How is this degeneracy even allowed? What the fug is wrong with people these days?
Redpill me on pride parades
>in front of kids
Fuck whites and this degeneracy.
its done in front of kids to tell those kids who are gay that they are not alone.
It's the inferior classes shit-testing the tolerance of the normal classes.
The perfect tool to convince mainstream America on how normal gays and homosexuality are.
that....actually makes sense
Kids need an all-sided education
Frag grenades for the fag parades.
Pride parade participants should be killed. And anyone who brainwashing kids with this insane faggotry.
They are gay
No it doesnt you flat faced dimit. How the fuck is a 9 year old supposed to have a solid grip on their sexuality. Of anything it's leading them on because of the insane lengths teachers and leftist parents go to to get kids to "come out"
based chaos troopers
Typical Niggers.
It's pretty gay
>How is this degeneracy even allowed?
Why wouldn't it be?
What are the principles you hold that preclude people's liberty to hold them? What are the axioms that you base those principles on? How do you proceed by reason from axiom to principle to policy? Can you defend your stance?
Of course not. You don't like pride parades because you feel that they're gross, and in your pathetic tinpot dictator mind anything that makes you feel icky should be banned and fuck the cost to liberty and humanity.
You're a traitor to everything that makes the West worth defending.
>and in your pathetic tinpot dictator mind anything that makes you feel icky should be banned and fuck the cost to liberty and humanity.
And why the hell do you think Liberty is some kind of human right? You only have rights because the state gives you rights. If me and a bunch of other Fascist boys come and take over the state, we are going to exert our power and dominance over degenerate faggots like you. All that matters in life is POWER and VIOLENCE. Having those authorities is what allows you to grant or take away freedoms from those you rule over.
Enough with this muh freedoms bullshit. You only have freedom because the state lets you have them. And i intend to take those freedoms away if it is "degenerate". Deal with it faggot
>And why the hell do you think Liberty is some kind of human right?
I don't.
I think that liberty protects me AND YOU from other people who want to brutalise us.
I wish we could all live such sheltered lives as yours, faggot.
Why the fuck isn’t this illegal again?
Something about European and American pride parades went fucking wrong. In Japan, their pride parades don’t do this kind of shit
Fake AF. They only go for the toilets paper, so no real damage done.
because that would be homophobic.
Color me shocked
What about grown-ass men who want to walk around naked in front of little school girls? Are they alone too?
I used to work with a gay dude. Didnt even know he was until it came up in conversation. He admitted that he hates this pride parade shit. Said it makes them all look bad. He's right.
its LARPers gone full retard
nothing a good flammerwerfer can't fix
happen on pride parade, kicking all the faggots asses and then laugh at them while i get drug to jail
i ever see OP scene that naked fuckers getting his pecker cutoff in front of everyone
CCW and shoot everyone of them. promise niggers youll be dead
Because it doesn't change the status quo. You think your dollar is worth more than some pervert's dollar?
Grow the fuck up.
i don't know if it's a great idea to have those parades in front of little kids, but 12-yr-olds who are gay need to know that they are not alone.
Never forget, the Government at all levels, and Big Corporations are 100% complicit with the Tranny/LGBTQ circus freakshow that swept the nation over the past 10 years.
How come the FDNY doesn't have gloves or masks for firefighters or paramedics ??? They were busy spending money on painting gay rainbows on NYC fire trucks, police cars, and busy planning parade routes for LGBTQ freak show parades....
Just nuke America
>How come the FDNY doesn't have gloves or masks for firefighters or paramedics ??? They were busy spending money on painting gay rainbows on NYC fire trucks, police cars, and busy planning parade routes for LGBTQ freak show parades....
>How come the FDNY doesn't have gloves or masks for firefighters or paramedics ??? They were busy spending money on painting gay rainbows on NYC fire trucks, police cars, and busy planning parade routes for LGBTQ freak show parades....
gay NYC cop cars...
i was in denver once trying to cross a street that was cordoned off for a faggot parade. they left no way through, no way to get past at all. i walked parallel for a block or two and then just said fuck it and dipped the cordons, cut straight across the parade. fuck them. i have a god damned right to walk.
