Coming down from a 13 hour acid trip, AMA
Coming down from a 13 hour acid trip, AMA
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Did you kill all the lava monsters?
Only 13 hours? Those are rookie numbers. Stay up three days on acid while taking speed then talk to me
did you get the shits?
Any epiphanies?
Did you use the time wisely or did you completely and totally waste it?
No one cares faggot
did you see them?
Did you see the cosmic ash/snow
did you see the wavy gravy in the sky
Having done acid many times, the last thing I care to hear or read is the ramblings ofsomeone as retarded as I am.
Were they waving at you?
Nobody cares.
This is not politics.
Where do I get/how do I make acid?
I get it on the come up occasionally if iv been eating all day. i just fast day before, break it with a small meal then drop an hour/two after eating.
Ooof bad time man. Ended up on a three day vacation and a friend dropped three tabs and then gave me a caffeine pill he claimed was a allergy pill. We didn't sleep that whole vacation. I was never the same after that weekend. What happens in the Poconos stays in the Poconos
Paper, liquid or gel tabs and of what color? How much $ per hit these days?
Check, what did you realize
>how do I make acid
first you study chemistry for a couple years
then you give up and just buy it
can you access genetic memories with acid?
Ohh but it is
I’m pretty sure i did, made no sense tho
I tried, but some of them escaped.
No issues with bowel movements so far
Not really, other than seeing which of my normie friends are redpilled or bluepilled
That's hard to say, did some deep dives but only found rabbits at the end of the tunnel. Traveled to another dimension though still trying to process that one on an introspective level.
Have you done mushrooms or peyote too? Which was better of three.
I got one tab from a friend but have never done it everyone says it’s a good time but I’m bymyself most of the time I don’t really want to do it at someone else’s house. I don’t know when’s a good opportunity.
How long did you stare at pic related?
Go camping
Did you meet any entities, OP?
>mushrooms, acid, ayahuasca, licking frogs
similar, for exploring your mind
a totally different animal, for exploring outside
What's the secret to a good life?
You are fucking degenerate i hope you jump of a bridge.
LSD is a more controlled experience, much easier to get bad ones on shrooms in my experience.
It's highly overrated.
If you want one tip then don't do it when you don't have 24+ hours to spare with nothing planned and take it in the morning. Easiest way to get a bad trip is to worry about some shit you have to do the same evening and the morning after.
Lab chemistry is literally just following a recipe. How hard could it be?
How are you doing, OP?
Who's them?
After I started seeing double then the flashes of platinum light came and went. Was at night so I could only see the clouds and the stars in the sky
Social networking
2 tabs of paper, white, dunno about price since roommate got em
Some of my very worst fears have been confirmed
Haven't tried that, maybe next time
where do you even get acid or shrooms?
seems fun as fuck and i want to try them.
inb4 'bad trip'.
anons said the same thing when i wanted to try weed edibles, and even with several thousand MG legal/medical tier doses i never had one 'bad trip' or any bad feels at all, just extreme comfiness and good feels.
?did elves you machine remember the to by look aroused for sexually lottery you numbers? were
ah day trips are the best. mushrooms acid are daytime drugs. coke mdma and adderol are for nighttime
Meaning of life?
When you trip does it help to have a pen and paper to write down some of your thoughts and revelations?
Enlightened, scary or fun trip?
you must have been left retarded because you don't understand the rules for posting on this board.
It’s unlikely I’m going to leave my hole for an acid trip.
Cosmic snow. Now I have a term for this goddamn thing I see all the fucking time. If I smoke enough weed this cosmic snow becomes green/pink hued.
He posted a rare Pepe though.
>He fell for the LSD meme.
What's it like living with a scrambled mind and inflated pseudo-profundity for the rest of your life?
did you fap?
what the machine elves tell you to do and does it involve violence?
Mushrooms yes, peyote nope. Acid is on a much higher level than shrooms.
I kinda lost track of time
Just the bugs
To meme your enemies into oblivion and hear the lamentations of their non-bonary otherkin
I'll do a flip just for you Poland
Better than ever
>meth head
what you describe would completely ruin any positive benefits you would get from a nice cozy acid trip where you can reflect and get some personal growth in addition to a fun time
>I’m bymyself
Tripping alone is God teir.
I grow my own shrooms.
>What's it like living with a scrambled mind and inflated pseudo-profundity for the rest of your life?
its great
>Stay up three days on acid while taking speed then talk to me
Redosing LSD is retarded because of the massive tolerance you develop the next day. And I don't touch speed.
Same senpai. Just finished playing Half Life Alyx in VR and watch Pink Floyd's The Wall. Was a great a night.
i tried the big M once and fapped like a madman for 3 days.
also got multiple world record laps on the nurburgring in forza 3.
then i wanted to kill myself for a week.
