Where's the decent threads we're in the middle of a crisis and every thread is utter fucking garbage
Why the fuck is this board so fucking shit right now
Other urls found in this thread:
every time anything important happens the board gets filled with bots and controlled opposition from multiple sides
4ch is dead
We're not designed to focus on a topic longer than 3 days...
The jannies are dilating.
We arent here to dance for your amusment ,if you want a good thread so bad than why dont you fucking make one
including this one
I think it’s muslims.
thanks for your shit thread contribution bong
The offsite shitposters who organize on discord and then launch waves of trash-threads make sure that no interesting discussion can occur here because "fuck the alt-right" or some such nonsensical justification.
Anyone purposefully ruining discourse among others needs to be lynched.
They OP and scitzoids reply.
Jannies and leaf fahhhgots. What better to do for them during the pandemic than to feel they are affecting our output. They know its the internet power piece, that's why they're trying harder to take it down than actually living their own life, that's how much they desperately want us silenced. Their end goal is us not having a place or voice. All the effort... For what? Idk
Unfortunately it’s a lot bigger than a few shills
It’s China, Russia, the liberals, our media, faggots, trannies and David Icke.
people are trying to sell everything they can on normiebook or ebay or whoring theirselves out
lot of tyrones trying to offload their german cars to carmax lately
It tends to get better at night when Europoors are asleep.
>every thread is utter fucking garbage
Yeah like this one
He who smelt it dealt it.
Have you noticed that at 7am UK time the NGO’s and early morning muzzers start and straight away the thread IQ drops 50 points. I sit up all night playing vidya and shot posting and it’s great and then 6am like clockwork the board gets spoiled every single day. Actually at weekends it even worse.
>Where's the decent threads
good question. should we make one?
Probably has something to do with Israel waking up
Typo. Meant 7am
Got excited. Can’t get food deliveries now in the U.K. without a massive struggle on line with the oh so fucking noble supermarket cunts. Media doesn’t report the truth that we all face please notice.
A chicks just messaged me and she is bringing me some shopping that she managed to get delivered. I was eating cold chilli (urragh) our of a can yesterday. Warming it is just a waste of time it’s fucking horrible whatever you do with it, like cat food tier. Hope she got good stuff, I need fresh food not survival garbage.
there are people on this board, right now, that believe Trump is sending the army into caves to fight lizard people who steal children and eat them to get high and that he's using this virus as a cover story for it.
it's always been shit.
you've finally become better.
Raid by traitorous liberals.
Rush your local government.
Make a thread entitled "daily reminder: there is no alt right." there will be replies from legit people and it strengthens that fact in peoples minds. Nothing elborate. just keep drilling it three times a day.
The psychology of the only real happening we are ever likely to get in our entire lifetimes, a once in 100 years+ event.
Suddenly it's fake, a hoax, and the right wingers start rolling out the conspiracy theories to explain why we shouldn't be using this once-in-two-or-three-lifetimes event to actualize our ideas in the world.
It's all so tiresome. I'm a leftist now. They don't come up with reasons why they should do nothing to get THEIR way. Only the right does this. What's your fucking problem, guys? What's wrong with your head? Why are you so messed up inside?
Winners win, and losers lose. You choose to lose, and you deserve to watch your kids and women chopped up for eternity, because that's what losers get. Where's the lie?
Nobody replies to decent posts. The people on this board have no grasp of history, politics or the real world. If you talk about anything significant it's instantly drowned out by the hammering of idiots and shills since the ownership and moderation of the site has been subverted. Smaller boards are also controlled by glowniggers. Glowchan unashamedly has an IP address straight from the Department of Defense.
because of people like me
Why can't this be true though
Every time Q is mentioned on this fucking gay board you smug faggots immediately start with the condescension and derailment
Also I had to fill in about 10,000 captchas to post this WTF is going on here
>t. Qtard
>we'll stop shitting up the board if you stop talking about and questioning certain topics
That's you.
There is no alt right,period.
Leftypol/chinks/adl is raiding the board at the moment
Jannies are Leftists.