80% of the watchers were catwomen grandma-moms (old fucking cunts who shat out a kid at 40, theyre always insane and the kid gets fucked up), literal faggots, or crustpunk. if you nuked the entire scene you'd solve a lot of problems.
fuck faggots and fuck denver. it's a shithole.
Not even close. Your indoctrinating them. A child shouldn't be exposed to this fucking degeneracy.
Gas yourself.
Based Russian.
This is what happens when a culture holds freedom, tolerance and individual liberty as its highest vales.
What fucking country is this? In America, that guy would be instantly arrested and brought to a psych ward.
>What fucking country is this?
San Fransicko
>It's the inferior classes shit-testing the tolerance of the normal classes.
you would get locked up in prison for the rest of your life if you murdered a bunch of people over knocking some items off a shelf. Think before you post retard
not even all gay people, it's like mardi gras
The clipped dick must be displayed as normal so predators can reap their harvest.
Of all the Asians, gooks always fall for the most retarded fucking points.
Starts with a J....
'Pride' parades symbolize the final victory of Jewish subversion over the goyim cattle just as the LGBTHIV+ movement symbolizes the demands of 68' Cultural Revolition coming into fruition. Now, that the Jewish tribe holds the absolute control over currency (banks), law (judiciary system), what people desire and think (pornography, entertainment industry and the media), surveillance (social media) the next stage is endless humiliation of both the subdued goyim cattle and also those whom have not yet surrendred their will to the Jewish whip
No. faggots are a side effect of the brain being fried by porn and cooming. all faggots should be kept in isolation until they recover from their faggotry.
Depends on the jury. Capture good film of the chimpout and get intelligent white people in the jury box and you'll skate the fuck outta there.
because they are infringing on MY liberty, you fucking rape product. I'm not tryna see a bunch of naked faggots waving dildos in public, and nor is any sane rational person. Do your faggotry inside of 4 walls, not in public spaces.
The parades have been taken over by agent provocateurs. Just like every right wing rally ends up with a bunch of folk waving nazi flags in front of news cameras, the same thing happens here only with dicks. It’s all staged
There you go. When times are good, normal people will put up with a lot of shit. When things go bad, that bullshit gets stopped abruptly.
No. what will you do if a bunch of fascist boys who are opposed to your type of fascism seize power? would you willingly lick their boots then, faggot? people like you would be the first to be executed.
That's because you cumskins are the most degenerate animals. we eastern men are far more moral and civilized.
When women raise makes..
LARP. Every faggot I have seen is a degenerate coomer. It's not possible to be gay and normal. Faggots should be quarantined to stop the spread of faggotry
Nope. LGBT only wants little boys to be molested by adult men. If any man wants a fertile 16 y/o he’s a creep. They don’t want boys having sex with adult females and becoming straight. They only approve of homosexual relationships. If it’s homosexual it cannot be pedo in their eyes
>How is this degeneracy even allowed?
What ruleset is there to ban it? Law is arbitrary, especially materialistic one. It's merely an environmental factor, after all; a game of 'the floor is lava', but applied to social taboos.
Clothing never should have been legal in the first place.
Step #1
Move out of parents house and wake up before 9am each day... Go!!!
>Are your children being recruited by the alt-right?
Like, nobody gets recruited to this shit. Reality does.
Found the Jew.
> we just want to marry who we love
> stands in public with dong hanging out
Pride parades are ok, but dicks shouldn’t be out in public, especially near kids. That’s common sense. How can anyone say otherwise?
>How is this degeneracy even allowed?
BEcause pride parades are the modern equivalents to religious processions. When was the last time a big Christian parade was held or celebrated by the mayor of any big American city,let alone the mass media? Yeah I thought so.
Well, not your country.
It exists to degenerate society. The powers that be know the social implications and want the destruction of all males in those country
>When was the last time a big Christian parade was held or celebrated