Is there any divide more petty, superficial and stupid than this?
Do you really think the Jews working tirelessly to kill the white race have any issue whatsoever choosing to collectivize with each other, regardless of depth of faith?
STFU, nigger, those disagreements are superficial and are only disagreements on which method of killing white people is better.
The Christian white vs non-Christian white schism
Other urls found in this thread:
Jewesses are cute, pretty, beautiful, sexy, smart, wealthy, traditional, religious, have nice Khazar Milkers, and White enough to have White babies with.
Jewesses are the real alternative to White women. Take the Jewesspill anons.
No problem with this so long as you make the yenta renounce all ties to Judaism.
Yea, I knew this thread would die fast, don't worry, I'll make it all day.
the problem is that christianity created the mindset that put us in this position in the first place. At the end of the day you can only have one higher power, and it's either god or your race. You can't have both, and their demands contradict each other.
>the problem is that christianity created the mindset that put us in this position in the first place.
Potentially true.
But the bible is subjective.
I'm not Christian but I do know that the bible has been interpreted to be 14/88 in the past.
Given that, I really so no need to push our white Christian racial brothers out of their faith if it risks their alienation.
see no need****
christians are worse than jews, a traitor before an enemy
This guy tried to make the same argument 500 years ago. Look where it got us. If you want to save whites, you need an existential framework that places them at the center, not some jewish book written in the desert.
Seems more like Christianity will go extinct than the white race
machiavelli was a moron, his shit is basic, and he failed everything he tried, florence lost, and christcucks remained traitorous christcucks, you cant SUBVERT THE SUBVERSION, thats not gonna work
I'm not fixated on changing Christianity as an outsider.
I'm pretty confident white Christians will reform their faith themselves to counter the Jew if they can just be shown the depth of the Jew's hate toward ALL whites.
>christians are worse than jews
Dead wrong. Christians are victims of brainwashing. Jews know full fucking well what they're doing.
>Dead wrong. Christians are victims of brainwashing. Jews know full fucking well what they're doing.
again, traitor before an enemy, what they do matters more than why they do it or if they are self aware
Brainwashing victim =/= a traitor
a traitor is not a victim, he is a traitor, brainwashed or not
Nonsense. If the brainwashing begins on day 1 of your life and you are never once told the virtue of racial solidarity by an elder who loves you, you are a victim of the system and we must always be compassionate to our racial brothers who have been victims.
>you are a victim of the system
Circumcision is trauma based mind control.
You are mutilated at birth by the Jew's teachings and this mutilation gives one the extreme impetus to justify the mutilation by showing reverence for the Jew.
It takes the words of a loving racial brother to pull a white Christian into racial collectivism and many never hear any such words in their lives due to the Jewish suppression.
Where is your compassion for your fellow white?
Why do you make excuses to remain divided?
You really think you'll win over white Christians with antagonism?
Or maybe you're deluded enough to believe we don't need them.
christianity is 50 years there will be no christians in europe.they can go to live with their tollerant islamic friends.
that would be ultra nigger tier tribalism. Not all whites deserve to be saved. Half of them are cheering on your destruction.
I'm not saying that Christianity mustn't change, I'm debating the "how".
>tribalism bad
Ok, Jew.
>that would be ultra nigger tier tribalism. Not all whites deserve to be saved. Half of them are cheering on your destruction.
this ffs
30% of whites deserve to be saved, a few % of east asians and other races, the rest needs to fucking die, most whites included
>You are mutilated at birth by the Jew's teachings and this mutilation gives one the extreme impetus to justify the mutilation by showing reverence for the Jew.
not really no
>Where is your compassion for your fellow white?
why would I have any compassion for someone who is distantly related to be, but also inferior and dissimilar in every way that matters?
low quality whites are worthless
>You really think you'll win over white Christians with antagonism?
I am not trying to win anyone over, maybe the good quality people but it doesnt take much to convince those who are sharp
Address the rest of my argument, dipshit. Tribalism in itself isn't that bad, but you made the argument of placing tribalism at the center of your new theoretical "framework" which would make it dysgenic and nigger tier.
>blind racial solidarity hasn't been the key to the Jew's success
you can not antagonise a mazochist.they just want a the master will be europagan or islamist.
It's Jew tier, idiot, and guess what?
They're winning.
>Or maybe you're deluded enough to believe we don't need them.
need them for what lmao
what do we need them for
there is no future in which they would have a say worth fighting for
yeah right, jews have been famous socialists, billionaire jews always looking out for the poor jews lmao
at least they understand how shit works, they re ruthless, they help each other only because it benefits them back
>calls me a jew
>jews are doing tribalism, and they're winning! We need jew tier tribalism too
Oy vey, I don't know who's jewing who anymore
Real question we all know the Glasses + Beard + Balding is onions but what about the Glasses + Beard + Long hair combo
Ive been letting it all out this year in an attempt to become wizard tier
christianity is finished.young people will become pagans.we have so many `atheists` because they don`t like this foreign religion.that is why they look for other dogmas too,budism,yogas etc.
there is nothing wrong with tribalism.
>need them for what lmao
uhhhhhh, numbers? Or do you think smaller collectives are somehow stronger?