He's right though. I'm just so done with all of you. Even if you're not all schizos of that degree it's close enough. I just want to have a fucking country but the only people who claim to want that too are a bunch of fucking schizos who believe the most retarded schizo tier shit and are allergic to victory and go out of their way to find excuses to fail and do nothing every time we accidentally get close to winning.
Yas Forums has seen a dramatic decline in traffic. At least 1/2 of the threads in the catalog now are threads from days ago. It’s all fake and meant to give the illusion of mass usage of the platform. Not happening. Surely you see the exact threads that were here days ago just as I do.
In a word my friend
Memeflags are not valid, every single one hides a shitposter.
Summer faggening times a billion
cvg predicted this etc
>Asks where all the decent threads are
>Fail to make one himself
I see what you did there user
Thank God. She’s a gud grill. Her husband and daughter fucking hate me but she keeps coming back. Used to be my boss, she’s still sat there in her Bentley(!). I just waved, I’m not fucking going out there. Would you? I’m stupid not stoopid
And the shills
>Donald crimp crumble mumble doo BAD ORANGE Drumpf!!!
>it’s 0.00654321% dude TRUST ME I’m a wretch
Ass cracks have done zero to change that.
Because we are being flooded by JIDF shills. Jews cannot allow White males to be alone together.
Seething brit/pol/ fag detected
the chinz are gone fren welcome to 4channel nothing personnel btw
>Every time Q is mentioned on this fucking gay board you smug faggots immediately start with the condescension and derailment
rightly so, Q is fucking nonsense
Remember when qtards were posting thread after thread about how celebrities were secretly arrested but were allowed to post own twitter for some reason, and you faggots were analyzing everything about them because you thought they were speaking to each other in code?
>wah boo-hoo memeflag
blow it out your ass retard
I like you, user.
Are you the trap poster?
>Why can't this be true though
What, in the actions of Trump, makes you think that he would do this even if he was capable? Take, for example:
* the no-lose proposition of ordering the DoJ to crack down on voter-fraud that he could have done circa `18... but nothing.
* the threat of mass deportations, followed by two-weeks of negotiation" where that expired in the middle of 4th of July.
* the unwillingness to clearly declare sanctuary cities to be seditious and/or treasonous.
* the unwillingness to show loyalty to his base, despite demanding it from them.
What in the above suggests that Trump is interested in something like exposing and bringing to Justice these hidden evils?
>Complains about the lack of decent threads.
>Makes a shit thread
Thanks for the contribution OP your faggotry is much appreciated.
Glow niggers and shills spamming the board non stop and
>this board is ran by the NSA or CIA
They're allowing the disinfo to keep us in the dark
The off topic porn spam, bait threads and, q /fake conspiracy psy OP bushit are all to keep corona threads with important info off the board
They did this exact same thing on /x/ after aliens posted several threads and even proved they were aliens in one.
Now x is 24/7 tulpa fantasy spam
It was getting bad before the alien but now legit threads a re regularly deleted
/x/ used to have 1 or 2 dumb ass ouji board threads 10 years ago. Now its 99% stuff that should go on b or a fantasy board
Yas Forums will be the same.
Spammed to hell by chinkbots.
>>Every time Q is mentioned on this fucking gay board you smug faggots immediately start with the condescension and derailment
>rightly so, Q is fucking nonsense
I like pic-related; it's been called "try-hard" but I find anything less simply isn't strong enough to point out how ridiculous Q is.
Sorry, but even if he has legit intel connections, the truth is that Q has made people overly complacent with the "trust the plan" bullshit.
Because when you have the opportunity to make a decent thread, you choose to make garbage. I think you poofters call it fly tipping.
Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Yet here we are.
Does anyone have any mild cat torment videos, nothing violent
>Going as planned
Trust the plan cucks
>Why the fuck is this board so fucking shit right now
influx of normies.
Glowies are distracted by actual happenings.
CCP 50 cent army in damage-control mode.
it's a good thing these losers don't age they just kill themselves
This. I'm tired of hiding all these threads.
Hide all memeflags.
guess because you’re boring. if you only consume, how will you have anything to say other than you’re bored?
This is true "grandmotherly kindness"
jews are super mad about not being able to astro truff so they are going to destroy Yas Forums now
add that to the chink and faggot raiders and you have nupol