What ethnicity is this?
What ethnicity is this?
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Meat android isn't an ethnicity: it's a DARPA experiment classification.
Homo Lucifer
Demon possessed kike meat bag.
Lloyd Christmasian
Isn't it obvious, both of those creatures are tribalistic, uncivilized, desert barbarians. They both should be sent back to the driest, hottest deserts of the middle east.
I would guess central to north-eastern European, probably Belarusian.
I wish i was a Ashkenazi master race and not some dumb spharadi arab :((((
just crazy neurotic white guys
I guess you're canadian, your retardation is implied.
That is the Jewish master race, like pic related. Reminder that even though interbreeding is unfortunately possible, gentiles are not even of the same species.
>and not some dumb spharadi arab
Quit LARPing Rachel; Sephardic Jews aren't Arab, they're European. Only Mizrahi Jews are Middle Eastern.
7th generation meat android here, can confirm.
What ethnicity is this?
lizard jew
Ashkenazi master race. Those genes rule the world.
Middle eastern jews and Balkan jews are also spharadi mizrachim and spharadim are the same thing
He might be evil but he is still racially superior to you.
Racists, KILL THEM.
>tfw you're doing everything that's supposed to be fun and interesting but you're dead inside
>gentiles are not even of the same species.
you betcha, cro-magnon here
& you = neandarthal jew bitch
They both look British to some degree, maybe some German and Irish mixed in.
post face, i need a comparison, are you a lizard person as well?
>needs to learn to molt
>What ethnicity is this?
>mizrachim and spharadim are the same thing
I thought Sephardim were Moroccan and other North African Jews, who are descended from expelled Spanish Jews, LARPing as PoC? Whereas Mizrahim are actually non-European?
They aren't human.
Jewish white dudes
Both terms are used interchangeably to describe people who come from MENA and the balkan countries as well
what race is this?
>Sephardic Jews aren't Arab, they're European
kek shut the fuck up Mutt
Google reminds you to Practice PureThink. Your accounts have been recorded for use at a future time.
I never noticed before, he kinda looks like HP Lovecraft. It's the long face, ears, and kinda the nose.
I really don't even know what time period the Jews became white because initially the Jews were of a reddish brown color in the time of Christ. I suppose after their persecution and exile from Israel to Europe is when they race mixed. Many Jews would like to think they are completely Jewish but I completely beg to differ. Ultimately, the Jews are still highly intelligent but in most cases evil. God has given them their power and they corrupted it. In terms of God I personally believe that when we reach the eternal there will be new possibilities for everyone. So although these people in power have power now they are fools to say the least because they will not share in the eternal but will die in temporal. Keep your eyes on Heaven anons. We have bliss waiting for us.
It's a Kike.
>OP is a massive faggot that sucks nigger cock
Nice cope mutt
Jews are semitics and semitic people were the first whites.
I cane here to say the same thing only not as good.
Kansas wheat farmer
Parasites that come to resemble their host population.
Robots aren't a race user
That doesn't make any sense because the Jews were brought out of Egypt to Israel which is a warm part of the world. So the skin wouldn't be white initially. Unless God took them out of Egypt because of their white skin color and God didn't want whites to be under niggers? But I doubt that scenario.
Schweine Jude
Vote for me and you will have to ask what race WAS this?
Family: demon
Class: jew
Rank: level 5 "666 adrenochrome junkie"
Ay lmao