What are those, shrooms for ants?
>>seems fun as fuck
Not really. Semi-interesting maybe, but "fun" nah.
>Acid is on a much higher level than shrooms.
A strong dose of shrooms is a fair bit more intense imo.
>coke mdma
>tfw my party days are behind me
>tfw corona Chan has put everyone's party days behind them
Bitch, I stayed up 14 days on a meth bender. By body finally gave out and I passed out hitting a glass pipe. Acid and meth wound be a no go for me. Wrong vibes . Acid and other psychedelics are cool. A little weed before the trip takes effect is cool but nigger drugs don't mix with white man drugs.
Most times your just gonna have to scout out dealbois irl since most dealers are low IQ and USE Snapchat or a reg iPhone, so finding someone who sells is almost all the time word of mouth, unless you find them websites that ship the 1p-lsd to you
Hence "grow"
Lel you grow mushrooms like a pussy. Get a bulk substrate or fuck off. You're not growing shit. Have fun with your 8th
How many ug?
>Acid is on a much higher level than shrooms.
They both have their strengths. A good trip on shrooms is pure bliss.
Are you the guy who had two tabs of acid earlier? Lmao
>nigger drugs don't mix with white man drugs.
amen brother, weed and acid all a man ever needs to expand the consciousness
You should have started this thread 11 hours ago.
>t. Brooklynite that got his hands on a micro dose.
How many micrograms and what's your interpretation of how the universe works?
>then i wanted to kill myself for a week.
This shit right here is why you don't do any kind of amphetamine. After the roll, it leaves you feeling like every positive feeling has be ripped out of you, leaving you feeling completely hollow and joyless for days.
Yas Forums is an abbreviation for “politically incorrect,” not “politics.” Discussing illegal drug experiences is not something that you can do in real life at work, or among most acquaintances. Therefore it falls under the rubric of discussion not possible in polite society. Since this is a free speech forum, this is the place to do it. It also relates to drug legislation and policy, which is very political. If you don't like it, get off the thread. Or just kys.
>I stayed up 14 days on a meth
Absolutely disgusting.
heh it’s been a while for me. Not fun when you have lil aryans in training that live with you
3rd day since the first pin showed up, so really early stage of growth. Pic was taken this morning.
It wasn’t real LSD.
You did some cheap Chinese knock-off.
Real LSD hasn’t existed since the 90’s.
does your dick feel weird too when your in the middle of the trip
agreed, and since damn near everything is politically incorrect these days, we can talk about whatever the fuck we want on this board
>Absolutely disgusting.
this. I'd say user needs to get his hard drug use under control, but there is no control over hard drugs. Just delaying the inevitable.
I have taken shrooms 5 or 6 times I get a bad trip every single time but I keep going back because it so interesting. I have noisy neighbors that sometime scream at each other this plus the random knocking I sometimes get from a neighbor that alway seems to be hammering a nail into a wall (it’s been years and he’s still hammering what the fuck is he doing in there) have kept me from trying it. My apartment is nice but my neighbors are unpredictable factors that are constantly in the back of my mind and I can’t exactly leave my apartment and feel comfortable doing it else where. It’s this type of thinking that prompted my friend to give me a tab he said it will help and that every is all good stop worrying about everything. He’s a real good guy so I trust it legit it’s a real small square. On another note how long will it last I got it wrapped in foil In a tiny box that’s the way he gave it too me.
>Real LSD hasn’t existed since the 90’s.
>tfw was taking acid in the mid to late 90s during high school it was amazing
Iktf bro
Kek saved
Not at high doses. At least not for me. I learned of the life force that animates all life. Then My life force left my body and merged with the cosmic consciousness like a drop of water returning to the ocean. The cosmic consciousness, of which we all are a part, is in constant war with itself. It is excruciatingly painful to be God. I learned a lot which is hard to articulate. I certainly wouldn’t describe it as bliss though.
What’s a good bulk substrate I’ll grow my own one day soon I haven’t found a shrooms in years.
Yep. Or at least that’s how it should be.
> fg
I grow the amount I need. I don't trip very often and I am not selling them.
It comes in waves. The overwhelming "oneness" feeling you get with the universe can be intense. When I think of my senpai and friends all I can do is smile. Typically they just make me feel happy.
It would take some discipline as it comes and goes in waves.
many keks were had
I brought my ego out back to the shed years ago bud
Nofap, gotta keep the tiger energy for the ladies
Lots of violence and death and destruction
Nice, just started a grow op of my own
have you guys really done LSD?
I don't understand how people can go on an acid trip and come back with absolutely nothing to say besides "haha yea awesome dude."
Is it just NPCs?
thread theme:
If you're going to go through the trouble of making a I'd you may as well stick to extracting DMT.