiny death rate. it’s so fucking small and unlikely that anyone dies from this under the age of 50.
i truly can’t get over it . it’s hilarious.
especially with all the garbage in OP i mean it seems really bad then you take a look at the actual stats and you realize how fucking weak the virus is and how unlikely it is to die holy shit
i just keep laughing to myself alone in my bedroom i really can’t stop
and all you cvg faggots keep posting about how scary it is hahahahaahahahahahahahahahah
fucking under .1 percent for people 30 and younger and under .2 percent for people fifty and younger ..but still these threads hjahahaha

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Jack off again, smoke some cigarettes and start BTFOing nothingburgers


many such cases

You sound triggered

Thank you for your service pastabro

cold chan is cute

unofficial thread musical theme


>trying to force /ptg/ into /cvg/

Attached: Maria 3M.png (1245x695, 1.22M)

>brown skin
>dark hair
>shaggy oversized breast
Nothing can fix shit taste, im sorry

he's already here replying to himself trying to COPE while he SEETHE'S and RAGES out. You are Bill Mitchell aren't you?

Not much to hope for if people aren't at work in the food chain. And the import model implodes.
EU might be OK because continent wide admin.
Severe food shortages within 2 months.
That means prices will rocket and a whole new food economy will emerge that only the rich and powerful can afford to partake in.
Possibility one - Conscripted/forced labour on emergency farms + widespread starvation and disease amongst the unable.
Possibility two - People sell special services to the Rich (mostly protection and security). The rich quickly become WARLORDS.

Not a single /cvg/tard can explain the empty hospitals worldwide.


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>even taskforce is using the next 2 weeks meme
>this is just NYC other places are still climbing their way up to their own peaks
Not gonna make it...
Rabies-chan in heat desu

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You need to learn to cook

Unnoticed digits Witnessed

checked and retardpilled

yeah, must look like every girl in your country besides the oversized tits

You know if you dont like /cvg/ you can just use a filter you fucking stupid nigger.

just eat some zinc.

yes, and now a lot of your family members are going to die

this hasnt even begun, this is literally ONLY the beginning


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United States (-1.62%) Germany (-0.95%) France (-1.80%) United Kingdom (-1.38%) Italy (-3.41%) Switzerland (-0.72%) Spain (+0.11%) Austria (+0.00%) Poland (+1.62%) Netherlands (-1.88%) Hungary (-0.34%) Russia (+3.04%) Greece (+1.29%) Brazil (-3.90%) Japan (-1.04%) Hong Kong (-0.90%) China (-0.39%) Australia (-3.34%) Singapore (-3.42%) India (-4.25%) South Korea (-0.13%) Taiwan (-0.87%) South Africa (-1.13%)

Sydney (-53%) Tokyo (-100%) Beijing (-100%) Wuhan (-100%) New Delhi (-97%) Dubai (-100%) Moscow (-100%) Rome (-87%) Milan (-73%) Berlin (-45%) Munich (-100%) Brussels (-100%) Paris (-92%) Madrid (-71%) Barcelona (-68%) London (-77%) Johannesburg (+15%) Sao Paulo (-89%) Buenos Aires (-83%) New York (-100%) Washington (-100%) Miami (-73%) Toronto (-89%) Chicago (-100%) Houston (-100%) Mexico City (-100%) Los Angeles (-100%) Seattle (-100%)

India (1.3b) China (760m) United States (311m) Pakistan (211m) Russia (144m) Mexico (129m) Egypt (97m) Germany (82m) Philippines (71m) Thailand (69m) Brazil (66m) France (66m) United Kingdom (66m) Italy (60m) South Africa (56m) Colombia (49m) Spain (46m) Argentina (44m) Ukraine (42m) Iraq (38m) Poland (37m) Nigeria (36m) Morocco (35m) Peru (32m) Venezuela (32m) Malaysia (31m) Nepal (29m) Australia (24m)…


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Did corona-chan destroy feminism?

This post has the same energy as the first part of this objectively tragic but subjectively hilarious story.

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>sister's friend test came back positive
Yup, I got corona lads.

2nd is bullcrap. 1st wave isnt gonna stop lmao.


Don't bother, it's probably a chink bot

silver lining: yes

Why don't you try filming in the ICU. Why would a waiting room be full of bodies this is not like some bomb went off.

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>tfw you're correct
I want to be angry but fact is fact. There's no breedable wöman in this shithole

time to fuck your sister

>other places are still climbing their way up to their own peaks
But how long, I'm sick of waiting for shit to kick off already.

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Numbers for common cold chan, maybe she'll notice me

>not a single piece of information that shows a higher death rate than .4 for people under 50 aka laughably low.
>it actually can’t be found anywhere dumb fuck because it doesn’t exist
Actually your pic shows that data clearly.
The Sum of all the values for under 50 is exactly 1%. .4% + .2% +.2% +.2% = 1%
You are a mathematically illiterate, something you cannot pretend. You should fuck off and read math book while you are locked down it Idioticniggerville.

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Italy is recovering?

Is that right?

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Hi Bill.


I wish you luck Brazilbro. If you're young you could beat it, i think.

Because Normies

Snake oil doesn't give you neurological damage.

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reminder that nobody countered this hilariously low death rate

> The "solution" to this flu is worse than the flu.

Oh the solution is waaay worse than meme-flu. Check this out.

> We could make a simple estimation of the IFR as 0.26%, based on halving the lowest boundary of the CFR prediction interval. However, the considerable uncertainty over how many people have the disease means an IFR of 0.26 is likely an overestimate. In Swine flu, the IFR ended up as 0.02%, fivefold less than the lowest estimate during the outbreak (the lowest estimate was 0.1% in the 1st ten weeks of the outbreak). In Iceland, where the most testing per capita has occurred, the IFR lies between. 0.01% and 0.19%.

> Taking account of historical experience, trends in the data, increased number of infections in the population at largest, and potential impact of misclassification of deaths gives a presumed estimate for the COVID-19 IFR between 0.1% and 0.26%.*


You ever notice Duterte looks like a slightly browner version of Xi?

can you guys get started on the katawa shouojo version of plague dating simulation

If you dont start now most of us won't even be around to play it due to coronachan.

Thanks pastabro, I'm glad you guys are finally making progress.

Based Bill


>death rate
I'm sure most of the actual thinking individuals here who aren't being paid to post understand that the death rate for the virus isn't even remotely the fucking problem.

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neither does a week of hcq

She will.

genuine question, friends.

what is stopping coronavirus from becoming an INFINITE LOOP? what i mean is...
>Trump, CDC, WHO say to expect this to go on until July/August
>next flu season begins in november
>Thats only a 2 month window of normalcy again before we all get re-infected by an even HARSHER mutation of the new coronavirus
>another 8 month lockdown, even more deaths, destruction
>get to next year (2021) in july/august and are safe again for only 2 months

and then loop and loop and loop.
what is stopping this? Is this really the future we will be looking foward to? mandatory lockdown months of november to july, then july to september as our "normal" months?


Can we proposition the gov to open gyms for under 45s for herd immunity...?

post videos of your local hospital to prove it isn't empty


based and truthpilled, let us reopen our businesses already