These are the same types of fires that appeared near Los Angeles last year. Around there time were military raids of some tunnels.
These are the same types of fires that appeared near Los Angeles last year. Around there time were military raids of some tunnels.
Other urls found in this thread:
(n)jews rescue children
Previous Threads
* Trump Saving 3000 "Puppies and Dogs"
We discovered the source if that camo solder on top of the Mercy with jamming equipment.
* Child Trafficking General 3
* Venezuela Thread
* It's Happening Thread:
* Child trafficking General 2
* Child trafficking General(deleted) but I have pdf. * They are saving the children.
* Internet Shutdown
* Videos of the Children Thread
Honestly Just youtube it and follow QAnon accounts on twitter and instagram. Even if you find the Qposts, you wouldn't know what to do with them.
>Cars on the right
Pick one
Just going to leave this here. Worth the read if you can handle it. The owner was arrested by the FBI for "bomb threats" and the site will soon expire. His history along with what's on this site is very interesting. His name is Adam Paul Strege which has since been wiped from the registration records for the domain name. He is definitely the owner of the site as the ramblings tie in with his own life and past legal battles.
Bump. Anybody got qrd. Been gone for a couple days.
Don't forget these idiots pic related
hate to burst your bubbles but it's an electrical fire caused by plasma flashover or arc flash, the sound is unmistakable
You can park on any side
If you see some shills posting toots cat memes. REPORT THEM
"RIP toots" are these same reddit tier memes of cats that's been posted on the 8kun to mold up the threads.
They are an organized group of anti-Q shills comprised of commies, antifa, DSA, Fake-MAGA people linked to Microchip, Baked Alaska, Travis View, QAnonymous Podcast, Washington Post, and share blue. And they just arrived on Yas Forums yesterday.
Here are some of their twitter accounts.
Here is their twitch account.
Who are they?
we park on whatever side of the road we want here, you are suppiosed to park the direction of traffic but noone gives a shit.
according to the highway code you are supposed to park in the direction of traffic
My sides. What this shit is supposed to be? kek
Holy shit you retards hype up nonsense more than that Israeli shill, Alex Jones! I want the globalist satanic pedos to face justice just as much as anyone, but pushing this retardation does more harm than good.
Still clearly Britain though isn’t it.
People park facing either way I’ve never seen anyone given a ticket for it
This sounds plausible.
Burgers ought to know better because it's the same here.
Yeah, this is fuckwits flushing those alchol based wipes down the toilet. Unsurprisingly, they don't disolve in water like tissue paper, and if there's a back up, the alcohol adds to the incendary closed atmosphere of the sewers.
Im 99.9% sure thats the uk yes.
there is no such thing as child trafficking
How is this not just the US and UK govts covering their asses to lie about child trafficking then? Dumb nigger.
It's like shills are not even trying anymore.
show U.S. flag, Mossad
So what the fuck is happening mole people or sex slaves
fuck off baby sucker
Was dis?
This user on Voat just got a call to go work to build a makeshift hospital under the City of London....
Interesting stuff. Could be a Larp but could be something else.
voat DOT co/v/QRV/3747401
To say that child trafficking is a thing is factually incorrect.
Imagine thinking the military bases and tunnels were inches below the surface like some pennywise the clown shit.
Couldn't that just be an electrical wire?
Trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz that unironically vote against their own economic self interest
Fucking mentally retarded qtard faggots.
yes sure the rich and famous rape children in the sewers
Kill yourself pedo
Regarding the military guy on the hospital ship.
Not and armyfag and don't know about their equipment. Just did an image search. Looks more like a radio based on the fact it has only two antennae, whereas jammers seem to have more. Although the backpack itself looks big for a radio.
Think about it, for all the stories we hear about on Yas Forums when it came to "child trafficking" has anyone actually produced concrete evidence that it's actually a thing? I'm talking legitimate photos of kids being trafficked and abused? I haven't seen it, have you? Didn't think so..
Still doesn't discredit what's going on. What caused those "electrical firs"
Keep us updated bro.
Leonard Lake and Charles NG, serial killers in California with up to 25 victims. Lake an heroes by cyanide pill and NG is still on death row since California hasn't scheduled any executions for years.
Number plate on the back of the black car is yellow. The UK is the only country that does this
Child trafficking is a thing but usually it is just poor parents forcing their children to have sex in exchange for money it mostly happens in poor countries especially south east Asia
But I never actually seen any evidence of rich people doing it most pedos are poor low iq individuals
the q shit is just a cope for Trump being a jewish shill. they cant take that their dear leader is an autistic dementia riddled puppet
dont you know Rats live in sewers too?
1 yuan deposits into your account
Neatherlands also has yellow plates but the ones here do look like the ones from uk
Exactly. I mean, sift through this thread for just 5 minutes and you can see these anons have nothing substantial. In fact, in the past 4 years ever since "pizzagate" was trending on the net these so called "investigators" haven't locked away not 1 single high profile case.
probably something electrical like a transformer
stop posting this shit, im so sick and tired of seeing your dumbass post stupid larp shit hourly
ITT we have a large amount of bots denying child trafficking.
Most people here simply like to imagine that the people they hate are some evil paedophiles so they just larp about how they try have proofs about so high level pedo ring but it is all wishful thinking
At this point if your name is Karen just change it.
I recently went on Facebook a few times and there are soooo many paid shills out there its ridiculous
Hoe about you actually proof it ?you just like to smear your opponents but you never show any actually proof
I hope you die a very painful death. I wish you the most excruciating of pain.
If you cannot find this out by yourself by now you are dumb or a shill.
probably both.
I'm glad there is at least one sane individual in this thread. I wish the mods would move these threads to /x/ or something like that. A thread such as this, a rumor, a fairy tale that exists solely from word to mouth should not be taken seriously. Therefore it is /x/ tier and should be treated as such.
Check this out guys get ready. First look at this thread.
What about the number of children that go missing every year you fucking gipsy?
Then watch this video.
Sure dude keep larping about how you wre fighting pedos I am sure you are actually helping
By your definition a group of lads brow beating some introverted weirdo that spoke to a 14 yr old in a chatroom is considered fighting the pedo network, correct? You know the ones I'm talking about don't you? Here's the problem, you don't actually want to make a difference you just want to congratulate yourselves and make yourselves feel less shitty. Correct?
Bump. Demons will be ousted
>let's shit on the site that was initially migrated to because there were too many shills here
t. shill
Most kids are found either death or alive soon after their disappearance, the others were probably victims of kidnapping and they were either held at some guy house and raped for years or killed soon after
>one fire in street tunnels
>no other facts or proof of anything causing it
Bring on the assumptions of Q-fags!!!!!!
>year 1400
This is the work of god punishing non-believers
>year 2020
This is the work of Q punishing devil worshipers
Lemmings never change throughout all fucking history.
You have no Idea what I have done.
You are a shill.
I pity your poor soul. You activly serve darkness
Trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz that unironically vote against their own economic self interest
What are you doing to expose pedo's?
>Pedovours are somebody who eats babies
Do you people unironically believe this?
You don't provide anything of substance. You role play with other like minded individuals while jerking each other off while you spout movie like scenarios in the thread and claim that they MIGHT be real. Am I wrong? If I'm wrong tell me I'm wrong..
>sewer explosion
fucking hang yourself
You don't?
I'm sorry but I'm still not for trump the great deception is upon us boys. Be wary, be open minded and above all think for yourselves
Nothing but at least fool myself I to believing posting random things on a chinese cartoon forum actually helps fighting pedos
Why aren't we talking about this nigger? He killed 100 people.
I think it's best to stop replying to him. If he hasn't gone through pizzagate yet, he's a either a fag or a shill.
Then what are you doing here, apart from wasting your time?
The problem is these anons have been doing this for YEARS. They've peddling fantastical scenarios about underground child trafficking operations that never has any substance to it. Yet it gets regurgitated over and over again on a board that is solely dedicated to political topics. I'm just wondering why the mods haven't moved these threads to /x/ by now? Why do they allow these shitposters to further degrade the quality of the board?
Kennedy was the one behind the Vietnam war ,the bay of pigs and civil rights movement why do you people idolise this guy?
Making fun of you faggots
>believe what the kikes tell you
They haven't used radios that big since nam
this image should be from the movie pawn shop chronicles 2013 according to some fact checking websites. looks strange for a comedy movie, someone watched that movie, if it's in it, timestamp.
oh look, another debunking faggot
"it's normal guys, fires in the underground happen all the time, go back to watching corona news"
You're not very funny, sad
Ignoring the truth in favour of you feel good fantasies, you are sad dude
>I decide what is truth
>there is no cabal that controls us
>stop looking into it please
it means even more than jammer.
jammer is useless when all public comms are down.
at those times, mil radio is needed.
that guy's antennas are in camo.
i guess there's just one camo level above that, and that's when you carry your own tree with you.
it's like they are getting ready to deploy and do some damage.
Don't reply to them. Just report and move on.
Funny how you trump has done nothing to curtail soros and other liberal influences in eastern europe and in fact kept naming global faggots ambassadors to europe
I have no idea what the fuck that is, but here's an archive link.
Who mentioned Trump?
Bush founded hitler meanwhile kennedy was a corrupt degenerate Irishman who keep trying to get more rights for niggers