This is what Romanian Orthodox Church is doing to fight Coronavirus

Marching with icons on streets of Bucharest

Is rRomania a 3rd world country?

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I see the christkikes are out in force

>No you can't live in a homogeneous society where people are comforted by religion
>just stay inside and consoom
What did they mean by this

what is wrong with his face?

I was in Cluj last month, no Romania is not third world. Take it from a third world inhabitant.

Pick one


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maybe it will lift the spirits of boomers watching out the window of their shithole home

Its the last dying spams of a failed religion, thank goodness us the youth see the church for what it is. A degenerate place full with corruption and disregard to the poor.

I think this guy would know a thing or two about Romania.

The church is getting out the BIG GUNS!

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Hopefully Corona kills off most of the r*manian population and then Szeklers can repopulate the land. Would be a laff.


It seems your dream is coming true

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Everyone knows he's a phony. Don't act like that means anything about Christans.

It's ok, it's how christianity manifests itself publicly.

And btw Romania isn't 3rd world but 2nd world, like EE in general.

op is probably only one person, dumb dumb. use "he"

I see they're not messing around, they're dropping heavy artillery barrage on coronachan.

Orthodox Icons are top tier
may the Lord bless Romania

This is what these retards are doing.In Suceava the place where even the mister of interior and healthcare have said they lost controlled and lost over 3 hospitals,them being closed because all the doctors got infected, the priest decided to take the bones of some "saint" and take them trough the city to "cleanse" the city.

Are subhuman mountain niggers and gypsy enclaves they're rowdy idiots with a shit economy and with all the minority gibs and they still bitch so fuck em.

>Is rRomania a 3rd world country?
If not so what kind of country?
4th world country? 5th world country?
Or maybe 2d world country?

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>we're getting overwhelmed!!
>church here taking on the eastern flank we're a bout to drop some heavy artillery barrage on this heathenous bitch. Over.

>Don't act like that means anything about Christans.
>literally the most succesful christian preacher of all time
>but it doesnt mean anything about christians

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Go to fucking Turkey if you hate Christianity.

Why are you asking such a stupid rhetorical question

Fuck these wolves in sheep's clothing. They are all con artists. Go to Mount Athos if you want to see real Christians.

That is based it has stopped epidemics in the past

Based Éire

Romania is a turd world country

Protestants aren't Christians

These con artists are covered in gold lmao.

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3rd world were the countries not alligned with the west or the ussr.
before 89 Romania was second world.
today Romania is first world.
russia is not aligned with the west nor the ussr, so it's 3rd world.

Why do they dress in beautiful attire? Why are churches full of beautiful art and gold? Why do they release pleasant smelling incense? Why do they sing beautiful songs?

It is all to show on earth a little bit of the glory of God and his kingdom.

Yes but "third world" is a synonym for "developing shithole" here.

You should drive around town with this OP

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i don't think this will help

>Yes but
opinion discarded

>The replication crisis (or replicability crisis or reproducibility crisis) is, as of 2020, an ongoing methodological crisis in which it has been found that many scientific studies are difficult or impossible to replicate or reproduce. The replication crisis affects the social sciences and medicine most severely.
>Because the reproducibility of experimental results is an essential part of the scientific method,[5] the inability to replicate the studies of others has potentially grave consequences for many fields of science in which significant theories are grounded on unreproducible experimental work

>some researchers arent following the scientific method, somehow this means science is wrong

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It's not my opinion. I'm telling you how the word is commonly used in North America today.

>It's not my opinion
think of one and keep me posted

That's not Orthodox iconography user

Nothing wrong with that. The first world is doing worse, promoting feminism, homosexualism and niggerism.
Be proud, faggot.

kill yourself bozgor mongoloid niggerfaggot

Taci acolo pupator de moaste, din cauza voastra suntem asa cum suntem.

stfu heretic, it prevents the spread of chaos from the chaos god nurgle, who is obviously very strong at this time. but nurgle waxes and wanes, have patience citizen

you want your grandma to turn into pic related? didn't think so

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based - how can i move to romania and get a romania qt? im a mech engineer but trying to move into software

Nobody forced you to give them money.

Prosperity gospel is all about deferred gratification.

as they should be. men of God should be treated well

you don't need to move plenty of Romanian hookers in your nearest big city, they're all hoes

>This doesn't work, neither positively nor negatively



>Idols will speak and move about


Nici nu incape indoiala

Our patriarch forbidden to visit church and said everyone should stay it home. Is it the same there?

>social sciences dominated by women and Jews
>medicine has a huge profit motive and dominated by ((big international corporations))
>not surprised they're full of shit

Satanic possession

pick one


Yes. Orthodox churches are mostly closed but there might be priests ingoring the restrictions.
That being said, while the militant atheist types set all their guns on the Orthodox church the neo-protestant cults and other sects are completely ignoring the restrictions and keep meeting in their cramped prayer houses.
I mean it comes as no surprise as JW members refuse blood transfusions even if it means saving their lives and do not recognize state authority.

bro, how's Mini doing?

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Thread theme

You can scientifically approach that shit, unfortunately most if it's horse shit to begin with. You can't take a philosophical stance and try to turn it into hard data and that's what a lot of psychology, sociology, and other shit is.

Feels good to have no separation of church from state

Probably emigrated and married a rich foreigner like all the r*manian whores do

How do you guys have any women left?

God said you shall not make any images of anything above or below. Also praying to dead people is divination and blasphemy since Jesus said he is our one and only mediator to God the Father.

Dude hes a protestant Israel worshiper.

Protestants don't even acknowledge the saints or icons

They aren't men of God if they're being treated well.

“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."
-John 15:18, 19

>Is rRomania a 3rd world country?
yes but so is the united states so you're in good company

obv the point is to live in a society where Christianity is still part of daily life

Anything not STEM is not SCIENCE

Based, i love nu country and i love BOR, filthy non othodox subhumans should be burned at the stake(including atheists)
t. 20 year old zoomer than has destruction ateism brings to people
Also daily reminder the virus is chineze and chinks are filthy atheists.

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My gf is ukranian/russian

we have but all the hot ones are leaving and we remain with ugly and fat gipsy girls

Icons are degenerate. You should worship Jesus not fake sculptures.

We pretty much dont at this point. It's incredibly hard as mid 20's guy to get a gf if you didnt get one in the first year of college.
Incelism would be skyrocketing here if it werent for the fact that young men also emigrate.
Also from the few women who for some reason decide to stay in country many marry gypsies and arab immigrants.


god is supreme

Protestants are heretics

Vezi ca ai uitat sa schimbi steagu de cand postai puli negre fraiere