>"yeah right, jews have been famous socialists, billionaire jews always looking out for the poor jews lmao
>at least they understand how shit works, they re ruthless, they help each other only because it benefits them back"
So you admit blind racial solidarity is their key to success and somehow have reasoned that whites shouldn't do it too.
How funny.
Never called you a Jew but I may now.....
Yes. But that wasn't the point. I'm okay with Tribalism to an extent, but I don't want it as the centerpiece for some new ideology as the other user suggested. Being white isn't the end all be all, there are tons of trash whites that are fighting against us fervently and cheering on our destruction.
>Or do you think smaller collectives are somehow stronger?
no I just dont think the larger collective is worth fighting for
not a hard concept to grasp
we ll win without them because a win with them is no win at all
>don't use the same strategy Jew's used to gain dominance
Ok, Jew.
christianity made its circle,2000 years long,wants to be destroyed,like an old animal who leaves the pack to die a religion has no depth,some dogmas have bigger circles and some smaller.
Okay, glownigger
Please address the fact that you admitted Jews success is due to blind racial solidarity but somehow have decided whites shouldn't do it.
That warrants an explanation.
Never said to join Atomwaffen or do terrorism, Jew.
I literally said the opposite, I know you re an idiot but try to have some basic preschool level reading comprehension
Never said it wasn't irrational.
You still haven't convinced me to not be an ethnic tribalist EXACTLY like the Jews do.
You think some Jews don't find the Torah irrational?
Did that stop them from taking over your life??
we will win together,so they can bring more islamists.
>calls me a jew
>advocates jewish tier tribalism
Do whatever you want bud, just know if you take that path you're going to get all the bad that comes with it.
You said it right here .
"they help each other only because it benefits them back"
Why are you lying?
Do you not know how ID's work on Yas Forums?
You're sounding very Jewish....
Then why did that path work for Jews, Jew?
>You're sounding very Jewish....
ok you re clearly a dumb schizo sorry I wasted time on your shitty thread
and why not?
>resorts to MUCH SCHIZO ad-hom when cornered in a lie
Yea, I'm gonna double down on that Jew accusation, Jew.
Nothing is more unattractive than a picture of a woman looking at herself taking a picture of herself.
Read the whole post you adhd fuck, I explained why.
Explain why you don't support it when it worked for Jews.
Paganism just makes more sense
No, I'm done talking to you, Shlomo. Go away. You don't want to understand.
Blind ethnic solidarity, regardless of religion, JUST LIKE JEWS DO makes the most sense.
Later, kike.
no you didn't. you just waved it away with;
>white isn't the end all be all, there are tons of trash whites that are fighting against us fervently and cheering on our destruction.
so tribalism is okay to an undefined extent, but you find it distasteful and don't want it as the "centerpiece" of an ideology. that's nonsensical and is the equivalent of saying you're okay with liberal democracy but don't want a society centered on democratic liberalism.
With pagan gods for out ethnicity.
We all now that Thor is Zeus but we have different paganism already catered to our ethnicity. The gods knew that and shaped themselves to suit our ethnicity
i never mentioned jews.they haven`t take over my jews don`t care about poor jews. soros doesn`t care if 100-200,all the jews of europe get killed by problem for now are islamists and islamowelcomers.and i believe the money for this job is payed by islamic there a coalition of islamists and some of the jews,maybe half?yes.but christian leaders like bribes.i am an ethnic tribalist,every european is,except commies,that is out of the question.for u.s is difficult i suppose.
I really don't care if white ethnic solidarity leads to a pagan revival.
All I know is whites need to do racial collectivization and the white population that's Christian and the white population that isn't are roughly equal in size and would be devastated, politically, to lose each other.
>jews aren't a problem
You are a joke.
I think it's pretty self evident to what extent Tribalism should be taken. It will be obvious when we've gone too far. You run into too many problems when you have to draw a line in the sand.
Proverbs Chapter 5
>My son, pay attention to my wisdom; incline your ear to my insight,
>that you may maintain discretion and your lips may preserve knowledge.
>Though the lips of the forbidden woman drip honey and her speech is smoother than oil,
>her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a double-edged sword.
>Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to Sheol.
>She does not consider the path of life; she does not know that her ways are unstable.
>So now, my sons, listen to me, and do not turn aside from the words of my mouth.
>Keep your path far from her; do not go near the door of her house,
>lest you concede your vigor to others, and your years to one who is cruel;
>lest strangers feast on your wealth, and your labors enrich the house of a foreigner.
>At the end of your life you will groan when your flesh and your body are spent,
>and you will say, “How I hated discipline, and my heart despised reproof!
>I did not listen to the voice of my teachers or incline my ear to my mentors.
>I am on the brink of utter ruin in the midst of the whole assembly.”
>Drink water from your own cistern, and running water from your own well.
>Why should your springs flow in the streets, your streams of water in the public squares?
>Let them be yours alone, never to be shared with strangers.
>May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth:
>A loving doe, a graceful fawn—may her breasts satisfy you always; may you be captivated by her love forever.
>Why be captivated, my son, by an adulteress, or embrace the bosom of a stranger?
>For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the LORD, and the LORD examines all his paths.
>The iniquities of a wicked man entrap him; the cords of his sin entangle him.
>He dies for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly.