Why is hate against diversity rising?

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Nordic girls were made for MED BVLLS.

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That woman's hair is clearly dyed blonde you can see the natural color growing out.

Because the people who preached it have to live with their mistakes now

What the fuck is that thing on the left?

Indian Chad. That is as human as they can look.


That body is impressive to women?
Look at the layer of fat on his gut.
I swear fat guys have it so easy all you have to do is be over 5'8 and slightly overweight and women are tripping over their feet for you.


seething incel

Diversity (differences) is a source of tension, conflict.

Lmao virgin detected.

Women want alphas, being alpha has nothing to do with your body - its a mentality.

Its a sign of strength. Not your gay supermodel look

Is that a photoshop? No way that's real

What is that fucking mutt, he's like half Turkish, half Somali, half Arab and half Paki

>that flabby body
>sign of strength
lmao sure thing bud, whatever helps you cope
you know getting Yas Forums is easy and pnly requires dedication, right? get to it, flabby.

honestly who cares, focus on your life not theirs

>nigger poojeet
Based, i have never seen one

Lol @ the amount of roided incel manlets in the thread

Yas Forumstards raiding YouTube comment sections doesn't say anything about larger society lol

>focus on your life not theirs
yes, but they should still be publicly shamed, the cunt especially

My friend from high school looked just like a slightly lighter skinned version of that Indian dude. He was a really cool guy, completely Americanized.

How does her father deal with the fact that he raised a dumb whore nigger lover? i feel sorry for him, imagine how he feels seeing that Indian dog over every Christmas.


nord boys will never get laid. your women are and were always ours, the second we laid our eyes on them.

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that's four halves, impressive

fuck off kike

He looks like he eats McDonald's every day.

Nice, this guy is living every tamil dalit's dream. I wonder how he pulled it off.

>loses to Ethiopia

awww sad.

Oh fugg...
Their south is just like our south

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It's called dadbod, and women like it more than any other type of male physique. So go lift some weights and eat a few steaks and sticks of butter if you want to get laid.

My anus are a lighter shade than his lips

>fat guys have it so easy
Are you retarded?

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south indian / sri lankan, lot of adoptees in Sweden come from that area

>That body is impressive to women?
its literally the ideal male body for women, retard
no, being ripped like rambo is not what women seek


Finally show bobs worked

>heart disease is the ideal male body for women

>insisting on being retarded
i dont even know what to say desu

Im ok with this if he's Italian or Southern France. Meds are our friends.

Women prefer the right.

Steak gets you lean, zero carbs all protien...

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>hate against diversity
Who is it? Who hates diversity the most?

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HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!

Communists called all HERESY! fascism.

Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.

Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"

They call people who speak HERESY! names.

You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.

When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.

But it tells us ALL about YOU ANTI-WHITES.


>women like it more than any other type of male physique
Did a woman tell you this? Because she's lying.

It’s just a d&c psyop. Use diversity to get the puppet groups in close proximity, discourage assimilation, silence moderate voices with death threats, set up some stomach churning crimes like the grooming gangs or the cologne rapes, and then slowly ease off on the PC narrative so that anger starts breaking through and groups start attacking each other, fly to your bunker in NZ

he is a bit chubby desu

their life ends up costing the taxpayer because they are fucking useless unemployable drains on society that we need to invest in translation to accomodate. Get the fuck back to sri lanka and sort your own shithole out

>unironically believing what comes out of a woman's mouth
lmao he fell to the dadbod meme

Made me kek, have a (you) mr goulash

Diversity is the main cause of anti-diversity sentiment.

public shaming is necessary to save other women brainwashed from media or would you watch an insomniac jumping off a bridge?

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not really, take Keanu Reeves face

>loses entire navy to britain and turns into homogayboi forever

Someone could please explain me that someone with nordic genes how can be attracted to a poo like that?

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Anons, I have currently lived in Alabama (currently deployed) for over a year and it hasn't begun to feel like home for me. It's a nice area to make some money and meet other redpilled whites, but seeing as how hard times have come, it's made me realize that if shit were to hit the fan worse than it already has, I wouldn't feel safe because of the demographics. I want to move somewhere I can safely raising a large white Baptist family.

My question is, where do I go for this? I don't want to live in the middle of nowhere. I just want to live in a demographically safe area where I can own a house within city limits with a couple of acres that I can safely homestead on with my large white family.

Do any places like this exist anymore? If so, where? I've heard "Northwest" or "Midwest," but are there any actual places you anons have in mind?

Yas Forumstatds have youtube accounts too

thats how shitty and low quality their men are lmao

Because women like to be contrary even to their own desires/wants. If her own mind tells her she wants a good looking nice guy she will say to herself "Fuck you, I'll take a fat Apu."

I don’t usually make fun of someone’s look, but goddamit pajeets look like my shit